Suddenly its all praises.

hey Shaun do you live in Suffolk.ave in Canada or is that some town I've never heard of?

Just asking cuz I used to live in Suffolk.ave and there was a guy there named Shaun... But, I'm just stabbing in dark.
Many people are asshats on the net. It's nothing new.
Yeah these type of people we are talking about will allways be around unfortunately ruining other peoples experiences.
I agree, people feel inferior in the real world so they come and take it out over the net, where there aren't any reprocussions. I'm glad to see there's still a positive community of us socially healthy folks. :) I try not to be bothered by the negative ones much myself, yet it's disheartening to see so many people turn against valve, the company who made such a great game as Half-Life.
shaun forsdyke said:
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

Im not sticking up for anyone here, im not trying to earn any brownie points but some of you kids need a slap in the face. Everytime you cant get what you want you feel you need to insult someone.

You need to take a step back before you post and actually think that you may be upsetting someone. Im sure all of you lot that insult are not perfect in the slightest.

Still young though, so please learn.

Gabe himself probably doesnt care but I myself find it annoying.

So there you go. My 2pence.

i totally agree, its pretty lame how everyoone bitches and cries when it gets delayed without explanation (which i in no way think is cool), and then every moans about how valve 'suck' - the inevitable 'valve owes you nothing' thread gets posted and evreyone has hissy fit. then like two days later valve release a screenshot (or in this case make the pre-load available) and everyone who was making a fuss shuts the hell up and starts trying to see how far they can stick their tongue up gabes ass. i have to say there are some very smart people on these boards, but also some incredibly fickle ones too
The Mullinator said:
What really pisses me off is just how ignorant some people are. They complain and whine about Valve delaying games and not saying anything as if Valve is the only game development company in the world to do that. I think its because most of the people complaining have never actually followed a game so closely before.

Yes Valve has had problems but really, are you so immature that you can't accept that Valve can make mistakes? Can you accept that they really are trying the hardest they can? They work and work and work to please the fans with the final product and yet everyone complains and says Valve is the worst game development company in the world because they aren't trying to please the fans in the time leading up to the release of the game.

Give it a rest, Valve exists to satisfy its customers with the final game, not the process leading up to its release. That is how it is with all game companies. Now stop whining, complaining, and acting like Valve is a disobediant slave that is suppost to give you absolutely everything you want.

People were complaining about the missed dates. Valve could have avoided alot of negative publicity by adopting a "when its done" policy, that way people are not taken on a roller coaster ride of disappointment like they were with the preload. I think they have a right to whine, even if you think its wrong.

One more thing Developers make games for money and prestige. Not to please the fans. The fans are a measure of how good their product is. This is corporate America, not Timbuktu where everyone is on the Nirvana path.

Valve is no saint of a company.
shaun forsdyke said:
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments

Hate to burst your bubble but i still think valve are a complete joke of a company.

I guess not everybody is so easily blinded by a non playable in any way portion of their hard drive.
shaun forsdyke said:
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

Im not sticking up for anyone here, im not trying to earn any brownie points but some of you kids need a slap in the face. Everytime you cant get what you want you feel you need to insult someone.

You need to take a step back before you post and actually think that you may be upsetting someone. Im sure all of you lot that insult are not perfect in the slightest.

Still young though, so please learn.

Gabe himself probably doesnt care but I myself find it annoying.

So there you go. My 2pence.

This is the internet, an infestation of saints, criminal,liars, cheaters, wife beaters, murderers, rapists and TEENAGERS(with raging hormones) You have no idea who is on the other end of the computer. And you expect these people to be normal?
Head_Crab_04 said:
This is the internet, an infestation of saints, criminal,liars, cheaters, wife beaters, murderers, rapists and TEENAGERS(with raging hormones) You have no idea who is on the other end of the computer. And you expect these people to be normal?


