Synchronized dates


Party Escort Bot
Aug 16, 2003
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I know what everyone says about the reliability of retail dates, but whenever 6+ retailers have the same release date something doesn't smell right. Gamestop, Ebgames, Amazon, CompUsa, Yahoo shopping, and Walmart all have HL2 being released on September 1st, 2004.
Roll on, 09/01/2004!
(or, for you European/non-American/whoever uses the dd/mm/yyyy format folks, 01/09/2004 :))
blahblahblah said:
What's happening on January 9? :dork:

My birthday will be 2 weeks away :)

I fixed it in my post for you :)
still not convinced til Valve actually decides to give a date..
9/1 seems like a reasonable date to me. If Valve ships the Gold disc to Vivendi in August then early September seems realistic.
FoB_Ed said:
9/1 seems like a reasonable date to me. If Valve ships the Gold disc to Vivendi in August then early September seems realistic.

i know...but u know how this place is.. one day late and pple here will be all over Valve.. and of course that can still happen even if Valve gives a date... but for some reason i think they don't want another September 30th fiasco.
1st September is a reasonable date - that's why they have it.

The retailers no nothing more then we do. They will only know the release date for sure, when the release date has been officially announced.
:x That sucks, even if the date really is September 1st great yeah cool... atleast it isn't at the end of the year. But, September is when school STARTS!!! I don't want to be playing Half Life 2 while having to worry about school... then i'll play Hl2 too much, leaving school out. Grades drop, high school goes downhill and I turn out to work at Mcdonalds at the age 21 and up... my life's ruined. Please Valve think about our future and release Half Life 2 SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st september sounds pretty good to me, but that has nothing to do with retailers guesses.
Well since we think that halflife 2's release date is non offical... Where in the world did they get doom 3's seeing as activision and id have said nothing?
mayro said:
Well since we think that halflife 2's release date is non offical... Where in the world did they get doom 3's seeing as activision and id have said nothing?

Id could have easily already handed out review copies, most games do prior to an official gold announcement. That's why we saw Condition Zero reviews before it even went gold. Big games especially so the game can be hyped before it's launch and advertise with comments etc.
ailevation said:
:x That sucks, even if the date really is September 1st great yeah cool... atleast it isn't at the end of the year. But, September is when school STARTS!!! I don't want to be playing Half Life 2 while having to worry about school... then i'll play Hl2 too much, leaving school out. Grades drop, high school goes downhill and I turn out to work at Mcdonalds at the age 21 and up... my life's ruined. Please Valve think about our future and release Half Life 2 SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen to that.
Are you sure they are "Handing them out" still? Even with all the leakage?
Apparently iD are basically finished with the game, just some final localization to do. Activision know this and have passed the word onto EB games and Gamestop that they'll receive the gold master disc soon. Of course this is all from guys in forums who "HAVE CONTACTS" ROFL!!! For past false dates, Activision/iD have contacted them to change it, gamestop says it's "official", Activision hasn't told them to take that down. WHY? Well i can guess why....

Everyone's expecting a press release from iD in early July.

Just remember retailers do actually have contact with distributors and do know "stuff"
mayro said:
Are you sure they are "Handing them out" still? Even with all the leakage?

With the game so close to launch, it's no more dangerous then releasing the game itself. In fact the reason you see warez before a game launching is often from leaks. The game is still in a close / same form when it launches.

edit: I think it would be funny if the game was actually nowhere near release and the publishers just want pre-order money! and PC-GAMER has no info except how many pubes "the vede" grew in the last month as usual.
I thought videogames came out on Tuesdays? If so, it won't be Sep. 1st...
Why the hell do you put mm/dd/yyy it doesn't make any frigging sense!

I doubt we'll have a CZ repeat with Vivendi, it didn't exactly work out in their favour.
I think it's a best guess thing. I wouldn't read too much into dates until someone from Valve or whatever game company say something.

Valve/Gabe apparently have stated they will deliver the master disk in "august" so I think retailers are giving their guess-timate. Sept 1st or whenever that month is fair I would think depending on when/if Valve follow through with the august thing.

I don't think it's that they know more or less, but more their best guess on the info they have been given or have read.
Rupertvdb said:
Why the hell do you put mm/dd/yyy it doesn't make any frigging sense!

You know, even though I'm American, I've always wondered that too. Always seemed like, since the day would be the one thing to change the most often, why not have that first? Oh well :) We'll all figure it out anyway.