Sweet baby jebus!! ...hi-res Quake screens

Shakermaker said:
I'm actually looking forward more to Quake Wars than Quake IV. That game looks awesome. And I'll prolly be bored with Battlefield 2 when ET:QW comes out.
Same. So far, unlike even PREY, Quake IV still continues to remind me too much of D3's style.
xlucidx said:
Damn the spoiled youth of today...
And their need for heart-stopping graphics.


Seriously guys, graphics do not make the game! They merely contribute to the game...

Doom3 engine has taken a step forward that UE3 hasn't taken... 100% unified real-time dynamic lighting... Nothing is pre-shadowed (in UE3, building shadows aren't dynamic), and Carmack knows that the engine doesn't simulate the penumbra (which is what makes shadows "fuzzy"... right now Doom3 only shows the Umbra which is the hard interior of a shadow.. The penumbra is what goes from the hard shadow and fade to light)... If I remember right, at 2004 QuakeCon Carmack said in his next engine, he would include the Penumbra, so that would make his engine, once-again the most technologically advanced in terms of lighting/shadowing (which if you ask movie directors, is a key part in every scene).