system requirements

thanks for the info about thermal grease blindvomit :)

Does anyone know any internet sites in the uk to get it from though?

Thanks :)
Sorry to ask another question as well but if possible could someone give me a very small step to step guide on how to put on the thermal grease/how much to use

thanks if possible
pires2077 said:
Sorry to ask another question as well but if possible could someone give me a very small step to step guide on how to put on the thermal grease/how much to use

thanks if possible

If you get Arctic Silver 5 (which I HIGHLY recommend you do) go here:

Make sure you read the instruction for the right type of cpu that you have.(AMD, P3 or P4 AMD64)
Cool! I'll look into it aswell...I've got a job now so I'm making money! :D

I hate when people know they have awesome computers, and ask WILL I BE ABLE TO RUN HL2? I DONT THINK SO... to get attention, i seriously hate newbs like that
A quick question, how do you measure case fans, diagnally or horizontally?
how much will having a crap load of ram help? ex: only having 128 vs 512
Gajdycz said:
how much will having a crap load of ram help? ex: only having 128 vs 512
The game will be slow and laggy for you with 128, with 512 it will be smooth, but depending on the rest of your system it might not matter.
The more ram the better, but after 1gig it won't make a difference because to my knowledge there aren't any games that use more than a gig of ram. So past 1gb is just overkill.
unless you're running multiple programs that tax your memory a lot....
Subatomic said:

I hate when people know they have awesome computers, and ask WILL I BE ABLE TO RUN HL2? I DONT THINK SO... to get attention, i seriously hate newbs like that

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you won't make it with that piece of shit. Might aswell hand it over to me...
dugly said:
unless you're running multiple programs that tax your memory a lot....

I don't think anyone will ever do that because;

1. Everyone wants to sqweeze out the most perfomance while playing HL2
2. Nobody wants to do ANYTHING but play HL2
I am worried about my comp not being able to run HL2... can anyone plz help.

2.8 Ghtz Intel P4
256 RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4200 128mb
Some_God said:
I am worried about my comp not being able to run HL2... can anyone plz help.

2.8 Ghtz Intel P4
256 RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4200 128mb

More ram and your good to go, minimum 512ddr, and later when you have more cash a new video card would be great.
blindvomit said:
A quick question, how do you measure case fans, diagnally or horizontally?

Doesn't matter, the fan itself is a circle. So just measure the fan blade.
Athlon XP 1900+
512Mb DDR (Dual)
Geforce 4 Ti 4200 128mb ddr (golden sample; gainward)

Should be enough for Hl2 ._.
Eventually i will buy a 9800 pro or something.
do you know how thirsty my car is?
I got no 80$ for 600mhz ^^
My comp:

Athlon XP 2600 OEM (266 FSB)
Geforce FX 5600 XT 128mb
60 gig HD
512mb RAM @ 333mhz

What do you guys think? will i be able to run HL2 ok?
Raptor6 said:
Geforce 4 Ti 4200 128mb ddr (golden sample; gainward)

A lot of people (including me) own this... it will run HL2 with some, but not all, effects HL2 has to offer. Me... well Ill put it on 800x600 on max settings... oooohhhh ahhhhhhh. :)

Do any of you in here know if i am able to play HL2 with these specs:

1000 Mhz
512 DDR ram
9500 PRO, 128 Mb

I'm not stupid with computer but I just got confused....
Ofcourse I'm not exspecting you to answer corect - we don't have the game yet...

Let me putt it in an other way: Will I NOT be able to play HL2 at all with system specs under the so fare given minimun specs??
The Thing said:
Well currently it's only ~$200. Pretty low now. Your processor might limit its capabilities (happened to me).

2.5 ghz processor
do you think thats good enought to run a 9800pro graphics card?
Kifpe said:

Do any of you in here know if i am able to play HL2 with these specs:

1000 Mhz
512 DDR ram
9500 PRO, 128 Mb

I'm not stupid with computer but I just got confused....
Ofcourse I'm not exspecting you to answer corect - we don't have the game yet...

Let me putt it in an other way: Will I NOT be able to play HL2 at all with system specs under the so fare given minimun specs??

