Super Grav. Gun


Jan 6, 2005
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about the super grav gun, when you fall out of the pod in the citadel, does the amount gravity like make "super", or what happens to it, to make it super
The idea is that the Dark Energy that the combine uses to destroy your weapons actually boosted the Gravity Gun's power. Also, it possibly broke it, enabling it work much better on organic life.
lasagne said:
about the super grav gun, when you fall out of the pod in the citadel, does the amount gravity like make "super", or what happens to it, to make it super
When you were striped of your weapons they were all melded together.
michaelsil1 said:
When you were striped of all your weapons they were all melded together.

If that where the case - it would be shooting bullets - grenades - RPGs - crowbars - and shotgun shells. :E
I'm guessing that there was some sort of safeguard in place to keep you from throwing around your co-workers, which was broken when they tried to destroy the gun.
FaultySanity said:
If that where the case - it would be shooting bullets - grenades - RPGs - crowbars - and shotgun shells.
Hehe, make way for the RPC (rocket propelled crowbar launcher). :E
Maybe Eli copied the confiscation fields' tractor beam technology to make the gravity gun. So, when it tried to destroy the gravity gun, it only fed energy into it, since it is the same technology. Also notice that the super gravity gun destroys the enemies' weapons.

Just one of many possible explanations
i think that their "black" laser just changes the grav.gun to be SUPER :)
i realy dont have other explanation..u not being a combine technician and all..
The answer is pretty simple: the grav gun refused to be melted down and was so stubern that it upgraded itself. But I don't care what happend, I just love me new grav gun!
theace55 said:
Maybe Eli copied the confiscation fields' tractor beam technology to make the gravity gun. So, when it tried to destroy the gravity gun, it only fed energy into it, since it is the same technology. Also notice that the super gravity gun destroys the enemies' weapons.

Just one of many possible explanations

Eli might not know what is inside the citadel, no one does unless they are stalkers :|
When the disintagrator tries to disintagrate it the anouncer says somthing along the lines of "Warning, singularity detected"

My guess is that the gun disintagrated byut the singularity was still thetre and pulled the gun back together trapping the drak energy or antimatter or whatever that disintagration stuff is within it in the process
FireCrack said:
When the disintagrator tries to disintagrate it the anouncer says somthing along the lines of "Warning, singularity detected"

My guess is that the gun disintagrated byut the singularity was still thetre and pulled the gun back together trapping the drak energy or antimatter or whatever that disintagration stuff is within it in the process

good ****in answer! this onemakes sense
The super grav gun as you call it is also called in game the Zero Point Energy gun. Zero point energy is the energy field that pulls sub atomic particles together to make molecules - theory is that if you could find a way to completely cut off the molecule from this energy field it would explode even bigger/more destructively than if you'd split the atom like in a nuke - all they can do with it right now is instantly boil water by weakening the field by about 0.001%
^Actualy that's molecular bonding, this bond is always split, for example whne you burn wood your splitting these bonds in the wood and the energy released is the heat and light of the fire.

Zero point energy is extremely high energy, basicly things like gravity wells create an energy 'debt'. I wont go further than that becasue gravity is the most important one here but basicly at areas called lagrange points gravity cancels out and we have (if other fcttors agree) what is called zero point energy.

The gravity gun could use the process in reverse, creating an area of zero point energy ahead of it forcing the universe to bend gravity away from that area.
FaultySanity said:
If that where the case - it would be shooting bullets - grenades - RPGs - crowbars - and shotgun shells. :E
that mod would kick ass :p
It would be like a zero point gravbar-shotnade-RPGbullet manipulator. I want it!! :E
total ownage with one weapon.... oh wait it does that already
Singularity detected. What else is a singularity...a black hole. Imagine the destructive power of the gun if it could make black holes.
That would be pretty much the end of everything
ríomhaire said:
Singularity detected. What else is a singularity...a black hole. Imagine the destructive power of the gun if it could make black holes.
if you want a gun that shoots black holes, go play unreal 2