You see a zombie outside your bedroom window...

Did you really just necro a thread that started in 2003?


I live on the third floor. Beat that ****ers. But yeah... I whould get infected and then spend my last hours making sure i take as many madda uckers as possible with me.
I was happy being a zombie until some prick removed my upper body from my legs with a katana. I am now a zombie torso. I read in The Zombie Times That a beautiful and heroic doctor has made a cure, and I head that way in hopes of returning to a non-undead but, unfortunately, still be-torsoed state. Meanwhile I survive by nibbling on the ankles of survivors I come across.
I'm only really a pancreas, some bile and a loose system of flesh and bones to hold the two together.

Shouldn't we get, like, zombie welfare, or something?
I drive to Shannon airport and take the keys for the Cessna 172P that I use occassionally. I fly north to the restricted airspace around Washington DC. I scan the radios for news about the infection and any protected zones. I hear nothing. A black hawk helicopter begins to follow me. I realize that Washington is uninfected enough to still care about restricted airspace so I figure it's my best shot. I land and am quickly eaten by a zombie. Zombies have learned how to pilot Black Hawks.
I drive to Shannon airport and take the keys for the Cessna 172P that I use occassionally. I fly north to the restricted airspace around Washington DC. I scan the radios for news about the infection and any protected zones. I hear nothing. A black hawk helicopter begins to follow me. I realize that Washington is uninfected enough to still care about restricted airspace so I figure it's my best shot. I land and am quickly eaten by a zombie. Zombies have learned how to pilot Black Hawks.
I lol'd, actually.
First, i'd drive to the dollar store that is two minutes from my house and stock up on water and canned food. Then, I head over to my friend's house who is about ten minute's drive away. he has an entire closet in his basement filled with guns and ammo. We both head over to my sister's house, which is on the lake, and take the boat out to the center (with all the food, water, and a few guns of course). Once the food and water runs out (about ten days later), we head back to shore and repeat the process. There really shouldn't any problem getting more supplies. I live in an extremely small town, so the only zeds we would see are in the store, which is why we bring the guns.

Oh yeah, there's one outside my window. Grab my baseball bat, open the window and nudge it off the roof.