Switched to Firefox, but it hates HL2.net

Doing both actually increased my speed a lot. Instead of just doing one, its better to do both. So try out both of them at the same time, and tell me if you like it. :)
derek pm me the second one plz, so i can go home and do it later....

edit: send me both of them so i can bookmark the pages
Raziaar said:

EDIT: By the way, no other forums do this for me, just HL2.net
Firefox freezes for me too, just hl2.net. It's freeze for ~1.5-2 seconds then come back. I've started using IE for this reason (for hl2.net only)
Vigilante said:
Firefox freezes for me too, just hl2.net. It's freeze for ~1.5-2 seconds then come back. I've started using IE for this reason (for hl2.net only)
1.5-2 seconds is too long IMO. Using the Adblock extension is a great solution.