Suckerpunch (or: a million movies rolled into one)


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
this movie looks like a summertime movie, I will more than likely rent it further in the year but it does look interesting
Looks really, really entertaining to me, but I'll wait to hear some reviews before I plan to see it. Hopefully Snyder has learned that absolutely everyone hates his use of slow-mo.
Looks like an incomprehensible clusterf*ck.
I was a guest PA at a Sucker Punch junket Friday here in Los Angeles, and I got to speak with a lot of entertainment news reporters who'd seen the movie. The G4 rep summarized it best in my opinion: "This is basically nerd porn. That's not a criticism."
The whole fantasy world/dream world style is all I needed to get me into the theater. The hot girls are just icing on the cake. I am hoping it will actually have some sort of redeeming intellectual or philosophical value.

I'll just wait to see what the reviews say.
Snyder's really great at making movies that translate incredibly well to trailers, but which don't necessarily hold together as actual movies. If this is half as entertaining as it looks here, I'll be impressed.
This is a side note, but in the third video from 1:01-1:06 I hate when trailers/films use this camera effect. I don't even know what you would call it, like a sped up zig zag motion towards a centered object, and then it slows down once it reaches the object. It's really cheesy.
Looks like an incomprehensible clusterf*ck.
Really? I mean, yeah, the style is crazy and it's all over the top and whatnot, but there really isn't a whole lot going on at any one moment that makes the scene hard to follow. Atleast I didn't see anything in these trailers that does that.
Snyder's really great at making movies that translate incredibly well to trailers, but which don't necessarily hold together as actual movies.

Yep yep yep
Yep yep yep

Okay so basically this is how the plot of the movie goes.

Beginning > Middle < End

The entire middle is condensed into a timeframe that if I told you what it was it would spoil it, though I figured it out once it started so it's really not that difficult.

The entire middle is awesome.
The beginning and the end were terrible.

The actions scenes are great.
They try to add some deep plot but it was badly executed. And the ending almost made me walk out. Almost.

cool ass soundtrack too
I think Snyder tried to fit too many things into one film, and the narrative couldn't support it all. It was a valiant effort, though, and I appreciate any original film in a world of remakes and adaptations. The opening was incredible.
Okay so basically this is how the plot of the movie goes.

Beginning > Middle < End

The entire middle is condensed into a timeframe that if I told you what it was it would spoil it, though I figured it out once it started so it's really not that difficult.

The entire middle is awesome.
The beginning and the end were terrible.

The actions scenes are great.
They try to add some deep plot but it was badly executed. And the ending almost made me walk out. Almost.

cool ass soundtrack too

just got back, annnnnd

A movie being as shitty as its trailer looked? What a surprise.
A movie being as shitty as its trailer looked? What a surprise.

If they cut out the beginning and the end it would be a good action film. It's not bad, it just tries too hard in the parts that it really shouldn't be.
"Looks a lot like either a very stupid person has tried to make a very clever film, or a very clever person has tried to make a very stupid one."

I wonder which one it is!
Okay so basically this is how the plot of the movie goes.

Beginning < Middle > End

The entire middle is condensed into a timeframe that if I told you what it was it would spoil it, though I figured it out once it started so it's really not that difficult.

The entire middle is awesome.
The beginning and the end were terrible.

Fixed your symbols.
"Looks a lot like either a very stupid person has tried to make a very clever film, or a very clever person has tried to make a very stupid one."

I wonder which one it is!

Does it matter? The result is the same. However I would bet it's the former.
I just wanted to get really stoned and watch it in 3d at the IMAX, I'm not expecting it to be a good movie. Will I be entertained?
Fixed your symbols.

No one seems to get what I'm going at here. If we use those as math symbols then yes, but I was using them as something else
hold on, big spoilers, shit spoilers

Beginning > Middle < End.
Think of that like a wormhole.
The beginning is realtime, the entire middle section is compressed into about 20mseconds of real time. And the end is also real time. Except for the very very end where is shifts focus from babydoll, then I'm not totally sure. It's a shit end anyway.

I just wanted to get really stoned and watch it in 3d at the IMAX, I'm not expecting it to be a good movie. Will I be entertained?

yes if you're stoned it will be a masterpiece of modern cinematography
Does it matter? The result is the same. However I would bet it's the former.

*watch a chick flick*
*complain about the story*
I enjoyed it, not as good as it could have been though.