Surviving a Zombie Outbreak


Feb 3, 2005
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In the case of a Zombie outbreak in your area, there are some things you should know to protect yourself. Knowledge is your best weapon if you hope to survive and not become a zombie yourself. The more people that can avoid becoming a zombie, the easier it is to stifle and extinguish the zombie outbreak.

go here for the basic do's and dont's.

Though there are variants of zombie descriptions among all the popular media, the general consensus appears to be thus:

Zombies have very infectious bodily fluids.

Zombies do not breathe.

Zombies feel no pain.

Zombies lack the ability to use items (tools, weapons, door handles, etc).

Zombies are emotionless.

Zombies can only be "killed" by destroying the brain.

Zombies are not susceptible to "holy items" or "prayer".

Zombies will alert other zombies through their moans and wails.

Zombies do not heal.

Zombies are poor climbers.

Zombies are relatively slow due to poor muscle coordination.

Zombies do not appear to use their circulatory system.

Zombies appear to repulse almost all living creatures (including bacteria).

Zombies never fear.
What you need are those ****ing freak zombies from 28 Days/Months Later. Then ur buggered.
The zombie survival guide is shit and anyone who's REALLY prepared for a zombie epidemic knows it.

Also your list only applies to bio zombies, such as those created by disease. In the event of voodoo zombies, they can only be destroyed by fire and/or by killing the zombie master. Also, holy items may ward you from voodoo zombies.
Yeah, Darkside is batshit mental about zombies. He knows everything to do already and will be the only survivor.
Yeah, Darkside is batshit mental about zombies. He knows everything to do already and will be the only survivor.

I, honestly, don't doubt it. He'll the the guy we try to flock to in order to survive, but we will die before we get there, of course. Then one of us finally gets there, and he's a horny little man who has zombies chained up and he whips them whilst beating off.


If I stay up for more than ~36 hours, I become a zombie of some sorts. My mind is much less sharp, and possibly less intelligent, I get dangerous, ornery, angry, irritable, unpredictable, mean, and generally unpleasant. Sunlight is painful.

If I stay up for more than 48 hours, it's best to avoid me, as I will be avoiding humans at all costs. I can hardly communicate reasonably at this point. Not only am I feeling a particular amount of pain from the fatigue, but I no longer enjoy anything except sex. Everything else annoys me.

There is a point after more than 48 hours where everything anyone says to me feels like confrontation, and I'm prone to act foolish and make foolish mistakes, and even get into trouble with the law if I were to go out in public.
How 'bout surviving in the human world while you are the only zombie?
What you need are those ****ing freak zombies from 28 Days/Months Later. Then ur buggered.
Actually, they aren't zombies, they are not UNDEAD per se, but rather humans infected with a strong rabies-like virus called RAGE that makes them return to an animal state of rage(Pun intended), but as I said, they are not DEAD, they are very much alive, starving to death at the end of 28 Days Later(In that area atleast, UK).
My family owns about 50 firearms, including two M16's, an AK47, an AK74, a G3, and an MP5. We also have enough ammo defend against zombie outbreak for some time.

I would use the G3 (which is scoped) for longer-ranged work, the AK47 (not AK74, the 7.62x39 bullet's greater mass would be better for clearing out the brain matter that zombies depend on), and for close range work, the MP5, which is the best close-quarters weapon I've ever fired.
How 'bout surviving in the human world while you are the only zombie?
Dress up like an emo and you're set

On-topic: If I could manage to get to Herstal (I donno, 100 miles away), I would have access to pretty much the biggest weapon cache in Belgium: Fabrique Nationale (FN) is situated there. Prepare for M249, P90 and Five-Seven awesomeness. And Belgian beer.
leib10, your family is obviously composed of hillbillies to collect so many firearms, and I will proceed to launch my Zombie Army upon your current residence as soon as possible!
I, honestly, don't doubt it. He'll the the guy we try to flock to in order to survive, but we will die before we get there, of course. Then one of us finally gets there, and he's a horny little man who has zombies chained up and he whips them whilst beating off.
That's...that's probably an accurate depiction of what would happen.

