Swat 4


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
I know its been out for a while but Ive just played the demo and I like it. Anyone who has it can confirm if it's a worthwhile buy at only 30 dollars? Thanks
I still need to pick it up. I heard they were making an expansion.
Pwnage game. It's just so great how it doesn't focus on ridiculous hit-or-miss kill-or-die instant-fail crosshair-flick sharpshooting. And instead focuses on tactics and your ability to solve a situation and so on.
grwar! cant go to the store tonight..have to wait till tommorow oh well
Totally worth 30 bucks. Coop is really fun when you play tactical, and if you just goof off with friends. Multiplayer is very fun also. Singleplayer rocks your socks.
Does anyone else have REALLY long loading times with this game? It ruins it sometimes when we don't see a suspect kill a hostage and ending the mission.
Suspects can kill the hostages? Funny, I've never seen that happen.

Ah, but I kid...definitely worth $30, if only for the fact that you can handcuff hostages and shoot them repeatedly in the groin with a paintball gun.
I just got this last night..yeah the suspects can kill hostages. It happened to me in the diamond vault.

Suspect: We dont really need you anymore
Hostage: nooo wait!
*me running around the corner, too late suspect shot hostage MISSION FAILED*

Havent tried the MP yet but Im sure it's good too.