Sven Coop? wow


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well, just wanna start off by saying I first played Sven Coop yesterday. I was expecting some fun, but overall the boredom factor to set in shortly after. Boy was I wrong. I don't know why, but I got incredibly hooked when I played this mod for half-life, when playing on the web with about 13-14 other people. When I play games, I tend to like alot of people playing with me, but the beauty of this mod is you dont need a bunch of people to have fun.

There's just something about killing loads of mobs and dying loads of times to them with other real people when using teamwork and stuff that makes this mod soooo damn fun. I played it straight for 7 hours the first night, and plan on doing so again to pass the time until half-life 2 release! Woot!
I've never played Sven Coop, but I have been thinking about downloading it. I heard a lot of people like it.
Download it now if you haven't already. Great fun.

Also, make sure you download enough maps.
Yeah download the maps before you play. I downloaded a few map packs off their main page, and I couldnt be happier. Waiting 3-4 minutes before being able to join each game cause you are downloading is not very fun, so have it done beforehand!

And remember, Sven needs to be installed to your steam directory, not your normal half-life directory, same with the maps or else you wont be able to play.
Resident evil map for sven co-op was sweet.
The mod rocks..especially when u play with friends an voice com...really fun!
h00dlum said:
The mod rocks..especially when u play with friends an voice com...really fun!

Havent had any friends to use voicecom with. I refuse to use the in game voicecom cause you cant make out anything anybody says.
It depends a lot on the map and the server; I prefer small games myself (even the hardest maps become insanely easy with 18 gun-toting players running around).

I didn't really like the RE map(s) much either- although that probably had a lot to do with the people I was trying to play with :o :x
i played sven coop 3 months straight so addictive
We should have a server which loops the entire HL campaign, in anticipation for HL2 :P
KidRock said:
yeah sven coop sucks.

Please go away troll

Sven Coop is alot of fun, the only problem with it I find is just running to the same spot over and over and killing the same things until you finally break through, gets boring.
Dalamari said:
Sven Coop is alot of fun, the only problem with it I find is just running to the same spot over and over and killing the same things until you finally break through, gets boring.

Finally, someone who understands! Too many maps follow that formula, and even the best maps can't be entirely full of dramatic setpieces and puzzles.

I'm told SC 3.5 will add an objective based system and new AI routines to allow enemies to recognise player objectives and destroy/defend/blockade them :naughty: Might start to get very interesting...
You are right, that IS what its about... but it is simple gameplay and my opinion, VERY VERY enjoyable.
Me'z and my peeps are gonna lan tomorrow and Sven Coop is second on our games to play list( behind CSS of course)
brink's said:
Me'z and my peeps are gonna lan tomorrow and Sven Coop is second on our games to play list( behind CSS of course)
Holy shit so am I!
We should set up a Half-life Sven Coop server with a teamspeak server and just play that for a while. Maybe it'll help ease our minds from the politicing and bullshit on these forums for a bit.

Besides, I wanna hear all of your goofy voices :cheers:
Sven Coop would have been PERFECT if well-balanced for any number of players. It was ridiculous for 2 players. Regardless, I had my fun with it. I'm expecting SC2 to be much better balanced (which would make it my fav mod if it were).
Yeah thats one game I was going to redownload :D Thanks for the reminder ;)
Raziaar said:
Besides, I wanna hear all of your goofy voices :cheers:

Dream on. :)

Anyway, Sven-coop is a very entertaining MOD. Like some of you guys mentioned already, we should set up an server. :)
Llyranor said:
Sven Coop would have been PERFECT if well-balanced for any number of players. It was ridiculous for 2 players. Regardless, I had my fun with it. I'm expecting SC2 to be much better balanced (which would make it my fav mod if it were).

I actually agree with that... the first versions of Sven Co-op were intended for 2-6 players, but people kept running 16-player servers and complaining things were too easy, so mappers started designing their maps for 16-player games (edit: Note that this is a generalisation. I just mean they started making their maps really hard. The same goes for the HLSP map fixes by Guardian... everyone was complaining that the maps went past in seconds, originally).