Message to the original poster

i believe the word you are looking for is "fickle"

look it up some time. cause thats what the public / customers / fans are....
The fact the pre-load finally happened, doesn't change the fact that I don't trust Valve at all, and dislike them more then I used to. But then again, that's just me.
then there are those who bitch about them constantly

I hate people who whine about people who whine about people that whine about valve.
It sickens me.
Head_Crab_04 said:
People were complaining about the missed dates. Valve could have avoided alot of negative publicity by adopting a "when its done" policy, that way people are not taken on a roller coaster ride of disappointment like they were with the preload. I think they have a right to whine, even if you think its wrong.

One more thing Developers make games for money and prestige. Not to please the fans. The fans are a measure of how good their product is. This is corporate America, not Timbuktu where everyone is on the Nirvana path.

Valve is no saint of a company.
There are alot of people who become extremelly pissed off when companies adopt a "when its done" policy. I see people whining about Valve because they don't give their "fans" enough information (they want an official release date), then I see people whining because Valve gave too much information (they don't want a release date). You can't keep everyone happy, on top of that I don't see how everyone can be mad for a missed date. There are very few games out there that don't get delayed, the company no matter how well organized they are can set a date that they feel confident in and it can easily be whiped out and delayed at any time.

Who's fault is it? Well no one is at fault, the development company tries its damn hardest and yet everyone suddenly starts whining and complaining saying the company is crap even though they know nothing about the whole process and even though it doesn't do anything but cause the company to feel hurt and draw away from its "fans".

What do people hope to get out of constantly saying for a whole freaking year that Valve is a piece of crap? Its beyond me.

I will say this again:
You pay for the final product. You do not pay for the process leading up to the final product. So stop getting this weird idea that Valve is some sort of disobediant slave.

As for people calling Valve a joke of a company? Take a look at Blizzard right now. Take a look at Black Island. Take a look at Acclaim. Unless you have experience running a multi-million dollar company that is currently in the process of developing an absolutely massive game in conjuction with a massive and completely new way of using the internet for both playing and purchasing (steam) then I don't think you have any idea how difficult it could be to actually do the work that Valve is doing.

Valve has made mistakes in the past. Are they not allowed to make mistakes? Does this somehow make them an utterly pathetic company that deserves nothing but peoples constant misguided critisism?

EDIT: As for people who don't like people "whining" about Valve whiners I say this: This whole process is called a debate, an argument, I disagree with what some people say so I argue against it. Is it such a difficult concept to understand?
thats a good post mull. i know wot its like to miss a dead line, it can't be helped and its never pretty :/
I will say this again:
You pay for the final product. You do not pay for the process leading up to the final product. So stop getting this weird idea that Valve is some sort of disobediant slave.

Well said. Well said indeed
Once again The Mullinator puts up a clever, and insightful post. :thumbs:
Beast206 said:
Once again The Mullinator puts up a clever, and insightful post. :thumbs:


You gotta be kidin me? Maybe thats how things are run in Canada, but around these parts we expect better.

If you say "when its done" we don't have any particular expectation.

When you say Aug 26th, 2004 at 6 pm, we expect it then.

Simple as that. If you hold it against someone for whining about the missed deadline, don't attack him, just understand it the guy he's complaining about that dropped the ball.
Sickmind said:

You gotta be kidin me? Maybe thats how things are run in Canada, but around these parts we expect better.

If you say "when its done" we don't have any particular expectation.

When you say Aug 26th, 2004 at 6 pm, we expect it then.

Simple as that. If you hold it against someone for whining about the missed deadline, don't attack him, just understand it the guy he's complaining about that dropped the ball.
Right so they are just supposed to not say anything at all and then suddenly allow everyone to pre-load it without telling them? Perhaps you didn't read the part in my post when I say that I have seen alot of people saying that they want Valve to tell them more, that they want a definate release date with everything.

