sum1 post their far cry system.cfg please?


Jul 16, 2004
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I've been messing around with far cry to try and turn the haze/fog off and have full detail plants over infinate distances. (for a screenshot) and i forgot to make a backup of my system.cfg!!! grr! lol :upstare:

Any chance someone can just upload it here? Thanks verrrrrrrry much :)

(Also if you do know how to do said things ^ can you post how here too? thanks :))
-- [System-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is generated by the system, do not modify! Editing is not recommended!

ca_ambient_light_intensity = "0.2000000029802322"
ca_ambient_light_range = "10"
ca_EnableDecals = "1"
cl_installshieldversion = "44"
cl_lazy_weapon = "0.0000"
cl_projectile_light = "1"
cl_punkbuster = "1"
cl_saveubipassword = "1"
cl_weapon_fx = "2"
cl_weapon_light = "1"
d3d9_TextureFilter = "BILINEAR"
e_active_shadow_maps_receving = "1"
e_beach = "0"
e_brushes_merging = "1"
e_cgf_load_lods = "1"
e_decals = "1"
e_decals_life_time_scale = "2.000000"
e_detail_texture_quality = "1"
e_EntitySuppressionLevel = "0"
e_flocks = "1"
e_light_maps_quality = "2"
e_max_entity_lights = "3"
e_obj_lod_ratio = "10.000000"
e_overlay_geometry = "1"
e_particles_lod = "1.000000"
e_particles_max_count = "4096"
e_shadow_maps = "1"
e_shadow_maps_from_static_objects = "1"
e_shadow_maps_view_dist_ratio = "15.000000"
e_shadow_spots = "0"
e_stencil_shadows = "1"
e_stencil_shadows_only_from_strongest_light = "0"
e_use_global_fog_in_fog_volumes = "0"
e_vegetation_min_size = "0.000000"
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = "1.000000"
es_CharZOffsetSpeed = "2.0"
es_EnableCloth = "1"
ExitOnQuit = "1"
fs_homepath = ""
g_gore = "2"
g_language = "english"
g_playerprofile = "YourProfile"
g_serverprofile = ""
g_timezone = "31337"
game_GliderBackImpulse = "2.5f"
game_GliderDamping = "0.15f"
game_GliderGravity = "-0.1f"
game_GliderStartGravity = "-0.8f"
i_direct_input = "1"
i_mouse_accel = "0.0"
i_mouse_accel_max = "100.0"
i_mouse_mirror = "0"
i_mouse_smooth = "0.0"
log_FileVerbosity = "0"
log_Verbosity = "0"
mp_model = "objects/characters/mercenaries/merc_scout/merc_scout_mp.cgf"
net_cheatprotection = "1"
p_color = "9"
p_deathtime = "30"
p_lightrange = "15"
p_model = "objects/characters/pmodels/hero/hero.cgf"
p_name = "YourName"
r_Beams = "1"
r_Brightness = "0.500000"
r_checkSunVis = "2"
r_ColorBits = "32"
r_Contrast = "0.500000"
r_CoronaFade = "0.162500"
r_Coronas = "1"
r_CoronaSizeScale = "1.000000"
r_CryvisionType = "0"
r_DepthBits = "24"
r_DetailDistance = "8.000000"
r_DetailNumLayers = "1"
r_DetailTextures = "1"
r_DisableSfx = "0"
r_DisplayInfo = "0"
r_Driver = "Direct3D9"
r_EnhanceImage = "1"
r_EnhanceImageAmount = "1.000000"
r_EnvCMResolution = "2"
r_EnvCMupdateInterval = "0.100000"
r_EnvLCMupdateInterval = "0.100000"
r_EnvLightCMSize = "8"
r_EnvLighting = "0"
r_EnvTexResolution = "3"
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = "0.050000"
r_Flares = "1"
r_FSAA = "0"
r_FSAA_samples = "1"
r_Fullscreen = "1"
r_Gamma = "1.000000"
r_Glare = "3"
r_GlareQuality = "2"
r_HeatHaze = "1"
r_Height = "768"
r_MotionBlur = "1"
r_ProcFlares = "1"
r_Quality_BumpMapping = "2"
r_Quality_Reflection = "0"
r_RenderMode = "2"
r_ScopeLens_fx = "1"
r_SelfShadow = "0"
r_ShadowBlur = "1"
r_StencilBits = "8"
r_TexBumpResolution = "0"
r_TexLMResolution = "0"
r_TexQuality = "0"
r_TexResolution = "0"
r_TexSkyResolution = "0"
r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = "1"
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = "0"
r_Vegetation_PerpixelLight = "1"
r_VolumetricFog = "1"
r_VSync = "0"
r_WaterReflections = "1"
r_WaterRefractions = "1"
r_WaterUpdateFactor = "0.001000"
r_Width = "1024"
s_CapsCheck = "0"
s_CompatibleMode = "0"
s_DopplerEnable = "1"
s_DopplerValue = "1.0"
s_DummySound = "0"
s_EnableSoundFX = "0"
s_InactiveSoundIterationTimeout = "1"
s_MaxActiveSoundSpots = "100"
s_MaxHWChannels = "0"
s_MaxSoundDist = "500"
s_MinHWChannels = "16"
s_MinRepeatSoundTimeout = "200"
s_MusicEnable = "1"
s_MusicMaxPatterns = "12"
s_MusicStreamedData = "1"
s_MusicVolume = "0.5"
s_SampleRate = "44100"
s_SFXVolume = "1"
s_SoundEnable = "1"
s_SpeakerConfig = "5"
s_VisAreasPropagation = "10"
sv_mapcyclefile = "profiles/server/mapcycle.txt"
sv_maxrate = "30000"
sv_maxrate_lan = "100000"
sv_punkbuster = "1"
sys_firstlaunch = "0"
sys_script_debugger = "0"
sys_skiponlowspec = "0"
sys_spec = "3"
sys_SSInfo = "0"
sys_warnings = "0"
ui_BackGroundVideo = "1"
ui_EasyToolTip = "0"
ui_RepeatDelay = "200"
ui_RepeatSpeed = "40"
ui_ToolTipDelay = "1500"
ui_ToolTips = "1"
ui_TriggerUIEvents = "1"
ui_TriggerWidgetEvents = "1"