system requirements 4 hl2???

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Sep 29, 2003
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do u reckon that my pentium 433mhz with 64mb sdram and 8gb hard drive will be able to play half life 2? the first was ok.:afro:

i put the afro in coz it looked cool
put a 9800xt in it and you'll b playing at 400fps (no drops)
CPU is the main hit. You need a big one for this game.
damn, i thought my computer was fast. what if i steal my friends 5800 ultra??
Alot more RAM and a better CPU. And probably a better GFX card if your current one is in the same line as the rest of your system.
but what about the 5800 ultra, is that good, or old?
oh god man, i just wet myself while laughing at this..
If u wanna play it OK ull probably have to move up to a p4 2.4+, 512mb pc2700, another mobo to support new processor, and card such as the radeon 9500pro...

Dude, get a dell (hehe, no, dont, just build a system, but if ur desperate, dell got some deals..).
Originally posted by Rift
do u reckon that my pentium 433mhz with 64mb sdram and 8gb hard drive will be able to play half life 2? the first was ok.:afro:

i put the afro in coz it looked cool

Pentium 433 mhz - no
64MB SDRAM - no
8GB HDD - doubtful

Sounds like you need to do a full system upgrade to play this game. What is your video card?
really , need to upgrade? but i upgraded like 5 years ago! man this allways happens. Civilization 2 works.....
Originally posted by Rift
really , need to upgrade? but i upgraded like 5 years ago! man this allways happens. Civilization 2 works.....

Dude if thats your system specs, thats like over 4 or 5 years ago, I think you should just get a new computer, HL2 will knowingly destroy your hard drive, not to mention processor too.
here's what i use, and it will work;

amd xp2100+ (1.733ghz)
768 ddr

that'll do just fine, it'll be cheap too.
wow, so putting the 5800 ultra that my friend has (which i hear is pretty rare!!) wont help.
Originally posted by Rift
damn, i thought my computer was fast. what if i steal my friends 5800 ultra??

The GeForce FX series SUCKS.

If Half Life 2 will be your primary game for the next year or so, I suggest:

9500 Pro, 9600 Pro, 9600 XT, 9700 Pro, 9800 Pro, 9800XT

- ALL of these cards will be optimal for Half Life 2. Make sure if you do get one, you get the Original BUILT BY ATI cards.
I like Nvidia cards i think they are pretty!!
headcrabs are more powerful than ant lions anyway Netherscourge, you obviously dont know the game very well!
Originally posted by Rift
wow, so putting the 5800 ultra that my friend has (which i hear is pretty rare!!) wont help.

Rare my butt!! A video card won't help you pc no sir, it will mine though

AMD Athlon XP 2200+(1.8ghz)
512mb ddr ram
geforce 4 mx440

I am dropping the geforce and picking up the 9800XT hopefully during christmas, I need a massive video upgrade :p
i think this guys more confused than a blind lesbian at a fish market...:afro:
Originally posted by Netherscourge
The GeForce FX series SUCKS.

If Half Life 2 will be your primary game for the next year or so, I suggest:

9500 Pro, 9600 Pro, 9600 XT, 9700 Pro, 9800 Pro, 9800XT

- ALL of these cards will be optimal for Half Life 2. Make sure if you do get one, you get the Original BUILT BY ATI cards.
He's not asking about the optimal specs, he askes how much he'll need to upgrade to play HL2. Whether he wants an optimal performance is his choice, but optimal performance often means optimal prices.
well u guys have been a great help, thanks i might go and by a new computer tomorow, what about 800mhz? is that good? ive got about $8000 saved up?
is there a place around here where people like the fx series? coz i seem whimpy hiding in the shadows around the Ati people... i need more money!!! oh well, my 5800 ultra will do for now...
My 'Troll' Senses have just gone into overdrive....
stop trolling, this is a deffinate troll.. delete please.
Here is my system if you need a good idea.

It's not the top-o-the-line, but it'll run any game, inlcuding Half Life2, at full details with great FPS:

Athlon XP 3000/333 (2.18 ghz)
1 Gigabyte PC2700 DDR-Ram
Ati Radeon 9700 Pro (Catalyst 3.8 Drivers)
MSI KT4V-L MotherBoard, (1.9 BIOS) - onboard 5.1 Realtek Sound, LAN
Antec Performance Plus Tower Case
430 Watt Antec True-Power PSU
Maxtor 40 GB HDD, 7200 RPM with Indexing

That'll cost you around $600. Cheap for today's retailing standards and a high performance gaming machine
if you want you can have my 386. its bloody powerful...
Originally posted by Rift
well u guys have been a great help, thanks i might go and by a new computer tomorow, what about 800mhz? is that good? ive got about $8000 saved up?


Well shit, for $8000 you should wait for the new Pentium 4 Exteme PCs, with PCI Express. Half Life 2 won't be out for another 6 months, so wait for the Pentium 4 Extreme PCs.
i'll take your 386, give me your number and i'll give ya a call, about $3000?? fair price?
ill sell you my 456789011121314 for 2 pieced of moldy bread, think thats fair?
If we're going to post systemspecs...

Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2500+
MoBo: Asus A7V8X-X VIA KT400
RAM: 512MB DDR PC3200
GFX: Asus 128MB GeForce FX 5600
Maxtor 120GB HD

This cost me around $600, including a new case and optical mouse. But it was an upgrade and all parts were bought individually at the distributor, not at the shops (which takes around 15% of the normal price)

If you've got 8 grand, you'll be able to buy anything. Trust me.
umm.... are u being smart, i don't like smart people.
Originally posted by Rift
i'll take your 386, give me your number and i'll give ya a call, about $3000?? fair price?


I can't believe I wasted my time trying to help you out. I need to turn my troll radar back on.
ive got an old 88 bajillion. should do the trick. want it?
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