What should Valve do? Please the fans that want them to say nothing or please the fans that want them to say everything? I have been here for a very long time and I can tell you that it seems like there is an equal number of people on both sides of that argument.
Sickmind said:
If you say "when its done" we don't have any particular expectation.

When you say Aug 26th, 2004 at 6 pm, we expect it then.

Simple as that. If you hold it against someone for whining about the missed deadline, don't attack him, just understand it the guy he's complaining about that dropped the ball.
well said.

will I buy HL2? hell yes
am I impressed/still a valve (company) fanboy? hell no.
the way they present themselves is the problem.

people should not have to make excuses or stand up for a company that makes millions (billions?) developing videogames.

I was pissed not because I didnt have a section of my HD that I couldnt touch anyway (preload), I was pissed because it was officially announced that it was going to be released on said date... it was then delayed till monday, and then they SAID NOTHING about it until the 26th when it came out.

thats how Valve does things
they dont promise anyone anything, they make official statements.. they then delay, miss, then say nothing.

the reason why this stuff pisses people off, is because they want the game, they dont want to be lead on and on and on about the developement of it/release date... it also shows what state the company and game are likely to be in.

people say "dont get pissed its only a day/month/year/lifetime" or "its just a benchmark/sdk/Release date/preload", but the truth is if they cant accomplish the simple shite, theres probably no way they can achieve the real thing in the timeframe they always predict.

I think Gabe said it best when he said that their scheduling abilty sucks.. however I dont know why he didnt fire the people responsible for said timetables :p
I feel the same way I did before pre-load. I am also no young kid. I would like to have this game but that doesn't mean I will beg for it. Also I am aloud to post my opinions no matter how harsh, about their bussiness techniques.

Either you are like me or a crybaby as the origenal poster said. HA.
Mr. Redundant said:
well said.

will I buy HL2? hell yes
am I impressed/still a valve (company) fanboy? hell no.
the way they present themselves is the problem.

people should not have to make excuses or stand up for a company that makes millions (billions?) developing videogames.

I was pissed not because I didnt have a section of my HD that I couldnt touch anyway (preload), I was pissed because it was officially announced that it was going to be released on said date... it was then delayed till monday, and then they SAID NOTHING about it until the 26th when it came out.

thats how Valve does things
they dont promise anyone anything, they make official statements.. they then delay, miss, then say nothing.
People defend what they think is right, I see Valve getting needlessly trampled by people who feel the need to insult and hate a company because they have made mistakes. I disagree so I defend my beliefs. If someone were to start insulting your home country then even though your country most likely has a multi-billion dollar economy and can't be affected by a couple of hundred haters would you still say the same thing? Obviously people don't feel as protective of Valve as they do their own country but it is the same concept.

As for people who don't like to be led on look at most other game development companies out there. Usually the company does not inherrit thousands of people who suddenly do nothing for a whole year but flame and hate the company when they delay their game after giving out a release date and then can't meet it. There was only one date given by Valve and it was September 30th, everything else was simply speculation by either Vivendi or Valve that no one should ever have taken seriously because not even Valve would have taken it seriously its speculation.

Warcraft 3 was delayed for over a year wasn't it? Yet I don't remember nearly as many people hating Blizzard for it as they hate Valve now.
The Mullinator said:
Right so they are just supposed to not say anything at all and then suddenly allow everyone to pre-load it without telling them? Perhaps you didn't read the part in my post when I say that I have seen alot of people saying that they want Valve to tell them more, that they want a definate release date with everything.

What should Valve do? Please the fans that want them to say nothing or please the fans that want them to say everything? I have been here for a very long time and I can tell you that it seems like there is an equal number of people on both sides of that argument.

They should make dates they KNOW they can make. Not dates just to please the public.

Example? Sept. 30 2003 NEVER should annouced. Instead they should have said sometime in 2004. They also should have never said anything until the preload until yesterday or a day or two before.

