swinging physbox


Dec 14, 2004
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i have a physbox resting on 2 planks over a rooftop. ther is a rope going from 1 of the planks to the physbox, the keyframe_rope is parented to the physbox.
the other plank is breakable and when broken the physbox swings down. i also have a phys_lengthconstraint so tht the physbox wont fall too far.

now when i test this out ingame; after swinging down, the physbox rests at a strange angle from the rope. it doesnt resting up and down(like it should) its at an angle.

anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening?

i tried change the rotation of the keyframe_rope but to no effect.
no its not a bridge, and iv seen this tutorial anyway.

the physbox is just attached to a rope at one end, and the problem is that when it is hanging from the rope it hangs at a strange angle when it should just be hanging straight down.
off centre

:farmer: yep i agree with sf-r.
is most probs phys_lenghtconstraint is off-center? :borg:
go to the topic "*custom map*elevator lifted by ropes" and download my map it will help you , u gota make "phys_ballsocket" entitys whitch will atatch booth ropes to these diffrent points insted of the objects orgin (the center) .
iv tried messing around with the ballsocket entity but i cant get it to work quite right. which objects should i attach to the ballsocket?
and do i have to make a physbox with a ballsocket attached like in your map?

thanks for the help
i just added a swinging physbox to the sdk_elevator map xD triggered by a button u shud check that out . posted it in the same topic