System Requirement help



I used to play alotta pc games in the past and ive recently stopped playing hardcore and stick to some occasional xbox games. So Im goin to college and i got an apple laptop cuz ive always wanted to switch to mac and now i don't mind since i don't play games often. Sweet laptop, but now after seeing that E3 trailer im kicking myself in the face cuz i dunno if im gonna be able to run it. Question 1- Do they make a half life 2 version for mac?
Question 2- Can i run it with a ibook g4 @ 1.33 mhz, 512 ram, ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 with 32 ddr ram???? probobly not...but i dunno. If not, i have a pretty crappy pc at home, what are pc reqs? im freakin out here...why can't i grow up and get over gaming? hah
bizcochoman said:
I used to play alotta pc games in the past and ive recently stopped playing hardcore and stick to some occasional xbox games. So Im goin to college and i got an apple laptop cuz ive always wanted to switch to mac and now i don't mind since i don't play games often. Sweet laptop, but now after seeing that E3 trailer im kicking myself in the face cuz i dunno if im gonna be able to run it. Question 1- Do they make a half life 2 version for mac?
Question 2- Can i run it with a ibook g4 @ 1.33 mhz, 512 ram, ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 with 32 ddr ram???? probobly not...but i dunno. If not, i have a pretty crappy pc at home, what are pc reqs? im freakin out here...why can't i grow up and get over gaming? hah

don't know about a mac version but 32mb ddr video ram = crappy half life 2 slideshow
Fraid your out of luck, because I dont think Mac was in their plans.
SnowBall said:
Fraid your out of luck, because I dont think Mac was in their plans.

well there you go

guess your outta luck

might comfort you to know they are planning on a console version down the road though :D so don't get rid of your xbox anytime soon.
ROAR!!!!! oh well...****ing mac. I like it but...damn...that video kills me
Wait for HL2 to come out on XBOX - you DID bring that to college, right? HL2 on XBOX, IMO, will not be as graphically stellar as on the PC (a PC with all the bells and whistles), but will be HL2 nonetheless. Good luck in college!
The Hulk said:
Wait for HL2 to come out on XBOX - you DID bring that to college, right? HL2 on XBOX, IMO, will not be as graphically stellar as on the PC (a PC with all the bells and whistles), but will be HL2 nonetheless. Good luck in college!

also, pc fps have a notoriously bad reputation when porting to the consoles, especially in the controls department, but we'll see what happens.
ACLeroK212 said:
also, pc fps have a notoriously bad reputation when porting to the consoles, especially in the controls department, but we'll see what happens.

That too. I never played the first Half Life on XBOX, so don't know how that port was. I do know HALO is alright on XBOX, sucked on the PC (FPS).
ACLeroK212 said:
also, pc fps have a notoriously bad reputation when porting to the consoles, especially in the controls department, but we'll see what happens.
Except on xbox because the xbox controller kicks ass.
Foxtrot said:
Except on xbox because the xbox controller kicks ass.

I don't see how the XBox controller is any better than the GC controller, or the PS2 controller for that matter. They're all very similar
Shuzer said:
I don't see how the XBox controller is any better than the GC controller, or the PS2 controller for that matter. They're all very similar
The xbox controller has 2 joystick things, the GC does but it is horrible to use both and I don't think they are ever used(atleast not in any of the games I have played) and the PS2 controller just doesn't feel right, it is too symetrical which feels weird, atleast after using an xbox controller. And the xbox has more buttons you can reach without moving your thumbs or trigger fingers.
The Xbox S-controller is a heck of a lot more comfortable than the other controllers...
Posted on I think:

(Official) Minimum PC Specs:

1.2 Ghz Pentium
256 Mb RAM
DirectX 7 capable video card (64MB video memory recommended)
3.5 Gb hard-drive
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
Posted on I think:

(Official) Minimum PC Specs:

1.2 Ghz Pentium
256 Mb RAM
DirectX 7 capable video card (64MB video memory recommended)
3.5 Gb hard-drive

there are no "official" minimum pc specs out yet
In a way there are,
There was an interview with Doug Lombardi who told them thoes specs.

Also in the interview, He said there wern't any plans for a mac version.
Hazar Dakiri said:
In a way there are,
There was an interview with Doug Lombardi who told them thoes specs.

Also in the interview, He said there wern't any plans for a mac version.

well, i'd wait til the game is at least done before saying anythings final

not that it matters anyway, mac or not a 32mb graphics card isn't going to do this kid any good anyways
I am sorry to say, but a 32 meg video card will not run half-life 2. A mac version was in the works, but they gave up on that. I do not know why. but the best course of action would be to just get the xbox version. It is supposed to have medium graphics, with all of the physics and stuff. :)

and I belive it will have xbox live.
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
Posted on I think:

(Official) Minimum PC Specs:

1.2 Ghz Pentium
256 Mb RAM
DirectX 7 capable video card (64MB video memory recommended)
3.5 Gb hard-drive

did Doug or anyone from Valve mention the reccommended specs? i'd be interested to know those..
toss that mac out the window. besides i hear they got awesome gaming laptops that run games like doom 3 and farcry great, though they got a 3500 dollar price tag.
Is this good enough?

512 RAM

ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB

AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Xeni said:
Is this good enough?

512 RAM

ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128 MB

AMD Athlon XP 2800+

Yes, it will run Half-life 2 smoothly, but it might not be enough for high quality. However, I may be wrong.
killer916 said:
Yes, it will run Half-life 2 smoothly, but it might not be enough for high quality. However, I may be wrong.
I hope so. i want to see the g-man squirm