Trouble in Terrorist Town

Coming from Veg, that's a compliment.

You mean he's into little kids?

I've always had my suspicions.

Still Vegeta, I know it's nothing personal and I respect you voicing your views, but I think you are wrong in your opinion, you have played very little TTT with me, of the 162 hours I've spent in TTT; at most I've spent 2 or 3 on the server.

And I think it's a shame you have such a grossly incorrect view of my understanding and skills at the game.
And thank you for still missing the point.

I never said that there's anything wrong with killing everyone on sight when they know you're a traitor. Of course that's what you would do, there's not much else you can do except hide, which indeed would be delaying the game.

But when you keep gloating about how many kills you can get in a shooting spree, (really, you keep bragging about it) and say that your 'best rounds' are when you're just getting the jump on everyone and using your uber css skills to take out everyone, egh, it's just a slap in the face to what makes the game truly great.

Edit: What does me seeing you play TTT have to do with how annoying it is when you brag about your kill counts in here?

The few times I have played TTT with you, you were annoying then too. You complained constantly about 'shitty traitors' and about how we should really update to the newer version of lost temple guys really it's so much better why don't you update come on.

I have my share of attitude problems but I don't act like an annoying kid who brags about his skills and complains about shit constantly.
I apologize for what you perceive as bragging, it was not my intention to annoy anyone.

Also, I have no reason to play on the server, it gives me terrible ping most of the time so it's an awful experience for me so we won't be running into each other on there, so that's not a problem at least

I also think you're exaggerating my statements regarding lost_temple, I was just saying that the newer version was better since it for example had a way to save people from the spike-trap via a platforming puzzle etc, which meant the traps weren't sure ways to kill a person, discouraging the traitor from simply camping the traps.

I didn't mean that my round at ResidentEvil2 made me better than anyone else here by the way, that you must have misunderstood, what I mean was that it was the best round -I- had had in TTT, I think I might even have wrote that in the post where I posted the image, that it was my best round, not trying to put myself above others. I was just taking pleasure in what was a very satisfaction moment in TTT for me. But I apologize if it came off as bragging.

Once again, I apologize for what you call bragging, it was not what my intention was. But I can see how it can be misunderstood as such. I won't mention it again. I can't do more than that, now can I?
That's fine bro, we cool. Sorry for getting on your case and insulting you.
AND ANOTHER THING oh okay we're done now.

/me headshots everyone in the thread in like 3 seconds flat and slowly walks away from an exploding C4 without even looking back :cool:

Damn derailing of a decent thread. I've tried the whole 'CS:S' rdm approach and it doesn't work. I think I'm not doing it right. Gets boring and frustrating sitting out for fifteen minutes watching idiots stand around.
The server I play on always runs Haste-mode, which is the best one IMO.

Basically the round starts with 5 minutes, for every innocent(or detective) the traitor kills 30 seconds gets added onto the current time left.

It really paces the game well.
Yeah, we play Haste mode too.

And Garg, I've seen you mention the Ice Cave server at least 5 times in this thread. Will you stop advertising your server when we have a server of our own, even if you don't like it? Thanks, it'd be appreciated.
Yeah, we play Haste mode too.

And Garg, I've seen you mention the Ice Cave server at least 5 times in this thread. Will you stop advertising your server when we have a server of our own, even if you don't like it? Thanks, it'd be appreciated.

Did I mention it in my above post?

I don't think I did.

Not by any name anyway, or IP. And since this is a general TTT discussion thread I assume it's not against the rules for me to mention another server, at least so long as I don't say the name or IP anymore?

But sure, I won't mention it by name or IP.
Did I mention it in my above post?

I don't think I did.

Not by any name anyway, or IP. And since this is a general TTT discussion thread I assume it's not against the rules for me to mention another server, at least so long as I don't say the name or IP anymore?

But sure, I won't mention it by name or IP.

Honestly I don't think it would be against the rules to mention it by name or IP anyway. I mean, this is a TTT discussion thread, and it isn't solely to discuss server.

So if you have another server you like to play on, that you think is good... I don't see a problem with you mentioning it. I don't, but others might.

