Stupid woman trespasing and police allows her

while that sherrif is stupid...that woman thinks she has a right...she doesn't. As soon as he utters the words "you may not enter my property" they are legally bound to turn around and get a judge to issue a warrent. Unfortunetly, as much of a fit as he through...i'm pretty sure nothing came of it.

yeah so she apparently did have a right to the youtube comments...checking that now
I don't know what right she had to enter, just watched the first minute of it, but from the looks, she has no right.
saw this months ago...didnt hear anything about a court decision
saw this months ago...didnt hear anything about a court decision

I don't remember a date, but he said it was like November something. this video is that old? :eek:

*EDIT* I'm stupid, and just looked at the "posted" time. lol
Hah, what a dumb cop. Even if he was hiding something, by illegally entering his property anything they find as evidence against him would be simply thrown out in court, and they wouldnt be able to do shit.
Apparently, I just found this out, she was from teh health department, and if I'm not mistaken, the health department and survey a location at any time, can't they? Even under probable cause?

PS Krynn, I click your link on a daily basis to listen to the music. I would like a (x ~) next to my name, to let people know, I have no life when it comes to this song. :(
"because under section 3542 of the indiana code you have no right to trespass"


haha I just love it how this guy talks with official terms, especially when the chick finally enters his property. this clip could totally be a scene from some clever comedy show