Surveillance without warrant

Now, if they used the Space Shuttle to cause an earthquake to kill the President...
Kathaksung, I hate to say it, but your last post ("504") is utterly ridiculous, and the average Joe in America will most likely snicker at your post and carry on with their lives.

To create an earthquake in Peru would require, at the current point in time, a extremely large amount of shaped explosive charges planted between the tectonic plates below the ground with an infinite amount of care in such a way to shift the two plates together to cause an earthquake. This said, if the Americans started to shift the amount of explosives required across the border to Peru, then China, Russia, North Korea and numerous other countries would threaten to break diplomatic relations with America, due to the breach of numerous arms treaties with the aforementioned countries.


You remind me of the priest in middle centuries. While they had limited scientific knowledge they sentence Galileo into prison because Galileo said that Earth moved around the Sun. They thought it was impossible because they didn't believe so.

I have written: "US has developped such technique to create an earthquake and tsunami. Cohen had talked about it as early as 1997, though he blamed the "others". Re: "Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997."

Cohen didn't say it was explosive. He talked about EM waves. Do you believe that a group of soldiers, whose coordinate step can collpase a strong bridge? (by resonnance)

Do you believe the news that Pentagon has a "gay bomb" that can turn soldiers to be a gay?

As for diplomatic problem, perhaps that's why it is still a top secret weapon. Because it is deniable. Do you have a mission to cover it up?
Oh noes Neo_Kuja, he is figuring out your plan. Abort! Abort!!!!
You remind me of the priest in middle centuries. While they had limited scientific knowledge they sentence Galileo into prison because Galileo said that Earth moved around the Sun. They thought it was impossible because they didn't believe so.

I have written: "US has developped such technique to create an earthquake and tsunami. Cohen had talked about it as early as 1997, though he blamed the "others". Re: "Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997."

Cohen didn't say it was explosive. He talked about EM waves. Do you believe that a group of soldiers, whose coordinate step can collpase a strong bridge? (by resonnance)

Do you believe the news that Pentagon has a "gay bomb" that can turn soldiers to be a gay?

As for diplomatic problem, perhaps that's why it is still a top secret weapon. Because it is deniable. Do you have a mission to cover it up?

My friend, what the shit are you on about?
Kathaksung, he's the one who's being scientific, not you. You got it mixed up. And I'll keep asking: Do you play the video game called "Half Life 2"?
You remind me of the priest in middle centuries. While they had limited scientific knowledge they sentence Galileo into prison because Galileo said that Earth moved around the Sun. They thought it was impossible because they didn't believe so.

It always makes me laugh when a crank compares himself to Gallileo. Or Einstein.

The major difference between you and Gallileo is that Gallileo was persecuted for his rational thought by those who believe in ficticious supernatural myths.
You are a believer of ficticious supernatural myths who is being jovially mocked for denying rational thought.
Yeah. Just because you're being persecuted doesn't make you right.
Or rather, you're being persecuted because you're wrong.

Well, more like prosecuted.
Agent M, take him down immediately and issue the killcode to Agent Q.

You remind me of the priest in middle centuries. While they had limited scientific knowledge they sentence Galileo into prison because Galileo said that Earth moved around the Sun. They thought it was impossible because they didn't believe so.

I have written: "US has developped such technique to create an earthquake and tsunami. Cohen had talked about it as early as 1997, though he blamed the "others". Re: "Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997."

Cohen didn't say it was explosive. He talked about EM waves. Do you believe that a group of soldiers, whose coordinate step can collpase a strong bridge? (by resonnance)

look I'm the first to criticise american foreign policy but most of the stuff you talk about is tantamount to speculative drivel or misinformation is the FULL quote by Sec of Defense Cohen:

There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

he's talking about other countries not the US

Do you believe the news that Pentagon has a "gay bomb" that can turn soldiers to be a gay?

no, it does not, they scrapped that program over a decade ago, they didnt hide that fact

As for diplomatic problem, perhaps that's why it is still a top secret weapon. Because it is deniable. Do you have a mission to cover it up?

