Sunshine and lollypops.


May 13, 2004
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What makes you happy? Someone you love, beating someone in a game, taking drugs? Share what makes you tick.

Me, I like watching dvds, Im allways happy with dvds, and cuddling random things/people/aninmals.
Spending time with my girl, acing tests, owning in HL2DM, listening to my music playlist late at night, and... watching DVDs.
A long day of hard work. Like playing a football game for 2 hours or so nonstop. I just like the acid in my muscles and the way it makes me feel as I lie in my bed and sink to the darkness.
Procrastinating from making this cool claymation.

Wait, no.

Making cool claymations.

Has someone hacked Ritz's account?

I need a hug, needed one since about 10pm but I forgot to ask someone for one :(
usually listening to good music on a rainy or lonely day. That's always awesome. Talking to funny people is nice, too.
Time for a song I think, I can feel the love in this thread.

Nothin makes me more happy than to know
That I have such a close friend
To know that you're down for me is reassuring
It's the reason I'm always smilin

And when I'm kickin' it with you
I have a lot fun with you
Never any kind of pressure
Comin' from you
Trying to get me to do
Anything I'm not ready to
That's why I really like you
I hate this kind of topic. Mainly because I don't think anything gets me really happy, just less sad.
Gaming and playing guitar I guess. A certain girl, but thats really complicated feelings and being happy conflicts with many other things when I'm with her so...yea...
When I type/say things like this, it makes me realise how true for me these things are.
Which makes me hate my life.
I need to get some sleep.
I just wrecked the thread eh?
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together...

Errmmm, I guess a good sensual massage... no wait! I meant waiting for War otW!

(Seriously: watching movies, playing video games, and being with friends)
Love...yes I know it's cheesy, but it does make me feel all warm and tingily inside. :D

...wait or is that the tequila?

/me shrugs
Tr0n said:
Love...yes I know it's cheesy, but it does make me feel all warm and tingily inside. :D

...wait or is that the tequila?

* Tr0n shrugs

With enough tequila, you'll get some lovin' with someone...
Damn, I need some tequila. ;)
Music, animals, some movies, nice days and nature and whatnot, Being around other happy people, mdma, doing good at things (school etc.)

I dont like drinking, it makes me urinate frequently and this causes complications in the participation of the evenings activities.

I dont like lollypops, the stick gets all soggy and then i end up eating paper. :(
CDs and DVDs, as far as commercial items go.

Writing and drawing, and a good game of Soul Calibur 2 for the intangibles.
One key happy-maker is a cool evening after the sun has set.
Nothing... I don't even know how I am still living... :(
What makes me happy? Hmmm...

I'll say reading a book. Yeah, something like a nerd. :(
Crawling into bed after a rough day, and the 5 or 10 seconds right before falling asleep.

Listening to my iPod.

Owning in UT2k4, HL2DM, CS, CS:S, etc.

Realizing I have more money in my pocket than I thought.
this is gonna be the new summer of love :)
JunkieXL: depressed?
movies, football, drugs, games, comedy, winding people up, my pets, mastering something, quality music.
Is....Ritz sick!? :O

Anyway, for me it's sailing, definately.
Love makes me happy. But since the missus and me broke up (temporarily at least), I'm not very happy atm.
Music. Improv. Surfen. Beach. Sun.

Pretty much wraps it up
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Talking to friends about deep stuff....

Oh and alcohol! :p

to alcohol, the solution to- and cause of life's problems.....
i love games,, tv, sports, gym, and chilling out with friends (BBQ's, drinking, clubbing etc..)

music, films, books... anything! :}
When my humour is top tipple
I'll be feeling like the shizzle
Sometimes it can just be love
Makes me gooey in my tum
Though happiness can be virtual dibble!
My wife.
My kids.
My work.
My friends.
Certain types of work.
Funny stuff.
Optimists. (Not to be confused with optometrists)
Coding. Well finding more money than expected in my pocket also works, but usually it's the reverse that's true. DVDs bore me, you just stare at the screen and stone.
SimonomiS said:
I hate this kind of topic. Mainly because I don't think anything gets me really happy, just less sad.
hey, thats me too! I hardly ever feel really happy and when i do its gone in a flash...nothing makes me happy, friends help i guess but thats it atm.
In no particular order

'Special' friends :P
My mates
Opposing Force
Chillin' on t'internet
Family Guy & American Dad
Alcohol, Bon Jovi songs, and that special woman in my life.

-Angry Lawyer