Surface Tension Uncut Restores Missing Parts Of Black Mesa


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Some non-Steam Box news today. The more hardcore Half-Life fans may have noticed that some areas were missing from Black Mesa, the free remake of Half-Life, other than the absent final chapters. Particularly the Surface Tension and On a Rail were heavily cut. A modder who goes by TextFAMGUY1 on the Black Mesa forums took it upon himself to correct this as well as expanding slightly on the original Half-Life's levels. The result is Surface Tension Uncut, a mod for a mod.

You can view a walkthrough of the mod by the creator here (warning: long video)

You can download the mod from its ModDB page and a copy of Black Mesa from a number of sources listed on the official site. The creator is also working on an On a Rail Uncut project which we can look forward too.

Another mod for Black Mesa is Black Mesa: Uplink which recreates the original Uplink demo for Half-Life. Some users also like to tweak the the difficult and movement to what they feel is more in like with the original game. To do this edit or create the file "...\Steam\steamapps\sourcemods\BMS\cfg\skill.cfg" in notepad or any text editor and add some or all of the following lines:
bms_normal_jump_vertical_speed "200"
bms_normal_jump_crouch_vertical_speed "200"
ai_reaction_delay_alert "0.3"
ai_reaction_delay_idle "0.75"
sk_plr_dmg_9mm "8"
sk_npc_head "3"
sk_npc_arm "1"
sk_npc_leg "1"
We should link some of the other mods, like the config edits to make the soldiers not miserable to fight, or that fix jumping.

And so it was done.
I'm sad to report this doesn't seem to restore the Surface Tension Tentacle.