Synergy in creating a mod


Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
First of all I'm gonna state some things.

- I have a mod Idea
-I reaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllyyyyyy want to differentiate myself from a whole lote of other people that come up with Ideas in that I am very serious about completing this.
- So the big thing I want to focus on, in completiong of this mod, is team work.

which is what I'm asking advice on.

How do I synergize?

I have Ideas for the design, but those are irrelevant. If I try to define it too much there won't be too much room for discussion.

All I really want to say is that it will be tactical mecha Combat based.

The mech's will be more like GMs ( from gundam, thought it isn't neccesarily anime based, but it could be)

-and when I say tactical think Gundam meets CS.
Focus should be just as much on teamwork and strategy, as it is on action.
- I have this Idea much more defined, and I will introduce them if anyone is interested

The only other thing I want to say is that I'm really determined to incorporate a story based singe player experiance into this project as well, but again more on that later.

Okay Hopefully I can get this to work.
Surprisingly close!

How much support do you have for it?
Well though My design would be heavily reliant on the versitiliy of the mecha.

Interestingly enough I'm basing my plans on the whole Idea of having muliplayer being quick to get into, but in the same sense capable of being much more deeply involving.

In fact one Idea I had was to implement a sort of RPG like system. The way I'd figure is that you'd start out fighting with a basic mecha (I.E. not too fast/armored/or powerful) it wouldn't be the weakest thing, butprobably the least capable. As you fought more, the game would reward you with upgrades, bigger sheilds, larger swords, jetpacks, huge ass vulcans/lasers/missles.

Also you would have to make trade off's as to what upgrades you could install at a given time. It would be cool to make customization of one's machine reallyopen ended, but in the same sense there would be check's an balances.

Example would be if I made a mecha that was centered around have a huge sword(see the gundam inspiration). I'd probably be given a choice ( constrained by weight limits) to choose between having lot's of armor or a large jetpack. The armor would allow me to get in close by sustaining a lot of damage, but the jetpack would increase agility.

See where I'm going?

So if you wanted to play a quick game, you'd choose a more general configuration, but for more experiance and depth you'd have to coodinate a team that would play off each other's strengths and weaknesses.
You shouldn't do one based on Gundam, there's already one underway for HL2, they already got large parts of the story done, sounds, models etc.
neozero said:
- I have a mod Idea
-I reaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllyyyyyy want to differentiate myself from a whole lote of other people that come up with Ideas

Then all I can say is come up with an original idea, in the sea of clones thats gonna be your best bet I think.
Ladies and gentlemen, the award for "Over-used buzzword in reference to mod ideas" is........

<nervously opens envelope>


<cue applause, cheering and short mucis snippet as Tactical makes his way towards the stage>
<the crowd goes silent, a sharp squeak of feedback pierces the tension>

"Wow, I errr....I never really thought I'd make it in today's harsh world of mod making but, errr..... I guess I really have to thank, er, Counter-Strike. He, errrr, he's really opened the door for buzzwords like me."

<the crowd stays locked on Tactical as his eyes begin to well up>

"People think I'm something that comes easily, you know, like you can just say tactical and I'll be there, saving the day. But I'm a real hard worker you know. I don't come for free. People say I've been used too much recently, that everybody wants a piece of me."

<there is a nervous pause>

"which is why......

.... why I've decided to retire. "

<the crowd reels backwards in shock>

"They always say you should quit whilst you're ahead and I think now is the time for eveybody to stop using me. I'd like to thank all of my fans. Thank you. Good night, and god bless."

<the crowd writhes with the sound of chatter as nobody can believe that the buzzword 'Tactical' is finally hangin up his SAS boots>
<Sandra Bullock steps up to the mike>

"And now, the nomications for best newcomer...

...Psychotastic spanking....
...Joy-injected love parade...
...and anything which uses a 'K' instead of a 'C' to sound hard."

<the crowd bradishes a universal smile at the thought of such exciting new prospects about to be rewarded for their clear potential>

"and the winner is...."

TO BE CONTINUED (that's bollocks, it won't.)
The new winner is "Dynamic"

I swear, if I see that used in a mod description one more time....
PiMuRho said:
The new winner is "Dynamic"

I swear, if I see that used in a mod description one more time....
/me runs! :eek:

Modelling/Coding you say. To what standard?