Going by the minimum system specs they've given us so far, your processor is too slow. Your definitely going to want to upgrade that in the near future. Your video card is ok, but your probably going to want to upgrade that too. Another 512mb of ram wouldn't hurt either (altough you won't have problems with just 512).
512 MB Ram is the *RECOMMENDED* limit... So why get an expensive other 512?...
Dead-Inside said:
512 MB Ram is the *RECOMMENDED* limit... So why get an expensive other 512?...

because it's the least expensive way to get more performance out of your computer
Ok thanks :)

Oh, I know I have too upgrade, and I'm shure going to upgrade. I just got told that i couldn't play it with the specs I have now... But I'm going to upgrade soon :)
Adding another 512 mb to his computer won't get better performance. And yes, mark my words on that. Getting a new Motherboard would definently help (The one that ought to have come with the 1 ghz processor sucks by todays standards). But then you'd have to buy new 512 mb ram because your old would be too slow for your motherboard to optimize... :/.

What he should do is buy a new UpgradePackage (Processor/Motherboard/Ram in one) with either a 2.8-3.0 GHZ Pentium or an Athlon64 3000+ (2.2 ghz isn't it?) and 512 MB Ram in the package. (Look up or .yourcountryendinghere, they got upgrade packages, and they rule with prices).

Then, if he has some money over, he should get either a Sapphire 9800 Pro or XT, or an x800 series of the same.

Dead-Inside said:
Adding another 512 mb to his computer won't get better performance. And yes, mark my words on that. Getting a new Motherboard would definently help (The one that ought to have come with the 1 ghz processor sucks by todays standards). But then you'd have to buy new 512 mb ram because your old would be too slow for your motherboard to optimize... :/.

What he should do is buy a new UpgradePackage (Processor/Motherboard/Ram in one) with either a 2.8-3.0 GHZ Pentium or an Athlon64 3000+ (2.2 ghz isn't it?) and 512 MB Ram in the package. (Look up or .yourcountryendinghere, they got upgrade packages, and they rule with prices).

Then, if he has some money over, he should get either a Sapphire 9800 Pro or XT, or an x800 series of the same.


yes, obviously if he needs to upgrade his processor, he's most likely going to have to buy a new mobo anyways. i never said he had to buy another stick of ram either, his 512 will work fine, i said it wouldn't hurt to get another (this of course after he upgrades the other components). and your crazy if you don't think 1gb of ram doesn't perform better than 512mb. no it's not going to give you a noticable boost in fps or anything like rendering a game but you will definitely get an overall performance boost in running your computer.
... We were talking about running HL2 in an optimal way, and you suck.
More then 512 Ram is only good if you're working with 3d modeling programs or equivilent, who swallows massive ram.

You also didn't make *anything* clear to him. (You told him to get another stick of ram because it was good, not because it could be a good add-on when he had everything else... I mean, omg)

Anyway, **** it, I hope he's happy with whatever he gets.
Dead-Inside said:
... We were talking about running HL2 in an optimal way, and you suck.
More then 512 Ram is only good if you're working with 3d modeling programs or equivilent, who swallows massive ram.

You also didn't make *anything* clear to him. (You told him to get another stick of ram because it was good, not because it could be a good add-on when he had everything else... I mean, omg)

Anyway, **** it, I hope he's happy with whatever he gets.

You've established that he'll need a new processor, but another 512 mb of RAM can do wonders for any system, especially if he plans on using his comp for other things and other games too. I've talked to quite a few people who have gone from 512 to 1024 mb of RAM, and it's done their computer very well. Great performance jumps can be witnessed in games like Far Cry, and Doom 3 will also benefit. Not only will programs load faster, but games including Half-Life 2 will probably "chug" a lot less frequently after loading new levels.

To Kipfe - I would look at for an AMD cpu and a compatible mother board. AMD processors are better than intel for gaming. If you have the budget, i'd go with an AMD 64 3000+ and an ASUS "K8V" K8T800 mobo. With that setup you'll be set for your Half-Life 2 gaming needs. Although your vid card should run Half-Life 2 pretty well, consider upgrading to a Radeon 9800 Pro, as they are starting to get very cheap.
Dead-Inside said:
... We were talking about running HL2 in an optimal way, and you suck.
More then 512 Ram is only good if you're working with 3d modeling programs or equivilent, who swallows massive ram.

You also didn't make *anything* clear to him. (You told him to get another stick of ram because it was good, not because it could be a good add-on when he had everything else... I mean, omg)

Anyway, **** it, I hope he's happy with whatever he gets.

nowadays games can definately benefit by having 1 gig of ram, ie load times, and getting rid of initial stutter when starting a level.