and there you go right back into the crazy talk ..are you suggesting he actually works for the CIA and his job is to monitor video game fan forums for any signs of people trying to expose the US's weather machine-atron 3000? :rolling:

really they dont need to have a campaign to dismiss conspiracy theorists do that well enough on your own without their help specifically the crazy talk; it completely blows what little credibility you and those like you have

it's bad enough that Bush lied to americans and illegally invaded Iraq but to waste time on things like 9/11 conspiracies is just a kick in the teeth to the real issues: the fact that they lied their way into an illegal war ..that's completely forgotten because the conspiracy theorists take the focus away from that and instead give regular americans the impression that the anti-war/bush/occupation movement is full of kooks and nutjobs and those like you do more harm than good

the real conspiracies are right in front of you and they dont include things like gay bombs or setting up mass murderers to distract americans from what is happening in their own back yard
[/enters chat] I am now in the chat. This is EPIC wins. /siggs 'gay bomb'[stays in]
Umm... you all know that the US has been operating a High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is used to, "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems" (e.g. the weather) in Alaska since 1993, right?

Umm... you all know that the US has been operating a High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is used to, "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems" (e.g. the weather) in Alaska since 1993, right?


That's space weather, not tropospheric weather that we're used to.
That's space weather, not tropospheric weather that we're used to.

And you honestly believe that screwing with one of the most important aspects of the atmosphere would not have implications that would be felt throughout the system. And let's not forget that is what they have told us...
The ionosphere and troposphere can be treated as separate systems. Tweaking the ionisation densities in the ionosphere isn't going to have measurable effects on our standard weather systems.
After all, if you go outside during a solar storm, the ionosphere goes crazy, but the global tropospheric weather is not affected, there's no correlation between the two. You wouldn't even know a solar storm is happening.

I've studied this in great detail and work in this area, so I'm pretty certain of this.
The ionosphere and troposphere can be treated as separate systems. Tweaking the ionisation densities in the ionosphere isn't going to have measurable effects on our standard weather systems.
After all, if you go outside during a solar storm, the ionosphere goes crazy, but the global tropospheric weather is not affected, there's no correlation between the two. You wouldn't even know a solar storm is happening.

I've studied this in great detail and work in this area, so I'm pretty certain of this.

As have I, and obviously our opinions and interpretations differ, and our resolve does not appear easily shaken. All I can say is that I do not share in your certainty. That is our barrier from said solar storms. Do we really want to be messing with it? And it comes down to, as much as we think we know, we don't know enough to accurately hypothesize any outcome with absolute certainty or guarantee against any unforeseen consequences of said experimentation.
look I'm the first to criticise american foreign policy but most of the stuff you talk about is tantamount to speculative drivel or misinformation is the FULL quote by Sec of Defense Cohen:

he's talking about other countries not the US

Obviously you missed the point. The point is:

Neo-Kuja think the a climate weapon that caused earthquake is impossible,
"To create an earthquake in Peru would require, at the current point in time, a extremely large amount of shaped explosive charges planted between the tectonic plates below the ground with an infinite amount of care in such a way to shift the two plates together to cause an earthquake. This said, if the Americans started to shift the amount of explosives required across the border to Peru, then China, Russia, North Korea and numerous other countries would threaten to break diplomatic relations with America, due to the breach of numerous arms treaties with the aforementioned countries.

If the Americans started to build a "weather control" device, then you can guarantee that the Chinese, Russians, Europeans all have one as well. How ?

I point out that it is out of his innocence, re:

You remind me of the priest in middle centuries. While they had limited scientific knowledge they sentence Galileo into prison because Galileo said that Earth moved around the Sun. They thought it was impossible because they didn't believe so.

I have written: "US has developped such technique to create an earthquake and tsunami. Cohen had talked about it as early as 1997, though he blamed the "others". Re: "Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997."

We didn't argu about it who caused the earthquake. You raised the question with reference of Cohen. (Thanks) I won't argue with you who has that kind of weapon. Let other reader think with their own brain.

My conclusion is:
1. There is such kind of climate weapon, though not much people know it.