But most of us do play together, and we play on a server, so discussion mainly is about us playing together there.
Yeah problem is just pings etc for me, I usually play with Dinnesch on the other server for that reason since it's European and gives us a lot better ping.

Almost every headshot or knifing I try to do on server fails for me because of the lag.

Not saying it's a bad server or anything but the lag certainly makes it less enjoyable for those of us from other continents.
I can rarely get headshots either, and I'm east coast USA.
Yeah problem is just pings etc for me, I usually play with Dinnesch on the other server for that reason since it's European and gives us a lot better ping.

Almost every headshot or knifing I try to do on server fails for me because of the lag.

Not saying it's a bad server or anything but the lag certainly makes it less enjoyable for those of us from other continents.

Main reason for me is time zones. When people start playing on the server I'm usually already sleeping.

Game appears to be very laggy anyway - Even with a low ping I sometimes miss 5 short-range shotgun shots in a row.
/me is too used to TF2's generous hitboxes(or prediction/whatever)
Yeah problem is just pings etc for me, I usually play with Dinnesch on the other server for that reason since it's European and gives us a lot better ping.

Almost every headshot or knifing I try to do on server fails for me because of the lag.

Not saying it's a bad server or anything but the lag certainly makes it less enjoyable for those of us from other continents.
I play on the server with 200ms+ and clean up quite well as traitor, assuming I have half-decent teammates. Just learn to deceive, use your tools well, and wait for opportune moments to strike. Cornering someone in a tight space is a great time to pull off a headshot, or maybe sniping them from a dark or secluded spot (disguise helps, as does plotting a sneaky escape route). That said, if I do get spotted, I can still sometimes Counter-Strike my way out of a stand-off if I have a decent weapon, but I try not to rely on it.

That said, and this is just a general criticism which probably doesn't apply to anyone here, but I can't stand traitors who try to be far too sneaky. I mean, come on, if you're still trying to play buddy buddy with the innocents with less than a minute on the clock and you have no alternative but to just blast some fools and get it over with, you probably suck and/or have developed reverse secret stockholm syndrome.
Main reason for me is time zones. When people start playing on the server I'm usually already sleeping.

Game appears to be very laggy anyway - Even with a low ping I sometimes miss 5 short-range shotgun shots in a row.
/me is too used to TF2's generous hitboxes(or prediction/whatever)

Yeah naturally time difference plays a role in my decision too.

And GMOD hitboxes are shit in my opinion.
I tend to average a 150-180 ping on our server, when I started playing TTT earlier in the year I played on Ice Cave all the time which gave me a 20-40 ping. It doesn't matter to me though, I prefer playing with people and I can still play the game well enough to be effective in whatever role. Just like Bad Hat who is ever further away but able to play without a single moan. Restecpa.

Also there is no Wilson on our server which makes the game infinitely more enjoyable.
True that, but the time diff means I'm rarely on when there are HL2.netters on.

The first few games I had on server were ust HL2.netters on clue, 6 people, me, RJMC and a few others, that was fun, but now, like when I played on the server this morning, with 8 people, there were tons of RDMs, only a short stop of RDMs when Xevrex came on after I requested him, then things returned to mass RDMs.

So yeah, time diff is the main problem for me, I'm not generally on when HL2.netters are having their games and when I'm on it's only pubies and rarely any admins.

I'd totally be up for playing on during netters-only games though, no question, even despite the lag.
Oh, the one time I will moan about latency, though?

****ing tower stairs on island.



Yeah that's my biggest problem area too, even when I have good pings, the hitboxes glitch so much on those stairs, I swear I've actually shot people in the head(to the point that on my screen they have bloodmarks on their face) with deagles and they take no damage, it's ridiculous, and that's when I have 40 ping.
I can honestly say that I have never gotten a headshot even with good ping. Whenever I'm a traitor I usually have to resort to knifing, and that gives it away. I wish the gmod hitboxes were better.
Alright guys. I took the time to go through all the maps currently on the server and try to figure out what the status is with them. If they're good, need to be removed from map rotation but kept available for voting, or removed completely from the server. Also, I noted which maps I thought needed more weapons added to them. There are different versions of these maps that I've played that have more weapons than the versions we currently have.

