"Swine Flu" appears, quickly spreads to US.

Have to agree to the panic thing. People are ****ing sheep that have and will go completely batshit insane over this if they are allowed

Yeah, this shit is probably gonna spread like Chlamydia on Woodstock, but quite few people will die from it.
is this worse than the SARS thing that happened a few years ago?
Blizzard laughs in the face of the americas plight.


The only thing im worried about is the lack of doomsday newspaper headlines today. Trust them to miss the possible pandemic when it actually rears its head. I'd concede that such fear-mongering can have its purpose, mind:

is this worse than the SARS thing that happened a few years ago?
From what I've inferred from a little reading this evening, not yet. SARS had potential to be a real problem, but fizzled out (too high a mortality rate? Need citation.) This has the potential to be a lot worse, but the numbers are yet too low.

Note: 'potential' does not mean 'wolf!'.
Hopefully enough young people will die that the survivors will have an easier time finding a job.

I want the light blue one, but I still need to finish my Will. Who wants my games?? who wants my Tv?? who wants my porn??
But I just got this job, I don't want to die :(

when you die you don't really die. there is more bacteria in your body than human cells and you'll just morph one day into something else. it may take hundreds or thousands of years but you make one day wake up in the future
I don't want to wake up until we have flying nuclear 1080p female sex robots.
I think i'll wait until i'm laying in a puddle of my own death to freak out about this.
anyone else feeling normal about this? SARS hit and I was scared and shit. Now this hits and I'm like Meh
Would you say your life has been "meh", lately?
If shit comes to ****, I'm going to some decently underpopulated spot in Canada.
You should all stop crying... its not H5N1.
We're save (atleast here) for now.

I'll run off to the valleys and hide in a coal mine if worst comes to worst :miner:
I heard on the news that the only deaths associated with this virus are in Mexico.
I was gonna' be all like "u ain't round for long d00d"

But, like.

Er, do you even understand what the difference is? :dozey:
Well i dont study it, but i spoke to someone about it who studied it for a few months on a internship.
You can survive H1N1, youre lucky if you survive H5N1.
Although get H5N1 through other humans (yet), its gonna get ugly once it does.

"Mar 2, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – Studies published today confirm that influenza A/H1N1 viruses have become widely resistant to oseltamivir (Tamiflu), the leading flu drug, without losing their ability to make people sick—thereby underlining the need for new antiviral drugs."


But Ive heard that people to have the flu outside of Mexico are responding well to treatment.
Firstly the H and N types just refer to 'subspecies' of influenza, it doesn't necessarily say anything about the specific strains.

The H5N1 which you are referring to seems to have a higher mortality rate than this H1N1 strain, but is less transmissible. We're also better prepared for it as we've had sufficient warning and it hasn't crossed the species barrier fully. Also it is more of a case of IF it crosses the species boundary than WHEN. Flu doesn't cross very easily from birds to humans, which makes it harder for bird flu to suddenly become a pandemic with little warning.Pigs acting as intermediates make it easier as they can catch both human and bird flu species, allowing them the opportunity to swap genes
The current H1N1 is more infectious in humans, meaning that it can mutate in humans as it spreads, adapting to us and our drugs faster than a less infectious flu with less propensity for infecting our species.
103 people have died during the past three days. While that's horrible, I can't help to think of how many have died of AIDS during those same days. 21000. How many speaks of them? Oh, that's right, they're just Africans.