Superman is a dick!


May 5, 2004
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cold hearted bastard!! this only reinforces the notion that superman is really reall reallllly gay ..but not this kind of gay
yes they are ..DC comics sucked ass from the 50's to ...pretty much today

notice the comics code authority label up in the corner? well after a senate subcomittee hearing on whether comics contributed to juvenile dilinquency determined it did all comics had to have that label ..meaning it was literally violence free pretty much overnight superhero comics became safe quasi romantic comics
it looks like he's frying his son's genitalia throught the jacket there :O
Now that's evil

superman is by definition the lamest superhero ever
Superman can be a good character as long as he has a good writer backing him up :(.
man talk about a crappy comic... what in the hell was up with those writers??
Yeah, I've seen a few Popeye and Bugs Bunny war era cartoons. They go way beyond propoganda and end up intensely racist.
CREMATOR666 said:
Stranger than fiction!

Terrible film. :shh:

As for this site, I found it agggesss ago. I normally hate people who go "old," but now that I get the chance to say it...


But yeah. The innuendo ones are the best.

List of more pratical uses Superboy can make of a machine that can see through time:

1.) Betting on the outcomes of sporting events.
2.) Forseeing natural diasters and catastrophhe.
3.) Letting Bruce Wayne know that his parents are going to be gunned down in front of his very eyes in a filthy alley, you dick!

hehe :laugh:
Lol. Lol, lol, lollollollollolol.
Nuh-uh! Deadpool knocks them FLAT!

*Although Dream of the Endless is the best comic book character ever, especially 'cause he exists in DC Universe continuity.

Christ, this looks like something straight out of Family Guy...

Edit - So wait, wait... just to clarify. They took the violence out because it was warping the poor kiddies minds, but THIS is preferable? Hey, hell with morals if their grades are slipping, right?

Well, atleast, I cant see any self-respecting student reading one of these comics behind a text-book...

Edit2 - Hahahaha...


Japanazi, classic :D
Bad^Hat said:
Well, atleast, I cant see any self-respecting student reading one of these comics behind a text-book...

Any comic is better than no comic.

Superman is teh eeevil :eek:

At least Lex Luthor isn't a racist, and a sadist who holds "survival of the fittest" contests.
Lex Luther is a democrat, he won the presidency against Bruce Wayne (or maybe Bruce was the democrat, can't remember)