Thanks for vegeta for adding his valuable opinion. If you have any opinions for this list, like if you object to what I say about a particular map, please mention it and we can have a discussion on this thread.

Good Maps
cs_militia - needs more weapons
dm_island17 - needs more weapons
dm_richs_apt2beta - there are different versions of this map that are more developed
ttt_lost_temple_v1 - very large, not necessarily a good thing for small counts
cs_assault - needs more weapons
cs_compound - needs more weapons
cs_italy - needs more weapons
ttt_c17ruins - needs more weapons, our version has ZERO weapons
ttt_canyon_a4 - C4 pipe tends to attract morons who want to do that rather than play the game
ttt_cluedo_b5 - suffers from deagle syndrome, even though there are some primaries
ttt_enclave_b1 - underground area detracts from gameplay, should be blocked off
ttt_icarus_r1_a2 - there is way too much ammo in this map. ridiculous amounts
Unknown Maps - I haven't played these enough or not at all. Provide your input
ttt_parkhouse - has way too much HDR
Remove From Rotation Maps (keep available for voting)
cs_office - needs more weapons
ttt_amsterville_final2 - needs more weapons, very large, games tend to drag on as a result
Remove Completely From Server Maps
cs_havana - Buggy and is too large. Also needs more weapons
gm_construct - not suitable for TTT
gm_flatgrass - not suitable for TTT
ttt_apehouse - doesn't play well, looks terrible

EDIT: I removed the good/okay distinction. Not sure why I originally had that. Just some way I further separated them for myself I guess. No real need for it.
Even though I don't get the chance to play with you guys much, I think that's a good list, though personally I'd remove the "Remove from rotation but not voting" maps all-together.
There's a bunch of HL2DM maps that I should get around to making scripts for this weekend, assuming Atomic will upload them.
I figure this is more of a Gmod question than TTT question but since you all have Gmod anyway I might as well ask it here. How's the community for the game these days? Is the server browser filled with tons of servers running different game modes and shit? Last I remember while playing 9, every server was a different game mode or something and it was awesome. Been considering plopping down $10 for 10. I saw a stream running this game mode that was like a trivia game show where it gave you a task and you had to finish it really fast or before anyone else. Anyone know what that is?

found the game mode if anyone is interested: Garryware.
Is it considered bad form to play this without a mic? I just got Garry's Mod and I want to play with you guys but I'll be talking through text only I'm afraid :(
Is it considered bad form to play this without a mic?

I don't know if i'd call it "bad form," but you'll certainly be at a disadvantage, and you wont get the full experience. A lot of times you need to shout out something while trying to evade someone who is suddenly attacking you. You can't do that while typing, and you'll probably die a lot without anybody knowing about it.

Also, microphone headsets are like 20 bucks now, get with the times already!
I take offense! I've spent many years getting rid of my accent!
I keep trying to join a server but I have to wait to download the map, but I get disconnected before the map downloads... which stops the download. Frustrating.. in a word

How do I fix this or download the maps so I can freaking play?
Was playing a game of TTT on a random server that I found, and we, the Innocents, really messed up. We were outside of the apartments on Richland, just wandering about, when we heard some gunfire in one of the houses. Naturally, I went with a bunch of other fellows to see what the heck was going on, and around five of us got stuck in the stairway. Well, a Traitor took it upon themselves to whip out an M249 and mow us down, and here was the end result:



Really fun gamemode, I must add.
Wow, your graphics are on really really low.
For some reason, I get low FPS sometimes. I'll probably need to upgrade, soon.

EDIT: Well, it's only for one particular map that can really drop your FPS down, especially if you're in the city. It's not for TTT, though. I just forgot to put the settings back up to High again.
Before I upgraded, TTT would run pretty slow for me sometimes unless I left everything on low. This is on a rig that could run HL2 perfectly. Might just be gmod, but I never played that too much by itself, so.
Really fun game but I wish people would pay more attention to my dying words (text).
"David is ahea"
I get killed. David shows up with a rifle. No one does anything, he kills them all and wins.