Stupid Water Bill :/


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I have just had a £570 pound water bill through the post from Southern Water which covers 1 april 2009 > 31 March 2010. Currently I'm living with one other person in a one bedroomed flat so £50 a month sounds like a retarded amount of money.

I plan on phoning up to do abit of a mega rant of doom but It would be good to know what kind of monthly fee the average person is currently paying.

So if anyone else is living in the uk or down south uk would it be possible to give me an idea of how much your monthly water bill is.

Thanks for any replys!
**** other ppl, i live in a dorm where ppl share the microwave/stove and stuff. bastards always leaving ALL lights on, and the ****in oven fan. the ****s.
Hurfy durfy dur, I just got £300 from Thames Water, and £600 from British Gas.

Your rant will do sweet **** all.
You know what I love?

Free water.


My last utilities bill was around 60 bucks, and thats for electricity, water, and trash removal. That was my first bill though, so I dont think it covered much usage, even though it said it covered the entire month. I'll see how much it really is this week probably.
The key question is are you on standard monthly payments or a meter?

If monthly payments, then the amount is judged by the value of your house, so if you live in an expensive apartment a meter might be better as you dont use much water.
It's only going to get worse as water company's have been given the go ahead to increase rates above the rate of inflation. You can rant all you want but it's the government you should be ranting at for allowing this to happen.
wait PAY for water to your house?

What kind of a ****ed up country do you live in?
Someone has to pay for it?
There's a limited supply and a bigger demand in some parts of the country.
*Hugs my meter* We pay 50 bucks a month in water for 3 people.
No water bill, we have our own well+pump. Our only utility bill is electricity (metered), which is about $100 USD a month.
UK water bills aren't just for the water you use (although for metered properties, that's the basis they charge you on) - it's also for sewerage. Yum.
Yeah but if you have a well you most likely have a septic tank so you're still not playing for sewer.
They bascily told me that its a 20 year old system and the only way to get out of it is to get a meter but... if they cant fit a meter they will put me on an "average" bill sceme where I would pay around 280 a year.

I said... why dont you just put me on average anyrate.... but for some reason they need to try and fail putting in a meter first.

What a bunch of dicks.
hahaah you ****ers I don't have any bills other then medical!


I'm a irresponsible adult.
Water bill? Electric bill? Utility bill? Wtf?

I pay 200eur rent every month and that's it.
I'm a student so I don't pay water/council tax.
