Swedish boy raped by 4 girls (Swedish girls i guess)

I think it's a giant..
scheme. I don't think anything happened, and I have a feeling it will never reach news again.

On a side note, "HOLY SHIT NICE GOING KID!...may not be illegal, but that's ok."
Rape is just a woman's way of saying she likes you.

That dude was totally getting hit on, man.
I don't want to sound like a mother or anything, but I don't understand why people never learn from those types of things if it makes them upset or uncomfortable.
Well he never got raped again, what more do you want :dozey:
the dude someone else was talking about who was drunk, passed out, and got raped by a woman at a party.
Would... could he have possibly learned from that? Never to fall asleep again? D:

Rape is not a ****ing learning experience. It's........ RAPE. Christ.
Everybody's like 'get in there!' but I doubt it was very pleasant.
You have to imagine, though, this was a seventeen-year-old boy, against four girls. Now, I don't care if you're an extreme weakling with negative arm strength, or if you're fat as a goodyear blimp and can't run away, you do NOT get overpowered by four girls. And I'm going to tell you why.

Girls are the weaker sex, physically. Yes, it's sexist and yes, there are exceptions, but generally they are physically weaker than men. Without knowing the particulars of the victim and the suspects, there is a fairly high probability that this guy is stronger than any one of them. This is important because even though they had numbers on him, if he could physically overpower even one of them, he would not have gotten raped.

You ever hear from almost-raped female victims? There are times they overpower the male--even a normally physically stronger, larger male--and get away. They fight back. They kick, and they scratch, and they bite and gouge eyes. They stab with keys. There are all sorts of things you can do to overpower an attacker in a rape. And what's more, when your body is in a dangerous situation like that, it triggers your fight or flight response and pumps adrenaline throughout your body. You would literally be much stronger than you normally would be. If you imagine the feelings you'd be experiencing during a sexual assault, it'd be shock, anger, sometimes helplessness depending on the person, but most of all it'd be terror. Fear is an incredible motivator for fighting back; that's why the old adage goes, "nothing's more dangerous than a cornered rat." Because when you're afraid, you're going to fight like a demon because it's either that, or the alternative, which you don't want.

So it's bullshit, you know, unless these women were muscular and could physically overpower him, or unless they brought weapons like baseball bats and knives, if they just pulled up to the guy and tried to rape him there is no possible way he wouldn't have been kicking them, punching them, pulling hair, choking, poking eyes, pushing, using whatever improvised weaponry he had on him like keys, running away...it just wouldn't happen. I'm assuming, of course, that they weren't physically stronger than him, and that they didn't have weapons. They might have. They might have coerced him some other way. But if you're going to tell me that four women jump out and rape a guy withOUT those factors?

Man, his resistance would've been a deadpan, "No. Stop. Please." Men are base, y'know? Women don't like rape because they can be overpowered and forced into sex against their will. When you're a man, and you get raped, there's either some huge deciding factor in how you let a woman/women rape you--like Foxdie's friend being asleep, or if the women physically overpowered you somehow, like with weapons--or you wanted it. And that's how men are, too; who's REALLY going to be like, "I was totally concious and I wasn't overpowered, but this woman jumped out and rode my bones and I didn't like it at all. I felt so helpless and vulnerable; man, I don't even want to go outside anymore I'm so afraid." Please. You'd call up your buddies and be like, "Yo dude, I got RAPED! No, no, by a woman! F*cking AWESOME, right?!"
Darkside55, that's nice and all, but you miss one important thing.

"You cannot hit girls". What was he suppose to do?
lol, I assume you're joking. :)

If you're being raped and you don't want it, that all goes out the window and you start swinging. I'm not going to believe at all that, once fight or flight kicked in, he would've had the presence of mind to remember, "don't hit women!"
Please explain how he could've avoided it if he'd only overpowered one of them? Say they ambushed him and were working together to hold him down while one or two did the dirty business? They're not neccesarily all raping him at once (woo mental imagery).