Coincidently I once read an old zombie comic like that. World gets infested by zombies and this girl one of the last human survivors had been eyeing turns into a zombie and he can't bring himself to kill her, so he chains her up in his basement. It's savage too because he goes out and brings her human survivors to keep her alive.

At the end, she gets loose, and he's like "Oh shi I'm boned," but she doesn't attack him. It's some weird, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" stuff. After that, they both devour some siamese twin girl he found.

How 'bout surviving in the human world while you are the only zombie?
"I Am Zombie Legend?"
World gets infested by zombies and this girl one of the last human survivors had been eyeing turns into a zombie and he can't bring himself to kill her, so he chains her up in his basement. It's savage too because he goes out and brings her human survivors to keep her alive.

At the end, she gets loose, and he's like "Oh shi I'm boned," but she doesn't attack him. It's some weird, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" stuff. After that, they both devour some siamese twin girl he found.
Pure poetry.
Dress up like an emo and you're set

On-topic: If I could manage to get to Herstal (I donno, 100 miles away), I would have access to pretty much the biggest weapon cache in Belgium: Fabrique Nationale (FN) is situated there. Prepare for M249, P90 and Five-Seven awesomeness. And Belgian beer.

Awesome... who's bringing the ho's?
Zombies do not breathe

No breathing = no resperation = no energy

Laws of Physics > (this particular kind of) Zombies

I maintain that a ZSG style outbreak is impossible as the zombies would have to create energy ex nilo. Which is utterly impossible.

Other kinds of outbreak however, I am rather concerend about and would almost certianly not survive. Along with most of the rest of the UK population (high population density + heavy urbanisation + very few firearms in civilian hands = fail). I consider my personal chances of survival low in a large scale outbreak despite the fact I live in the countryside and the fact my family possess enough guns to arm all of us here and I live only a few miles from a military base.

The UK would be absolutly screwed in the case of a large scale zombie outbreak.
How are the zombies going to combat the human outbreak?
No breathing = no resperation = no energy

Laws of Physics > (this particular kind of) Zombies

I maintain that a ZSG style outbreak is impossible as the zombies would have to create energy ex nilo. Which is utterly impossible.

Other kinds of outbreak however, I am rather concerend about and would almost certianly not survive. Along with most of the rest of the UK population (high population density + heavy urbanisation + very few firearms in civilian hands = fail). I consider my personal chances of survival low in a large scale outbreak despite the fact I live in the countryside and the fact my family possess enough guns to arm all of us here and I live only a few miles from a military base.

The UK would be absolutly screwed in the case of a large scale zombie outbreak.

Just do like Saun of the Dead and throw vinyl records at them. :D
Hmm ... that list you made, VirusType2 ... it also works if you replace 'zombies' with 'my ex gfs'
leib10, your family is obviously composed of hillbillies to collect so many firearms, and I will proceed to launch my Zombie Army upon your current residence as soon as possible!

My family? Hillbillies? Not exactly. Can't say the same for some of my friends though... ;)

And to the FN fan:

I'd rather be closer to Oberndorf am Neckar. ;)
Hmm ... that list you made, VirusType2 ... it also works if you replace 'zombies' with 'my ex gfs'

oh, didn't make it, though my knowlege of them would have been similar. It was a quote from the first link. BTW lol.
Hmm, seeing as my house is situated near the Daejon goverment complex, and therfore an entire regiment of combat police, I'd say I had a good chance of survival, if I can run fast enough.

goverment buildings = best place to be in an outbreak.
I think I am grouping several neighbours and guard inside the supermarket. I can get food supply there.
Hmm, seeing as my house is situated near the Daejon goverment complex, and therfore an entire regiment of combat police, I'd say I had a good chance of survival, if I can run fast enough.

goverment buildings = best place to be in an outbreak.

And when those places are infected with the T-virus?
Then you've got arms and armour too!