Sulkduddery is afoot!


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Burn him down to stay alive;it our only chance of living.
Have fun today Sulk. :)

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

And that pretty much includes anything by your definition of 'fun'. ;P
Munro save our gracious Mod,
Long live our noble Mod,
Munro save the Mod:
Send him victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
Munro save the Mod.

O Lord, Munro, arise,
Ban all his enemies,
And make them fall.
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their trolling tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
Munro save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On him be pleased to pour;
Long may he reign:
May he defend our laws,
And ban those who don't
To sing with heart and voice
Munro save Sulkdodds.
Happy birthday Sulkypoo. I hope you werent expecting gifts, cuz I didnt get you anything.
Awww! Happy Birthday Sulk! <3

*cuddly hug*
I'm drunk and I'll still wish you a happy birthday.

Sulk, when you read this, think of me naked please.

What... did I just say..?

No, I really meant it. :D
I will shammy, and it isn't even my birthday.

I am not drunk and I still wish you a happy birthday

Sulk, when you read this, think of me naked, in your refridgerator.

What... did I just say..?
No, I really meant it. :D
Think of yourself naked in the refrigerator.

And that's how penisicles are made

*hot gay love*
Happy Birthday!

*Insert sexually driven comment here*
Sulkdodds is younger than me? I have been thoroughly disillusioned. :| Damn you and your old, spinny, Christmasy avatar!

Also, happy birthday!
Sulkdodds is younger than me? I have been thoroughly disillusioned. :| Damn you and your old, spinny, Christmasy avatar!

Tbh, I always used to think he was an ancient, old sod.

I can't believe he was 15 when I first joined.
(sulk it's your birthday and every one is using my icons, so make them permanent!)

But seriously guys, why is everyone taking my naked refridgerator idea? Go find your own place to hide naked in Sulk's house.
Well I'm in the refrigerator too. But only because I'm in your anus...