Besides, turtle's "don't hit woman" point may have been atleast partially true. Maybe not once his defensive instincts kicked in, but maybe his initial reaction wasn't to fight back, since... well, it's different seeing four women coming at you than men. At the very least he could've panicked. But by the time he realised he was in serious danger it was probably too late to do anything about it. They could've tied him up, it's not that unlikely. To say that he either overpowered them or didn't is cutting out a huge number of possibilities. Not to mention, making another assumption here, but the kind of women you'd imagine wanting to rape someone might be a little more... butch than normal. That or the guy was just weedy as hell, which is probably why they would've chosen to pick on him in the first place.

Christ this is a weird topic...
You have to imagine, though, this was a seventeen-year-old boy, against four girls. Now, I don't care if you're an extreme weakling with negative arm strength, or if you're fat as a goodyear blimp and can't run away, you do NOT get overpowered by four girls. And I'm going to tell you why.

Girls are the weaker sex, physically. Yes, it's sexist and yes, there are exceptions, but generally they are physically weaker than men. Without knowing the particulars of the victim and the suspects, there is a fairly high probability that this guy is stronger than any one of them. This is important because even though they had numbers on him, if he could physically overpower even one of them, he would not have gotten raped.

You ever hear from almost-raped female victims? There are times they overpower the male--even a normally physically stronger, larger male--and get away. They fight back. They kick, and they scratch, and they bite and gouge eyes. They stab with keys. There are all sorts of things you can do to overpower an attacker in a rape. And what's more, when your body is in a dangerous situation like that, it triggers your fight or flight response and pumps adrenaline throughout your body. You would literally be much stronger than you normally would be. If you imagine the feelings you'd be experiencing during a sexual assault, it'd be shock, anger, sometimes helplessness depending on the person, but most of all it'd be terror. Fear is an incredible motivator for fighting back; that's why the old adage goes, "nothing's more dangerous than a cornered rat." Because when you're afraid, you're going to fight like a demon because it's either that, or the alternative, which you don't want.

So it's bullshit, you know, unless these women were muscular and could physically overpower him, or unless they brought weapons like baseball bats and knives, if they just pulled up to the guy and tried to rape him there is no possible way he wouldn't have been kicking them, punching them, pulling hair, choking, poking eyes, pushing, using whatever improvised weaponry he had on him like keys, running away...it just wouldn't happen. I'm assuming, of course, that they weren't physically stronger than him, and that they didn't have weapons. They might have. They might have coerced him some other way. But if you're going to tell me that four women jump out and rape a guy withOUT those factors?

Man, his resistance would've been a deadpan, "No. Stop. Please." Men are base, y'know? Women don't like rape because they can be overpowered and forced into sex against their will. When you're a man, and you get raped, there's either some huge deciding factor in how you let a woman/women rape you--like Foxdie's friend being asleep, or if the women physically overpowered you somehow, like with weapons--or you wanted it. And that's how men are, too; who's REALLY going to be like, "I was totally concious and I wasn't overpowered, but this woman jumped out and rode my bones and I didn't like it at all. I felt so helpless and vulnerable; man, I don't even want to go outside anymore I'm so afraid." Please. You'd call up your buddies and be like, "Yo dude, I got RAPED! No, no, by a woman! F*cking AWESOME, right?!"

Normally I'd agree with you, but shit man, this is why girl-on-guy rape is considered funny. Double ****ing standard man.
Please explain how he could've avoided it if he'd only overpowered one of them? Say they ambushed him and were working together to hold him down while one or two did the dirty business? They're not neccesarily all raping him at once (woo mental imagery).

Besides, turtle's "don't hit woman" point may have been atleast partially true. Maybe not once his defensive instincts kicked in, but maybe his initial reaction wasn't to fight back, since... well, it's different seeing four women coming at you than men. At the very least he could've panicked. But by the time he realised he was in serious danger it was probably too late to do anything about it. They could've tied him up, it's not that unlikely. To say that he either overpowered them or didn't is cutting out a huge number of possibilities. Not to mention, making another assumption here, but the kind of women you'd imagine wanting to rape someone might be a little more... butch than normal. That or the guy was just weedy as hell, which is probably why they would've chosen to pick on him in the first place.

