Subterranean Astronaut Terrorism


The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
I'm sorry if the thread title got you excited, but it's really just a clever trick! I'm taking my SATs, ha!

"Wow Sheepo, that's a pretty clever trick"

"Thank you, random stranger"

I am taking my SATs in the near future and need the advice of you nerds on the best way to go about studying and preparing myself for them. My GPA went in the trash my first two years because of a bunch of crazy hijinx. So what do you say?

(I realize many of you have not taken the SATs and may have never heard of them)
I am taking my SATs in the near future and need the advice of you nerds on the best way to go about studying and preparing myself for them. My GPA went in the trash my first two years because of a bunch of crazy hijinx. So what do you say?
Use pens or pencils to write the test. Do not carve a hole in your index finger and write with your blood.
Ensure that you get thoroughly drunk prior to each test. Works every time!
Biggest mistake I made was getting drunk before shop class, back in High school. But it's cool, I eventually learned to type with my [strike]penis[/strike] feet.
Answerway ostlymay inway igpay atinlay
I took both the SAT & ACT, but I didn't really need the SAT as much - the schools I applied for were more interested in my ACT score. But if your SAT scores turn out well, they are helpful.
I can't really say anything about studying except for getting a good night's rest and eating well beforehand. You could take a prep class if you really wanted too, but it'll cost you (I didn't, and I did just fine).
It's been like 6 years since it took it, so I don't remember much.
I drank a two monster energy drinks before I took the SAT and I did alright, not that I really needed to do very well since my GPA was good enough for the school I applied for. But the jittering wasn't very helpful.
Take 1 practice test just to get the jist of it. Don't study. It's useless.
Bring something to drink. I had an Odwalla drink when I took my SAT, I think it helped, but I'll probably take it again since I think I can do better than 1500-1600ish.
Do things in threes.

Humans are good at remembering groupings of three.
I took an SAT exam before. It was piss easy. It's actually multiple choice; totally ridiculous!
SAT is easy, no need to study. If you are really worried take a practice test.
I can't wait to go in there with out the smallest amount of preparation and get a perfect score! Thanks for the advice guys!
They are super easy, if you're a super nazi.

Only super nazis find it easy.

The point is, no amount of prep will get you a better score than what you got on the PSAT (not that much better anyways). All the stories u might've heard about people doing super ****loads better after preparing and taking classes or w/e, its just because the first time they fell asleep taking it, it's ****ing long.
When I did my SATs there was a question that involved the word 'atheist'. At the time I didn't know what that meant and afterwards I bitched about the question. "What was up with that?" A friend of mine looked surprised. "Um, an atheist is just someone who doesn't believe in God," he said. "No God?" I repeated, my eyes shining

And that's how I became an atheist.

I'd sig that if it had the word "bro" in it.