Synths: The Combine Terror [Part 2] - ValveTime Database: Episode 11


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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It's Halloween! Instead of going out and having fun with your friends, join us as we pick up where we left off in our last episode by diving deep into the stories behind the rest of the Half-Life 2's monstrous synths - mysterious weaponised creatures that form the backbone of the Combine war machine! In this episode, we're examining the more unusual and less frequently seen Combine Synths, such as the Hunter, Advisor Pod, and even a few mysterious faces!

Don't forget to jump back to yesterday's Database episode to catch up on everything you may have missed. Once you're done, make sure you check out our previous Database episodes, to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and TwitchTV. Thanks for watching!
Hmm... if 314 refers to Earth... or our universe... what if, in each universe, pi calculated out differently? Differing physics, and whatnot. That would make for an easy way to index realities.

...or maybe not. Could something on a plane of existence with differing constants in mathematical law even travel to our cosmos?