2. I think the earthquake in Peru was done by Feds. I gave a motive for it. If you have yours, show it to us.

3. If you say Cohen said other countries have it. That doesn't mean US has it. Then I leave it for other readers. Would you also refer "Bush said Saddam has WMD"? Or renew it with latest one "Bush said the Iraq war is for democracy"?
505. Assassination, murder and terror attack (8/28/07)

The rest of the August plot started from 8/20 to September. The action date is between 8/31 to 9/3 when Feds closed the Bay Bridge. (see #503) At that time there will be massive terror attack in US and in Europe. I think that's why Karl Rove resigned in advance. His last date in office will be 8/30. So he will leave before the "Super 911". To get rid of any responsibility of involvement in false flag terror attack. As a matter of fact, he is probably one of the men who took part in the planning of the terror plot. (see #447. Karl Rove had promised an "October surprise" to Republican for Mid-term Election)

The second phase of August plot is between 8/20 to 8/29. A sub-plan to assassinate the President of Taiwan - Chen Shui-bian.

On 8/20, a China Air-line Boeing 737 caught fire after the landing in Okinawa, Japan. All 165 passengers escaped in minutes. People may impressed by the fireball that damaged the plane from TV news.

8/21 -8/29, the President of Taiwan - Chen Shui-bian, takes a trip to Central and South America to visit three countries there. His private plane is a Boeing 737-800, the same type of the plane that damaged in Okinawa and the plane is from the same company - China Air-line.

Yesterday - 8/27 - Federal regulators ordered airlines to inspect the wings of all 737 Boeing jets. The order was prompted by the China Airline accident in Japan.

It is obvious an accident created by Feds to justify the coming air plane accident of the Taiwan president. It is a payment to Chinese secret police who helps Feds to frame a drug case in San Francisco. Chen Shui-bian's life had been several times become a chip in their secret deal. (see "382. The life of the President of Taiwan as a payment (2/2/06)")

It's amazing how close the justification created to the formal trip happening in this plot.
The earthquake in Peru was on 8/15. One day before my wife's Peru trip. (8/16 - 8/22)
The Boeing 737 accident was on 8/20. One day before Chen Shui-bian's trip. (8/21 - 8/29)
This is how Feds playing the pre-conception tactic.

Then comes the third phase - the main stage.
8/30. Karl Rove will leave his office.
8/31 - 9/3. Bay Bridge will be closed for repair. I think one of my parents will be murdered by "natural cause". One of my sisters will be murdered in "terrorist tunnel bombing" when she takes Bart to visit my parents. (because the bridge was closed) And the others will be framed in a drug case.

To distract the framed drug case, there will be massive terror attacks in US, possibly a nuclear bombing or dirty bomb attack. The radioactive material, (or nuclear bomb) will come from Russia. That's why you saw recently Russian revived their cold war patrol. Their long range bomber fly to Quan and England. Russian just play their role for a secret deal. To justify the source of nuclear material.

The whole thing is a soap drama. Feds tries to play it as true as they can. Will you be a loyal audience?

From 8/25 to 8/28, for continuous four days, I was blocked to go internet.
Kat, I will not stop untill the answers that I crave: Do you play the video game "Half Life 2"
As have I, and obviously our opinions and interpretations differ, and our resolve does not appear easily shaken. All I can say is that I do not share in your certainty. That is our barrier from said solar storms. Do we really want to be messing with it? And it comes down to, as much as we think we know, we don't know enough to accurately hypothesize any outcome with absolute certainty or guarantee against any unforeseen consequences of said experimentation.

But compared to the energies injected into the ionosphere by solar storms, the energies provided by HAARP are a drop in the ocean, all they are doing is creating artificial F-Layers, which occur naturally every day anyway, even without solar storms.
You're right, we don't know enough about it to know the consequences with absolute certainty. But that is what the experiment is trying to determine. And it does seem to be in the extremely improbably range that something should go wrong.

My conclusion is:
1. There is such kind of climate weapon, though not much people know it.

Only you, I guess.
2. I think the earthquake in Peru was done by Feds. I gave a motive for it. If you have yours, show it to us.

I have a motive to shift the planets with my mind. Unfortunately I lack the means to do so. I think you'll find the means to do something is quite important in deducing whether something is possible or not.

3. If you say Cohen said other countries have it. That doesn't mean US has it. Then I leave it for other readers. Would you also refer "Bush said Saddam has WMD"? Or renew it with latest one "Bush said the Iraq war is for democracy"?

I don't even understand that.

From 8/25 to 8/28, for continuous four days, I was blocked to go internet.

