Sweet baby jebus!! ...hi-res Quake screens

I thought at first you meant Quake 1. :E

I am actually looking forward rather a lot to this game. An ET: Quakewars too.
Sulkdodds said:
I thought at first you meant Quake 1. :E

I am actually looking forward rather a lot to this game. An ET: Quakewars too.

I'm looking forward in waiting for Quakewars, even though I haven't got internet connection
I'm looking forward in waiting for Quakewars, even though I haven't got internet connection

I'm actually looking forward more to Quake Wars than Quake IV. That game looks awesome. And I'll prolly be bored with Battlefield 2 when ET:QW comes out.
very nice, its on top of my 2005 shoping list
Good god.
Those are great screenies.

I'm not really looking forward to the game, but I'll definitely keep my eye on it!
What screens are you looking at?

Because all I can see are visible "mold lines" low res textures/bump maps and horrible stencil shadows.
^Ben said:
What screens are you looking at?

Because all I can see are visible "mold lines" low res textures/bump maps and horrible stencil shadows.

The low-poly models normal mapped to hell (maybe a pun intended) don't do it for me either

Hopefully it'll play alright....for the people that play it!
Can't say that I'm impressed personally, maybe it will look better in action? Not excited at all :upstare:
This is one of the games that I had the pleasure of seeing played live when I went to E3. The opening cutscene of the game is amazing and gruesome.

The gameplay stresses the concept of all out war. There was one particular part of the demo that had me floored. I'll put spoiler tags around it just in case someone hasn't figured out what happens to you in the game.

In one sequence, you're captured by the Strogg. When you wake up, you discover that your strapped down into a moving chair. As you move down the dark tunnels and corridoors, you see other humans being chopped up and turned into Strogg infantry. Then, it's your turn. A big ass spike comes down and is thrust into your chest. Next, big saw blades come down and hack off your appendages, replacing them with mechanical arms and legs. Half way through the mind altering process, the facility gets raided by Rhino Squad. They soon find out you're a former squad member and thus ends the sequence.
Murray_H said:
The low-poly models normal mapped to hell (maybe a pun intended) don't do it for me either

Hopefully it'll play alright....for the people that play it!

I'd like to see your computer run the game smoothly with higher res textures and higher polygon counts. For the time being, some sacrifices have to be made.

Besides, the action is so fast and intense that you won't really have the chance to get that close to see every little detail.

It does look awesome in motion.
Pesmerga said:
Sweet, Doom III with new guns!!

Don't forget:

New enemies
Better enemy and squad AI
New sprawling outdoor locations
New Strogg designed architecture(indoors)
New Special Effects
New Squad Based Gameplay
The addition of drivable vehicles

So, yeah it's just like DOOM 3.
And just like Quake II, your character actually has a name.
(In Quake II, you were Bitterman)

I'm playing Doom3 at the moment, and to be honest, these screens look EXACTLY the same, just with the Demons replaced with... "things", and the marine replaced with a squad. I really like Doom3, but I think I'll hate Quake4, just because I hate everything about Quake except the engine (because lots of decent games run on that there engine).

And Quake wars... looks like BF2 set in the future... on the Doom3 engine. If you actually watch some of the videos, it really doesn't look that impressive. I'm reasonably interested in it though- I mean I loved Planetside (until I realised I was assaulting the exact same bases over and over again), and QW looks similiar.
I will like to hav a monitor so big as the screens
Suicide42 said:

I'm playing Doom3 at the moment, and to be honest, these screens look EXACTLY the same, just with the Demons replaced with... "things", and the marine replaced with a squad. I really like Doom3, but I think I'll hate Quake4, just because I hate everything about Quake except the engine (because lots of decent games run on that there engine).

Half-Life runs off the Quake 2 engine :D
Game looks rather exciting, although Im looking forward to prey more. QW looks very good!

I think this game will be cut short by the unreal 3 gameing aura next year...

Half-Life runs off the Quake 2 engine

I think it was the Quake 1 engine, with multiple enhancements including some of the ones included in quake 2 :)
Half-Life 2 still does have some Quake1 guts in it too btw...

You can tell because it has the same NULL textured used in Quake1 is one way, and John Carmack even said so in his blog.

Anyways Quake4 looks awesome :D I know the guys at Raven will do a good job!

Now multiplayer... that will make it even better... Quake3 with the new graphics? Wooteh!

I'm sick of people saying "Quake4? Maybe Doom 3.5" because you haven't played it, you are restricting your opinion to a few screenshots, and you just keep looking at the engine instead of the game, which is what things are about now-a-days but people tend to think "Better engine, better graphics, better game!" which is just horribly wrong thinking. Graphics merely contribute to the game, not make-up the game. (btw, when I say 'you' I mean people who say the Doom3.5 comment)

Anyways I'm sure this game will be a hit :D
And Quake wars... looks like BF2 set in the future... on the Doom3 engine. If you actually watch some of the videos, it really doesn't look that impressive. I'm reasonably interested in it though- I mean I loved Planetside (until I realised I was assaulting the exact same bases over and over again), and QW looks similiar.

...ever played Enemy Territory? :p
Suicide42 said:

Should I have :o

yes most definately yes ...it's like bf2 without the vehicles, plus better classes, plus objectives ......plus it's FREE
Some people say that enemy territory is one of the most balanced online games ever...
well not if you've been on the receiving end of a panzershreck/mortar fire
satch919 said:
Don't forget:

New enemies
Better enemy and squad AI
New sprawling outdoor locations
New Strogg designed architecture(indoors)
New Special Effects
New Squad Based Gameplay
The addition of drivable vehicles

So, yeah it's just like DOOM 3.

Well of course there is new enemies and different architecture, but the graphics pretty much look the same (blah blah hardware improvements whatever, looks the same to me) and I didn't see anything with effects that looked all that amazing. Squad based gameplay sounds fun, but you could say that HL2 had squad based gameplay which was you just having civilians follow you around.
Doom3 never had large outdoors environments you could walk through. Sure there was a sequence where you walked outside, but there wasn't much going on out there. Tram ride had very limiting views.

Oh, and they are using Doom3 engine... Unfortunately that engine has a really distinct style to it, that just screams "Doom3!!", so hopefully Raven will show just how cool Quake4 is soon enough (QuakeCon)

OH, and Enemy Territory rocks! Anybody who hasn't played it, should be taken out back and beaten with Munro.
You'll all buy the damn game, or at least play it. And I bet, secretly, you'll know it exceeded your expectations. But you won't tell anyone. Which is fine. I'll still know :D
I was prepared to be extremely impressed, but clicking on the first screenshot, this is what I saw: (check attachment) For some reason, it reminds me of Star Fox on the Super Nintendo.

Such huge shots really bring out the flaws in the Doom 3 Engine, and after seeing Unreal 3, these shots seem all the more unimpressive. Of course, I was never really impressed with Doom 3's graphics either.


  • SuperNintendo.JPG
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I dont understand why everyone is saying that is going to be like doom3 even if is not the same developer

the same whit prey
Narcolepsy said:
I was prepared to be extremely impressed, but clicking on the first screenshot, this is what I saw: (check attachment) For some reason, it reminds me of Star Fox on the Super Nintendo.

Such huge shots really bring out the flaws in the Doom 3 Engine, and after seeing Unreal 3, these shots seem all the more unimpressive. Of course, I was never really impressed with Doom 3's graphics either.

Yeah that was the first thing I noticed too :laugh:
UE3 shadows or no shadows tbh.

Stencil shadows look waff.
Damn the spoiled youth of today...
And their need for heart-stopping graphics.