Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Saw this the other day. I'd give it a eight out of ten. Would have been a nine but I think the twist at the end was rubbish and predictable.
The fact that the old begger was his wife.
The ending itself was very good, just the twist just before the end and the way it was presented was a bit crap.

Otherwise the film is great. For those that don't know the story is about an insane barber who kills people and then makes their bodies into pies. It's also a musical. It's directed by Tim Burton and stars Johnny Depp. If you need to hear more to make you want to see this film you should be shot.
Yes very predictable.

It was an excessively emo movie. But good nontheless.
Emo? I don't think so

I loved it. Great acting, singing threw me off at first because I didn't know it was a musical, but after a while it didn't bother me.

And i didn't find it extremely predictable, a little but not that bad
i didn't bother going to see it because of the fact that it's a darn musical ;\
Couple of things:

1. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=136552

2. It is based on a musical based on a serial novel based on a kind of urban myth. The novel is actually very different from the movie/musical. There are certain points consistent between all the versions but the rest is up to others to create and embellish. I liked it though I could see where kids of today would call it "Emo" with the pale faces and the dark hair and the blood and brooding and all. :p
While it's unfortunate that the emo "sub culture" (if a bunch of spoiled, stupid children sitting around feeling sorry for themselves can be considered a sub culture) will probably latch onto this movie and try to make it their own, it's clearly not.

It was a great musical and a great film. Everything down from the songs to the acting to the amazing visual style was fantastic.
i didn't bother going to see it because of the fact that it's a darn musical ;\

I've only seen one musical before (Rent), and I hated it. But I figured I would give musicals another try and, again, I hated it.

They just lack everything...singing doesn't portray any emotions realistically and therefore I don't feel anything. Like in rent, when one of the guys was like laying on the table dying and then they break out into song. Or in this movie when the kid sees the girl in the window and starts singing, "I can only see this girl from the shoulders up but she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I wont rest until I marry her..."

I just don't think it's a good sign when you're physically and emotionally relieved for those 15 seconds in between songs simply because they aren't singing. That's just me though...I know plenty of people that love musicals, they just aren't for me.
I ****ing HATE musicals and I still loved this film.
I generally dont like musicals either, but this one was really good. It makes it the second musical ive ever liked (first being Cannibal the Musical)
I ****ing HATE musicals and I still loved this film.
Most musicals are indeed pap but there are quite a few that make exceptional films that are here to remind you that musicals can absolutely kick arse!!! For example...

The Producers with gene wilder. A comedy classic. Who can forget the classic song 'springtime for Hitler' in this classic from 1968:p

The nightmare before Christmas. Another Burton classic which means that Sweeney Todd isn't his first foray into the world of musicals and this turns out to be one of my favourite films. I recently introduced this to my 9 year old niece and she now adores this film. Danny Elfman ****ing rocks...

The Little shop of horrors. Awesome comedy musical with some great comic performances from Steve Martin Rick Moranis. And dont forget the classic song from the blood sucking man eating plant 'feed me!!!' This song owns hard...
I generally dont like musicals either, but this one was really good. It makes it the second musical ive ever liked (first being Cannibal the Musical)

You seem to just have very specific tastes. You only like musicals involving cannibalism. I'd recommend Silence! (based on The Silence of the Lambs) or Reefer Madness! (less cannibalism; you may not like it as much).
Seeing Tim Burton's name on it, I actually thought it was a kid's movie. Boy did I mess that up!

I didn't really get what was going on though, probably because my copy was downloaded off the net and I was kinda distracted anyway.
I thought it suffered by playing down the humour in the tale in favour of DARKNESS.

Still, not bad.
Seeing Tim Burton's name on it, I actually thought it was a kid's movie. Boy did I mess that up!

I didn't really get what was going on though, probably because my copy was downloaded off the net and I was kinda distracted anyway.

tsk tsk.
I didn't think the "twist" was actually intended to surprise us that much, it was there for plot/character benefit imo.
I mean, if Burton wants to make a twist unpredictable he can do a much better job of it than that...
I will admit I do like nightmare before christmas, haven't seen the other 2.
I thought it was very stylish and unique film. It was dark with an underlying happiness. Probably liked it so much because I haven't seen the original though.

You seem to just have very specific tastes. You only like musicals involving cannibalism. I'd recommend Silence! (based on The Silence of the Lambs) or Reefer Madness! (less cannibalism; you may not like it as much).

Are you referring to the nineteen thirties anti marijuana propaganda film? Don't see how you could classify that as a musical.
It took me over a week to get through the damn movie; sorry, can't stand musicals, it literally gives em a headache. It was alright I guess; lost of blood (hope throat-slitting doesn't make you uncomfortable). There was a lot of stuff in the film that either repeated too much or didn't exactly make sense. I'll give it a 6/10, which is extremely generous considering it's a musical.