Why are you just telling us this now, 2 months later?
She doesn't have to be stupid.

She could be dead, and reanimated with Kathaksung's crazy pneumatics that he stole from his menial day job of working on the production line.
That seems a lot more plausible than kathak's rantings, seriously.

Oh, by the way Kathaksung...


[/government agent face]
The answer to everything that has happened, the loaning of money to fund the wars over the last 100 years, increased surveillance, and fear mongering politicians, is all very simple to understand. 2 words, International Bankers.

I apologise to those who don't actually understand the system properly but it takes an idiot or a non thinker to not realise that this system, and most obviously the politicians making the laws for it, has been bought out by the money changers a.k.a large banking families who own the bank of England and the FED and practically every other money lending institute on this earth.
The whole world is gonna blow up in two minutes. Everyone run around and scream like a bunch of ninnies.:bounce:
The whole world is gonna blow up in two minutes. Everyone run around and scream like a bunch of ninnies.:bounce:
dammit, who hit the doomsday switch? I guess all that surveillance was in vain. We're just talking vapor now. I guess people would argue over crap even more stupid, like ,"Ha, ha,ha, I have more protons and electrons than you! My nucleus is sexier than yours! Mitochondria energy shortages the, uhh, space over. president Biomass is spying on us all over space with his his high-powered microscope arrgh! unconstitutional! They're still infringing on our rights, and there's not even a world anymore! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
You know what caused that earthquake? Nature.
Now stfu and go eat mcdonalds. It makes anyone feel happy.
You know what caused that earthquake? Nature.
Now stfu and go eat mcdonalds. It makes anyone feel happy.
Yuck, I don't like that heart-attack on a bun. If I were to eat something greasy and unhealty, it should at least taste good.:P
506. The resignation of A.G. Gonzalez (9/3/07)

8/25 and 8/26 were week-ends. While I was blocked to the internet, I wonder this August plot was an unprecedented one. Feds censored my voice one week before the main action. Next day I knew why.

The news on 8/27 said Attorney General Gonzales handed his resignation to Bush on Friday.(8/24) News didn't report it until two days later when Bush accepted the resignation on 8/27. A.G. Gonzales didn't step down for the case of firing eight US attorneys. He stubbornly remained at his post despite the no confidence of the Senate. He quits without a signal.

I think Gonzalez resigned on my case. In early April, I have said the scandal of firing eight US attorneys was a cover up. His post depended on my case. Re: "He'll have one last chance to do that, and perhaps keep his job, when he testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 17" (see #477) It was an apparent intimidation from Feds to A.G. Gonzalez. April 17 was the action date of April plot. Then we saw the Virginia Tech. shooting spree on 4/16. Gonzalez maybe the one who approved the shooting case. Four months later, in late August, he may have to take the responsibility when the Virginia Tech published its investigation review (on 8/22) and other investigation report are due.

Gonzalez may also step down for the approving of August plot which related to big operations - an 8 magnitude earthquake in Peru; a secret deal with China to murder Taiwan's president; an accident of Boeing 737 in Japan; Minneapolis bridge collapse which was used to justify the shut down of Bay Bridge.

His resignation is as mysterious as the resignation of former FBI director Louis Freeh and DEA director. No reason was given in both cases. I allege all quits for framing a drug case related on me.

I was blocked to internet from 8/25, the day after Gonzalez proposed the resignation, to 8/31, the day Bay Bridge closed for repair. (Feds released the control on 8/29. So I could surf in internet whole day that day. Also there was a release of control for about one hour total on 8/26 and 27, so I could post in several web sites at that time.) There were about six days I was banned from internet. I view it as a result of my revelation. My analysis and allegation are accurate. Feds are scare of it.

The censorship is not a surveillance, it is a violence of the Constitution. I think the order is from A.G. He will leave anyway. He doesn't care to approve any illegal request of the Feds. But even for Attorney General, can he be exempt from a crime he committed?
So I could surf in internet whole day that day.

You gotta work on that grammar, man. Not that the Feds aren't out to get you, but they're not forcing you to write like this. That's your choice.

And as I said: I will not stop untill I get the answers that I crave - Do you play the videogame by the name of "Half Life 2"?
Kat, the fact that you are still breathing is proof that the government isn't out to kill you.