Survivor AI (Versus)


Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Overall, the Survivor AI in versus is pretty damn solid, but there are quite a few flaws/bugs that can sometimes range from minor hassles to a bit of a disaster.

My main concern, and primary example of this is when you've been pounced by a Hunter, rendering you completely helpless. A bot comes running over... only to find that instead of knocking/shooting the bitch off of you, the AI just stands literally right by your writhing, agonised body, doing nothing at all - just stands there. Eventually, the bot might randomly stop daydreaming and finally knock the Hunter off. But I've had times where I've been incapped because this dumb **** bot standing right next to me won't help me at all. I've actually got to say that this "bot ignorance" occurs quite commonly (allowing a Hunter to get in alot more damage), which isn't a good thing. I presume that this is obviously some kind of bug, but nonetheless needs to be addressed ASAP.

Another point is that bots sometimes don't stick close enough to the group. My example of this would be NM5 (Rooftop Finale), where occasionally a bot decides to go down a level and below the group for awhile. This occurs at the "radio" building, where the bot will suddenly climb down the ladder, allowing common Infected to give him a good ravaging for awhile. This escalates to get a bit crazy when a Boomer biles on the poor mofo. Really, this isn't that big of a deal, but remember - it contributes to the loss of your team (less health bonus, for example).

I just created this thread to give other players an awareness of these issues, so you guys can also add other problems if you wish.
Bot reflexes are obviously Computer-Crazy, they can see through foliage while other players can't - very annoying for the Infected.

Bots are idiots in regards to Witches. Often they will just rush into the situation or accidentally shoot one if another infected is in the Witch's area.

In cases of Swarms attacking, Bots will often attempt to kill all infected before attempting to seek shelter or to join with the rest of the team.
If she was in the kitchen her AI would be superb.

I've actually noticed that on the first level of NM. Zoeybot loves the kitchen.
The foliage shooting on Blood Harvest can sometimes be a game-breaking experience. Sitting in the trees can make you completely hidden against an all-human team. Factor in one AI Survivor and you may as well be doing an Irish jig.

They also need to sort priorities. One time I had about 30 health incapped and was just about to fade to black but along came Bill-bot to revive me. Suddenly one of my teammates were incapped on the other side of the area we were in. However another of my allies was there to help him. Nevertheless, Bill still ran across to the other side of the map to help and left me to die. It was the difference between completing the level and inevitable failure that came about a minute later.
I've played with people in public matches who are far worse.
Yeah seems like a realistic representation of the average human player. Apart from aimbotting ofc.
Yes, most stupid thing is them trying to give other bots pills and then start hulk smashing trough doors and me.
From my experience of playing with bots Zoey-bot seems a bit different from the others. She startles the Witch the most and she's the only one I've ever seen using the hunting rifle and/or dual pistols.

Francis-bot on the other hand is a ****ing badass and once killed the Witch in one shot (Merry mother ****ing Christmas), but seems to wander off a little bit more than the others (inexplicably lost him half way through the Rooftop Finale, neither myself nor 3ssence knew what the hell happened to him).

Stupidest thing I've ever seen the bot do was falling off the same roof (Dead Air I think) over and over again and helping each other up and falling off and then helping eachother up. I just left them and they eventually followed. Thank god there were no infected about.
I think the above post just answered that :|

Also Zoey seems to be the only bot who uses hunting rifle. Also she seems to be the weakest judging from the statistics.
I hate it when they wait until everything is dead until they get in the escalator on No Mercy.
The bots aim at the spawning infected. Really makes me laugh...they don't fire at them I don't think, but they aim!
Anybody like the Infected AI? :p I like how Boomers stand in front of you sometimes just groaning. It's almost like if you continue past a certain line or in their FOV, the AI kicks in. Revolutionary AI from Valve, lol.
Not exactly what you meant, but I think boomers have a vomiting delay when they first see a survivor - I remember seeing a command to modify something like it in the console once. I guess insta-vomiting boomers were considered too tough for the campaign.
Yes, also the hunter A.I. makes wonders too, like jumping against the wall repeatedly until death or regular Infected who get stuck inside then floor and walls and then just stand there making faces. I once even saw a full Horde stuck inside the walls. Either Director likes bad jokes or Valve needs to get patchin'
I've never run into any huge problems like that one but every once in a while the zombies are stuck in walls or doors.
The survivor AI in versus can really by a pain when on open levels like most of blood harvest, other than that they do a pretty good job.