What we needed was an auto-balance system, but it wasn't so easy to know that at the start (Sven Co-op was only intended to be a single co-op mission, originally). We tried some later, but once you've ended up with 100+ very diverse released maps (more like 400+ now, I think, including Map Showcase), it's not so easy to arrange anything that doesn't just unbalance things /further/ much of the time.

We've got a ton of ideas for auto-balancing systems for SC2, if we get to do it, and for systems to make gameplay more satisfying and less rush/die/repeat-based. With those in from the start, mappers would be able to design their maps to suit.
Sven Viking said:
I actually agree with that... the first versions of Sven Co-op were intended for 2-6 players, but people kept running 16-player servers and complaining things were too easy, so mappers started designing their maps for 16-player games (edit: Note that this is a generalisation. I just mean they started making their maps really hard. The same goes for the HLSP map fixes by Guardian... everyone was complaining that the maps went past in seconds, originally).

What we needed was an auto-balance system, but it wasn't so easy to know that at the start (Sven Co-op was only intended to be a single co-op mission, originally). We tried some later, but once you've ended up with 100+ very diverse released maps (more like 400+ now, I think, including Map Showcase), it's not so easy to arrange anything that doesn't just unbalance things /further/ much of the time.

We've got a ton of ideas for auto-balancing systems for SC2, if we get to do it, and for systems to make gameplay more satisfying and less rush/die/repeat-based. With those in from the start, mappers would be able to design their maps to suit.

And you have got to... I repeat, HAVE to have some really awesome physics opportunities that can wipe out amazingly large numbers of enemies. Scenarios that would give players the sense of 'Oh Crap. We're screwed' but then they figure something out that obliterates the enemy with amazing effect that makes them think, "Wow, that was the coolest thing EVER!"

Unfortunately, it'd mainly be a one time thrill thing though, but then again, with 400+ maps you get alot of those thrills!
Whatever was possible, mappers would try... with the problems Valve is having with physics in CS:S, some things might be more difficult than you might expect, though :(.

Still, even with CS:S physics some impressive things would be possible. We'd probably be able to tweak a few things to make them more useful, at least.
This thread has given me the urge...I may just go and make something in Hammer again. Oh how many hours I've spent working over maps specifically made for my own enjoyment...

While you're here...I expect to see mini apaches and otis summoning devices in Sven Coop 2 ;)
Right, both the Sven and HL2 communities are going to remain steadfast in their belief that I'm insane, but mini apaches would be so cool! Little remote controlled choppers with ball-bearing spitting autocannons (1 damage) and tiny firecracker rockets (20).

Kill the grunt with the controller, and instead of dodging the tiny flying scourges you get to use them as essential scouts that can gently tap buttons and reach inaccessible areas to help you complete objectives! Add it to any version and it'll become an instant hi-

*tranquiliser dart flies out from nowhere*

Ooh. Rabbits. :imu: Regardless of the unexpected lapin invasion, SC's always been my favoured .fgd for pointless singleplayer creations that exist only for my twisted pleasure. When HL2 arrives, you can bet I'll spend hours making hugely detailed physics playgrounds... and forcing them on members of the public! BWAHAHAHA! Ha! Ha... urgh. :imu:
Yeah I thought they were a really great idea (The mini apaches), especially the swarm :D
Im going to have some unimaginable fun with HL2 physics :).
Tried to play the HL campaign with some people and it wasn't fun at all. Too many glitches, maps change early. The other maps I played that were bug free and had good level making just weren't personally very fun for me.

For me it wasn't great, but I know that style of gameplay is what a lot of people crave so that's cool :]
It's possible that the server didn't have SP support installed correctly. Admittedly, though, only so much can be done to maps when you don't have the RMFs (source files).

Maps change when a player hits the transition. If that player isn't you, obviously it might seem early (a server can't run two maps at once, so everyone needs to switch maps at the same time).

HL2 SP seems to use fewer, larger maps (HL1 has about 110, so some of them are pretty small), making level changing much less of a problem. Not that there won't be other, new problems for us to try to solve.
Sven Viking said:
I actually agree with that... the first versions of Sven Co-op were intended for 2-6 players, but people kept running 16-player servers and complaining things were too easy, so mappers started designing their maps for 16-player games (edit: Note that this is a generalisation. I just mean they started making their maps really hard. The same goes for the HLSP map fixes by Guardian... everyone was complaining that the maps went past in seconds, originally).

