Sub way?


Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
I started on a new map today.. no textures yet just dev junkage.. but i found a pic of a new york subway and had to start maping it.. tell me what u think so far.



Comments = great!
a few square brushes ... nothing impressive at all.

but there is some potential in it, the proportions are quit good - keep on.
It's 30min's progress to be honest.. and wanted to get people's idea in to it.. So please instead of just saying BOOOOOOORING tell me what i can do to make it UN BOOOOORING as you call it..
that looks to melike ull have no trouble texturing it cuz the normal texture will fit perfect
Well for going with photo realism, that looks like a real good start.
nice start, cool idea. lol I scrolled down quick and thought the first one was the map.
it would look awesome if you textured everything in the grass texture. just kidding. couple of things the stairs are too steep. there are too many steps. wheres the old lady. who is the old lady she looks like shes very unhappy. unhappy or cold. cant be too sure. another thing. it might be quite a cool artistic type surreal strange bizzare etc if you put a urinal on each of the pillar things lol. i think that would be great. and in the pictures have a guy standing in front of it with his back to the camera so it looks liek hes using it. anyway yeah its looks liek it will come along nicely. im glad your neglecting your responsibiltys for good cause :D
crackhead said:
it would look awesome if you textured everything in the grass texture. just kidding. couple of things the stairs are too steep. there are too many steps. wheres the old lady. who is the old lady she looks like shes very unhappy. unhappy or cold. cant be too sure. another thing. it might be quite a cool artistic type surreal strange bizzare etc if you put a urinal on each of the pillar things lol. i think that would be great. and in the pictures have a guy standing in front of it with his back to the camera so it looks liek hes using it. anyway yeah its looks liek it will come along nicely. im glad your neglecting your responsibiltys for good cause :D

wow, you really are a crackhead!

and by the way, good progress so far! :cheers:
LOL! I thought the first picture was your map. I was like, "Oh My God!". Then I looked down :p

Good start though, I'll keep an eye on this one.
Dang i wish the first one was my map :p i would be like u can now suck my nob :p
If you did a good job of it. We could see a almost perfect resemblance of the picture :O
couple of things the stairs are too steep. there are too many steps

Im just using the hl2 dev stair's set :p
and.. thats halflife 2 size of steps i dont wanna make them to big because it would look stupid if u saw a model having to jump to get up stairs :p
I added a few textures nothing like OMG I FINSHEd textures just default hl2 ones :p.. just wanted to test it textured up.. mind there is still only 1 light in it so far so its abit dark.. but kinda nice n creepy ingame! I also remade the pillers at the bottom because at first there were not like pic now they are.. :) and added a light bulb and all.. n lala :p


According to my sad life* your reproduction has 3 extra steps. I'm not sure if that makes each individual stair too small or the ceiling too low. The platform continues a little way past the pillars on the track side (meaning no matter where the train stops you can successfully alight without being obstructed = safer). In the pic the distance between the lines of pillars is almost exactly double the width of the staircase, meaning you could make one half of the platform with a perfect line of symettry and then translate one of the staircases further down the platform to get the ratio of the dimensions correct.

*(at home without my PC or money to go out)
:p lol yeh i see what u mean but its not planned to look 100% like the pic it's just using that as a consept.. giving me idea's etc.. hard to make something from scrach with 0 idea's..
Fix the texture on the steps, its repeating... im guessing you just copied the different steps.

Also, check out cs_camden for 1.6.

Hmmm.... seems like the site for that has gone down.... It was a nice map anyways.
Looking sweet mate, keep up the good work! :thumbs:

Hey just added some more lights to it so u can atually see everything elce :p
why do the textures on the stairs look identical in position?

that is pretty sweet though.
WAR_Nuker said:
why do the textures on the stairs look identical in position?

that is pretty sweet though.

yeah, a good quick fix is to select all those faces, treat as one then fit
The angle of the stairs have to more up that way you get a little less steps and more like the pic, and change a little on the texture on the front of stairs so it gets a more realistic look (not the same fragments on all the steps)
Shinobi said:
yeah, a good quick fix is to select all those faces, treat as one then fit

Lol, I just select the each individual texture and type a random number for the X-axis. Works for me :)
Heya all just posting to say my pc got killed :( and had to wipe one of my 2 hard drives atm im tryin to get my network card working.. so on my dad's pc atm.. i think i still got all the map's i done though on the other hard drive so wish me luck with that :p... and ill hopfully be able to resume work on map soon.. when i finshed fixing my peice of **** of a pc. Ahh well.. >_< cya soon all
why did you cover everything with dev textures? seems an unnecessary waste of time imho
What's so good about some stairs? =/
Never mind.. :/ lost everything just got pc working .. and everything is gone.. so got to start over on the map.. after i install hl2 again and everything elce.. :( stupid pc... And also reson i covered it all in dev was for the right sizeing.
It won't take long to recreate that lol