Suicidal Windows


Jul 11, 2003
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Well, my win XP installation decided to kill itself about 2 hours ago. I was playing a game, when I got a blue-screen crash. I had been getting the crash for several days and coudn't figure it out. At first I thought it was overheating but even when my system was running at 33 C I was getting the crash. For the last couple days I had been trying to fix the problem but nothing would work.

Anyway, after my gaming session crash just a little while ago, I tried to log onto my desktop and was informed that every directory had lost data and it was unable to be recovered. I just reformatted and everything is going ok, but damnit I lost everything. Not just game saves and other misc. downloads, but term papers too, arghhhh.

Ah well, sorry if this is spam, I just felt like explaining it here because no one else in my family understands computers. :|
Say what you want about M$, but I don't think windows is actually capable of destroying the data on your hd ... or is it ? :eek:
no matter what OS you use, it's always a good idea to back-up. my condolences for your loss.
Sorry, but Windows does do that type of stuff. Yes I KNOW!!!
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
no matter what OS you use, it's always a good idea to back-up. my condolences for your loss.

Yeah, I'm actually pretty good at backing up my data. I've got about 3 or 4 back up cds laying around from formats of long ago, this bug/crash/whatever just came out of nowhere ;( .

I've been busy installing windows updates, but I'm gonna hit the sack now.

Tommorows agenda: try to find some hard copies of papers and retype them, download drivers and other updates, restart NFS:U career (nooooo).

Night all :|