What we needed was an auto-balance system, but it wasn't so easy to know that at the start (Sven Co-op was only intended to be a single co-op mission, originally). We tried some later, but once you've ended up with 100+ very diverse released maps (more like 400+ now, I think, including Map Showcase), it's not so easy to arrange anything that doesn't just unbalance things /further/ much of the time.

We've got a ton of ideas for auto-balancing systems for SC2, if we get to do it, and for systems to make gameplay more satisfying and less rush/die/repeat-based. With those in from the start, mappers would be able to design their maps to suit.
Cool, good to see you're trying to fix that with SC2. And if autobalancing isn't possible, at least enable the option to play through the sp coop without any changes please!
Well, that's not as simple as it sounds. You can play through the HL1 SP maps without changes in Sven Co-op... just uninstall SP support (there're shortcuts in the Start menu program group). You may not like it, though... without changes, the HLSP maps are full of problems in multiplayer.

If you're just meaning difficulty: Massive difficulty would no longer be necessary in SC2. With four players, the amount of enemies in HL1 really is pretty pathetic, though.

The limited ammo theory doesn't really hold up... unless we changed things, there's more than enough ammo available. How often did you run out of ammo in HL1, after the first few maps? I never did... but I often had to leave am mo behind because I couldn't carry any more. Unless someone's wasting a lot of ammo, no more ammo is necessary with multiple players than with one, anyway, unless there're extra monsters. It just means that the enemies' fire is divided, the players' fire is multiplied, and the players can hold more ammo, basically.

Then there's another problem... if someone dies, does he lose his ammo? What if someone grabs all the weapons then leaves the game? Or grabs all the ammo but doesn't actually help? If someone joins mid-game, do they start off with no weapons/ammo? What if players want to start playing from near the end of the story? A lot of things aren't as simple for an Internet-playable game as for a console with people playing in split-screen. Though weapons and ammo will be more balanced in SC2, balancing difficulty based on ammo is pretty-much out.

As for HL2SP in general, can't say anything for sure until we have the game. For all we know now, it might be physically impossible to get the maps working in co-op :). In general, though: If it's pretty difficult on Hard, we might be able to leave things like the monster count untouched for 2-player games. "Without changes", however, would be impossible if players were to be able to play the thing through from beginning to end. Still, they could probably try it by deleting the SP support files if they wanted to, like in SC1.
Hmm, yeah, I basically meant difficulty.

Anyway, good luck with the mod. I've REALLY looking forward to it!
You mean I'm not I've.
Otherwize that would say..
I have really looking forward to it.
It should say
I am really looking forward to it.
^_^ muahahha am possessed by an english teacher.

What you should do is when a new person joins the game, make them join right next to where the farthest player is if thats possible. Make them start with only what they oringally start with\something they really need.

But im gonna mess with the combine in an unimachinable urge. Im gonna record it to. -The Coolest Combine Massacre-
I got the urge!
Start with what they originally start with? If you mean in the Half-Life or HL2 story, that's nothing.

No way to tell who's the furthest in a map without adding in a ton of brush entities (unless the whole map was laid out in a straight line), which would require the RMFs... and you'd have some trouble ensuring that people didn't spawn in walls or stuck inside the other player or similar. It'd also be a problem if the 'furthest player' happened to be falling into a pool of lava at the time. Adding in a lot of moving spawn locations would be the better system, though even that can take some doing when you don't have the RMFs. In any case, if things work out as intended, it shouldn't be as big a problem since players shouldn't be dying nearly as frequently.

Umm, mess with the combine in an unimachinable urge? I have a feeling that someone possessed by both English and Spelling teachers may show up fairly soon :).
Moving spawns would have a very similar effect to appearing alongside the most advanced player anyway- you fight to a further line of defence (ala the Barricade events displayed in the videos) and on death you spawn at the most recently claimed objective.

That's available in the original SC, it's just that suprisingly few maps ever do it well enough to make a difference and/or add to the overall experience.

I think he meant "originally start with" to mean what the group started the map with, rather than the game- but an interesting feature would be having the dead appear at an objective armed with whatever the the player who captured the point was originally armed with. It'd work fine, unless you had some lame git who threw aside all his weapons to cap the position...