Christ this is a weird topic...
Cummon, you'd just have to punch one in the face hard and it's over. A broken nose and she'd be crying then you punch the other one. No way they could hold you down either if you resisted unless they were proper butch and he was proper weak.
And what if they all came at him at once and just beat the shit out of him before he had a chance to do anything about it? I realise the stereotype is true in some cases, but woman does not automatically = helpless. What about self defense classes etc? (Lol, oh delicious irony)
And what if they all came at him at once and just beat the shit out of him before he had a chance to do anything about it? I realise the stereotype is true in some cases, but woman does not automatically = helpless. What about self defense classes etc? (Lol, oh delicious irony)
If they were using tactics from a self defense class, they would have given him a swift kick in the nuts, defeating the purpose of their attack.
Normally I'd agree with you, but shit man, this is why girl-on-guy rape is considered funny. Double ****ing standard man.

Since you're still learning the facts of life, I'll let you in on another little secret: Santa does not exist.
By the way Gunner, go patronize someone who cares.
Since you're still learning the facts of life, I'll let you in on another little secret: Santa does not exist.

Are all of your posts offensive and patronising? Or are you just a jerk some of the time.
I find it hilarious that this wiki topic is under consideration for deletion. It's like, "Men don't care about being raped! Don't make a stink about it." :laugh:

Please explain how he could've avoided it if he'd only overpowered one of them? Say they ambushed him and were working together to hold him down while one or two did the dirty business? They're not neccesarily all raping him at once (woo mental imagery).
You're responsible for my pants-tent now, jerk.

Listen, it's just too much of a...how should I say this...even if he had two girls holding down his arms to where he couldn't move them, he still has his legs. Even on the chance that the third girl was holding his legs while the fourth raped him, he's still a squirming body that can roll and adjust weight. If he really wanted to get out of it, he could have, even pinned down. You're not helpless pinned down and you don't need any martial training to break out of a simple hold from a ground position. You KICK. You jerk your leg and you kick out. You twist your body so you can free one of your arms, or both arms, and you start gouging and poking and punching and pulling hair.

And about "tying him up," listen, if he had that "Don't hit girls" mantra playing in his head while he was being tied up, he's either an idiot or he wanted it. You don't just stand there and let someone tie you up for no good reason. Who's that dumb? Who thinks, "Oh, this is probably some good-natured prank?" More likely, aren't you going to think, "Whoa, what the f*ck is going on here?! Don't do that!"

He either wanted it or they had knives or something. I'm telling you, it's just not possible.

Normally I'd agree with you, but shit man, this is why girl-on-guy rape is considered funny. Double ****ing standard man.
Indeed. That's the way of it, though.
Man, I want to post some kind of retort, but most of the blood is being redirected from my head right now...

**** it, you win. Guy was either gagging for it or gagged for it. :P
He either wanted it or they had knives or something. I'm telling you, it's just not possible.
Quoted for truth. I'm going with the latter, seeing it was a 'female gang' and 17 year old boys rather tend to brag about this sorta thing than to report it. He reported it, so there must've been some threatening going on.
Quoted for truth. I'm going with the latter, seeing it was a 'female gang' and 17 year old boys rather tend to brag about this sorta thing than to report it. He reported it, so there must've been some threatening going on.
Not to mention that we may be talking about them penetrating his anus with nasty objects.

I have a feeling the whole thing was linked to the later attack on him, thus intended as some kind of revenge/humiliation for something rather than motivated by sexual lust at all (when was the last time a gang of four girls got horny and agreed between themselves to rape the next guy they came upon?).
It actually happens alot more often than you think. Thank the good lord we have shoes and handbags and other such knick knacks to distract them with before these devilish impulses take root.
Perhaps they mugged him and he paid with rape dollars.
In another twist, the boy reported he was beaten up later that day by two male youths. And, according to The Local, the victim's mother was the target of threats on a local youth Web site.
now this is stupid, you get raped by four girls, ofcourse that's not the bad part, but then their boyfriends come beat you because you got raped by their girlfriends, and then your mom gets threatens because A GIRL RAPED YOU.

well anyways it wasn't fair if he would enjoy himself like that...
No one said it was their boyfriends. It sounds to me like this kid is rather unpopular with his peers and has become a target. Could've just been two random guys unaffiliated with the girls.

Jintor said:
Ok, you've successfully reduced my ability to care for my fellow man. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW DARKSEID?
Actually, one of the girls were his ex-girlfriend, so I guess she was seriously pissed.