Surprising, Half-Life 2 runs well on my system.


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
I don't mean to brag or anything, but I had no idea I could run the game as high as I am. I have an FX 5950 Ultra (with the latest beta drivers), 1 gig of ram, and a P4 3.0 EE. I can run the game at 4x AA, 8x AF, vsync off and everything else set as high as it will go. I rarely get stuttering and I pretty much stay between 40-70 FPS. (Runs smoothly to me, very little
"jerkyness" even on larger levels)

Is this uh, normal? I thought for sure that I wouldn't be able to play on high settings due to my FX card. I'm surprising its doing so well. (Oh yeah, I'm running in DX9 mode also due to the new drivers)
well, i got a 2.26ghz 512mb ram and 9800 pro, and it runs well on high texture, and everything on low, and highest res, so its normal
Prolly has something to do with all that damned RAM...
I know, who'd have thought NVidia's top of the line graphics card from 2003 along with an $800 processor could do anything well?
lordbotulor said:
I know, who'd have thought NVidia's top of the line graphics card from 2003 along with an $800 processor could do anything well?

No, no. Like I said, I don't mean to brag about my specs or anything. I just thought that Nvidia's FX series couldn't handle Half-Life 2 at high settings? Did they fix some of the problems?
Yeah, I know, just kidding. The thing is that HL2 is so friggin efficient, compared to other new games. NVidia has a slight disadvantage, due to pixel shaders used, but i have an FX5700 Ultra on high settings (DX 8.1) with no problems. If you want even better performance, I would suggest you get those dx9 water patches and install those, while turning the dx down to 8.1. The only change i noticed between dx9 and 8 was the water, and the water patch emulates it perfectly, with hardly any performance loss.
I got 30-60 fps thoughout the campaign, and my system is not one to brag about. I am running it at highest settings, 1152x768 resolution and 4x AF.
My system suxor and it runs at the most 30 fps and sits from 15-25 usually! w00t!!!all low <----my comp w00t!!! geforce 5200 i r t3h h4x0r
Xac493 said:
My system suxor and it runs at the most 30 fps and sits from 15-25 usually! w00t!!!all low <----my comp w00t!!! geforce 5200 i r t3h h4x0r

Your use of leet speak is "cool" and makes me want to be your friend.
yes it is normal thats what makes the SOURCE engine so nice.

its very scaleable. thats why when ppl say shit like, OMG farcry engine kills the SOURCE engine....but lets see you run FARCRY on high settings with a 5700.
Yeah. Its extremely playable on my 1.7/128MB RAM/GeForce 5200FX.

I ordered a 2.4/512MB RAM/ATI Radeon 9600XT though. Should be waiting for me when I go home.
yeah i have everything on high 800x600 bar models on medium,i only have 512, but im most liely gettin another 512 for christmas \m/(-_-)\m/...cant wait now...
One of the best and most refreshing things about Half Life 2 was how well it runs. It's a welcome change.
oh yeah? I ran cs:source on an amd k-7 700 mhz processor with 384 MB of ddr-66 ram and a Radeon 7500 PCI graphics card and got an average of 35 fps on the stress test. Beat that! :p