Symphony X - Paradise Lost


Dec 15, 2005
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Anybody here into the X? Their new album is excellent, I recommend it to any prog fans.
I'm going to get it. I'm a big fan of Dream Theater too. :D
I love Symphony X, but I was disappointed with Paradise Lost.

A much better prog-power metal release this year is Equilibrium, by the band Glory Opera. If you like Symphony X you absolutely MUST hear this band. Equilibrium is the best album I've heard this year, by far.
Never heard of them before. Have any links to their music? I'd be interested in listening.
Hey, thanks for uploading. Just out of curiosity, where did you find this band?
Hey, thanks for uploading. Just out of curiosity, where did you find this band?

I heard about them from a Dream Theater forums. They're too obscure to be sold anywhere on the internet that I can find (including Amazon), so I had to get the album by... other means. :|
Pretty solid-album if a little repetitive.
I did enjoy the song. I wasn't that impressed with the solos. (I practice three hours a day on my technique so it is hard to impress me :) )

It had some really neat rhythmic sections and the vocals remind me a lot of Olaf Hayer. (Vocalist for Luca Turilli)

If you are into progressive and power metal, you should check out Pyramaze.

Listen to 'Souls in Pain', I really love that track. I'm going to buy their album in a couple days.
I did enjoy the song. I wasn't that impressed with the solos. (I practice three hours a day on my technique so it is hard to impress me :)

I don't listen to Glory Opera for the solos. I listen to them for the melodies and epic nature of the songs... especially on the 25 minute centerpiece of the album. :D
I don't listen to Glory Opera for the solos. I listen to them for the melodies and epic nature of the songs... especially on the 25 minute centerpiece of the album. :D

I do, for the most part, as well. Solos to me, however, are the climatic point of a song, and if they aren't pulled off perfectly, I feel disappointed. I know it is weird, my ears are just picky. :P

this a great song - SYMPHONY X - Communion And The Oracle

Definitely, one of my favorites. :)
ah, I was wondering when they would have a new album out :)