Swedish Zombies

  • Thread starter Thread starter gerryandersson
  • Start date Start date
Actually Finns don't have to learn Swedish anymore, thanks to the latest law changes :) (well okay, we still have to learn it but not to get a degree of it). I personally speak and write both Finnish and English, understand spoken Swedish and Danish and I have basic knowledge of German and Latin and I'm not even very linquistic person at all :)
gerryandersson said:
Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and, to a lesser extent, Islandic are almost the same. They were ones one language.
hey lookit, ur avatar is typing, how cute :)

i think that its just english thats been distorted and played backwards
The_Monkey said:
The finish learn swedish, and swedish, danish and norwiegan is very similar. And dutch is german witha lot of Rs. :P
And french is spanish with more words for cheese.
Someone actually made a thread about what they speak a while ago, seems like at least some of the zombie death sounds (those where they start moaning when burning) are actually just reversed moaning in English. Dunno about the rest though.