Sven Co-Op will be HL2's official co-op mod


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
From an interview with Sven at
Q: Half-Life 2: I don't know if there's going to be a co-op mode of game play for it, all I've seen is the trailer but if it fails in this respect will the team consider moving the mod to it?

Valve recently announced that, though the game will not ship with co-op support, they will be working with a mod team to bring co-operative play to Half-Life 2 after its release.

However I'm afraid that we at SvenCo-op are unable to discuss anything further than this at this point. Might be worthwhile keeping an eye on , though... there might be some interesting news on there within the next few days... :) seems to be primed to break some news shortly, and I'm guessing it's that they are working with Valve to provide the co-op play for HL2. Whether this means the Sven Co-Op is the ultra-secret multiplayer option to be included with HL2 is hard to say.

Watch this space, as they say.

EDIT: Sorry, meant to post this in General Editing. Munro, move this if you wish.
Now that could be true, but from past experiences playing sven co-op has never been much fun. It never was big anyways but alot of people knew about it. I really dont think this will happen but if it does then they are really going to have to work hard to pull it off, especially with valve still working and fixing problems with HL2....they did mention they were teaming up with mods like you said so who knows. Call me crazy but im still pretty confident that TF2 is the big secret, i can only pray and hope.
So THATS the big secret Svens been hiding from me...thanks for the info dk!
I'm sorry, but I can not comment on this topic at this point in time.

hey its sniper! gimmie that goddamn grunt map u bastard!! :)
Anyone play the omg map in svencoop? I wonder how that will look like in HL2... :cheese:
Edit: Thats IF the creator ever makes a new one for it...
I really hope it won't happen.
I guess I'm one of those few people who try avoiding Svencoop.
*ahem* you seem to be forgetting the excellent support Sven had for HL's single player aspect. Me + 2 mates + sven coop. Connect over LAN and race thru Half Life start to finish. It's the most fun I've had in a while, hope I can do it again sometime soon :D

Couple this with HL2's single player, grab a mate and fry up some aliens. Sounds good to me :)
hey don't get me wrong Co-op is what I dream of, but Sven Co-op is not what I think of co-op.
Co-op is a bit laggy... lots of noobs why have to beat bots...

The AI is crap... hope HL2 AI will be var better :)
haha yeah!.. sharp isnt all that uptodate :)
Co-op is understandable, but just tossing in 100's of aliens in a room, and have everyone on your team blast them isn't exactly Co-op. And I don't mind that, I love Sven, but it's far from actual Co-op.
Originally posted by righte0us
hey don't get me wrong Co-op is what I dream of, but Sven Co-op is not what I think of co-op.

Well what are you looking for? Something like Decay i think it was called on the PS2 version of HL where one person played Gina and the other played some random woman.
The next version of Sven Co-op, version 3.0, will feature improved AI and a host of new features and enhancements.
Hey, Sven Coop *can* be actual co-op! Just most, if not all, of the servers run only non-HL maps, the ones made by the Sven Coop dev's. It's too bad, but some of the SP maps wouldn't work properly with more than 1 person.
Sniper said he couldn't comment, and he's not sure. Maybe you should change the subject line a little so that it doesn't start lots of rumors. They probably will be though, but there's always that chance.
in case you are not updated..
Valve has announced that they are in contact with 2 Co-op teams who wish to work with them. Sven of the SC dev team said that he wasn't contacted and even sent Valve and email and yet to be replied.

so (yay) SC is probably not going to be HL2's co-op.
Valve has announced that they are in contact with 2 Co-op teams who wish to work with them. Sven of the SC dev team said that he wasn't contacted and even sent Valve and email and yet to be replied.

so (yay) SC is probably not going to be HL2's co-op.
That was a long time ago...

And who says that a SC for HL2 would have the same problems as SC for Half-Life 1? We've had four years to think about the things we did the wrong way... reason we haven't fixed a lot of them is it would have required us to start from scratch.

And there's only one reason we'd start from scratch...
methinks now you are on these forums you will get a lot of going:

"wow... you made Sven Co-Op..... d00d" etc... I reckon it was an achievment.... but it doesn't make you god :P best of luck anyway :cheers:


/me welcomes you to
Oooh the legendary Sven Viking! Welcome to the forums :)

/me runs off and lets the thread go back on topic :E
Yes, welcome Sven... you r god ;) Nah, just kidding, but welcome anyway.

You'll be sure to give us all the inside scoop on your co-op mod for HL2 and your deal with Valve as soon as you can, right?
So, righte0us, please contact either Sven Viking or myself regarding this amazing "co-op knowledge" you possess. You seem to have what it takes to make the best co-op experience ever. :eek:
/Oo.. this forum is starting to crawl with sven Co-op p33ps.

/me ph34rs for life
wow, just need Good old Scarecrow, and all my Half-life modding heroes will be here, YAY :cheese: