super compileing


Aug 11, 2005
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I dont know if this is a very good way to compile my maps.
I tried tieing the skybox to entity then tried compiling the level compiled extreeeeeeeeemly fast like 1 second. I didnt expect it to work at all but only the skybox was leaking light out. but only light_enviroment. because i have so many normal lights the level was still playable. So from now on im just going to run it with the skybox as an entity until the final compile. It means i dont have to wait for ages for compile. Any ideas on how to fix leak in entity skybox or dus the whole func_detail leak. but this works for me so just thought i might as well tell you all. LOL sorry if this is being noobish.:p :p :p :p :p :p :p
If you tie the skybox to an entity, then it is the leak. Entities do not block visibility
thts wat i had guessed but that is the only problem isnt it.
Nope. When there is leak, compiler will skip things... Your map wont work correctly... If the compiling time is too long, buy a new computer.
Remeber to optimize with func_detail to cut down on compileing time and on creating too many vis leaves, and yes it helps to have a fast PC
thx for telling me wat i already know anyway. i have a fast pc but still takes a while all the bloody deplacements
and lights.