I think this would please both parties since it would cut down on Valve's missed dates and you won't feel so in the dark. Of course this is just my opinion, I doubt valve will just change their ways.
The Mullinator said:
People defend what they think is right, I see Valve getting needlessly trampled by people who feel the need to insult and hate a company because they have made mistakes. I disagree so I defend my beliefs. If someone were to start insulting your home country then even though your country most likely has a multi-billion dollar economy and can't be affected by a couple of hundred haters would you still say the same thing? Obviously people don't feel as protective of Valve as they do their own country but it is the same concept.

As for people who don't like to be led on look at most other game development companies out there. Usually the company does not inherrit thousands of people who suddenly do nothing for a whole year but flame and hate the company when they delay their game after giving out a release date and then can't meet it. There was only one date given by Valve and it was September 30th, everything else was simply speculation by either Vivendi or Valve that no one should ever have taken seriously because not even Valve would have taken it seriously its speculation.

Warcraft 3 was delayed for over a year wasn't it? Yet I don't remember nearly as many people hating Blizzard for it as they hate Valve now.

see thats the problem

people take this all so seriously and personaly... if you are defending Valve, as you said (with your country example) its personal.

people tend to get angry, especially if they reallllly realllllly reallllly want something, and check sites about that something everyday, just hoping something comes out.
its human nature to get frustrated and to vent.

it becomes a problem when someone attacks the person venting.
its one thing to have an arguement state the way you feel and vice versa... its another thing entirely to just label someone as a whiner when you simply dont feel the same.

both sides have legitimate reasons for feeling the way they do.
its just as obnoxious to post a "damn whiners" thread as it is to post a "damn Valve" thread.

as I always say, its always better to focus on the topic, attack the issue and not the person.
because there are real people behind those nicks and avatars, sometimes people just have to vent a little.

(however even though Im seeming to stand up for people who whine, I dont stand up for people who bitch... or make jokes about Gabe/Doug/Rick or anyone else personaly... that is wrong)
I am indifferent, I have said a couple brash things (along the lines of "damn Valve just cant make their dates") that are technically true, however I dont attack them, and realize that the game will be phenomenal no matter what century it gets released in :)
The Mullinator said:
What should Valve do? Please the fans that want them to say nothing or please the fans that want them to say everything?
Actually I wouldn't care either way with their decision to do one or the other, but once they decided to release a date...multiple dates for multiple milestones, I would expect that they would adhere to ONE of them. To get our hopes up each time only to have them fail every time goes beyond "something happening". Its a systemic failure on their part, and they should know of our displeasure. Thats how they are motivated to improve.
Mr. Redundant said:
(however even though Im seeming to stand up for people who whine, I dont stand up for people who bitch... or make jokes about Gabe/Doug/Rick or anyone else personaly... that is wrong)
I am indifferent, I have said a couple brash things (along the lines of "damn Valve just cant make their dates") that are technically true, however I dont attack them, and realize that the game will be phenomenal no matter what century it gets released in :)
Everyone gets pissy about this stuff at times. Getting worked up and posting that you're angry is tolerable. The personal attacks suck.

That's the real issue. People will always whine, and we'll always have the "fanboys." Somewhere in the middle the truth lies. *shrug*
I still feel valve is still dragging their arses on this game and the pre-load didnt make me praise them. It's nice they finally got it out, but it doesnt change the fact they missed 3 dates for it and it also doesnt change the fact the game itself is still up in the air and even if they were to give an official release date-I think they've shown time and time again theycant be trusted. I do agree with the creator of this thread though if your gonna be bitter, stay bitter, dont do a 180 because something got released....if thats how it is, dont be bitter at all. I for one am staying bitter :E wait i mean - :frown: the pre-load does nothing for complaint about the pre-load were the missed dates...if and when this game finally ships, i'll still be bitter toward valve....nothing changes the fact that they lied to us and held this title back for a year ( and probably longer) no matter how good the game ends up being, their still egotistical wads that need to come off their cloud and realize without us, they dont eat or pay the bills.