System Requirments

Yeah Im planning to build a gaming PC on my budget of around 800$ here it is

AMD XP2600+ 2.13GHZ RETAIL BOX w/ FAN $140
MSI GF4 Ti4200-VTD8X 128MB DDR 8xAGP W/TV OUT / VIVO $189
80GIG (7200) Maxtor $111
256DDR 333 $48
18" ATX Case $49
Sony 52X CD-ROM $34
Panisonic Floppy Drive $14
Logitech optical wheel mouse $15

Woot yeah Im gunna run anything! way to expensive right now...GEforce FX 5200 sucks ass
Ok, i suggest you wait and save your money.
Originally posted by spitzfiya way to expensive right now...GEforce FX 5200 sucks ass

GeForce FX series in general sucks ass. ATi is teh new KING!! nVidia is gonn ahave to get their asses in gear if they wanna bridge the gap between them and ATi....
GeForce FX series in general sucks ass.
Anthraxxx, I couldn't have put it better myself :thumbs:

Anyone know if this system will run HL2 very well (obviously not on high detail, but will it run, period?):
AMD Athlon 850MHz
ATI Radeon 8500LE 128MB
Onboard sound

If it doesn't, I'm saving up $350 (1/4 of the way there! :E) to get:
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ 2.0GHz ($120)
512MB PC2700 DDR RAM ($100)
Some mobo with 8x AGP, sound, and a memory FSB that runs PC2700 DDR ($120)

Then it should run fine.

Off topic a bit, how long does it take Gabe to reply to an email? I sent him one a week ago...
Originally posted by stigmata
Anthraxxx, I couldn't have put it better myself :thumbs:

Anyone know if this system will run HL2 very well (obviously not on high detail, but will it run, period?):
AMD Athlon 850MHz
ATI Radeon 8500LE 128MB
Onboard sound

If it doesn't, I'm saving up $350 (1/4 of the way there! :E) to get:
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ 2.0GHz ($120)
512MB PC2700 DDR RAM ($100)
Some mobo with 8x AGP, sound, and a memory FSB that runs PC2700 DDR ($120)

Then it should run fine.

Off topic a bit, how long does it take Gabe to reply to an email? I sent him one a week ago...

I think you would be able to run it but either on low detail or at very low resolutions. I would recommend spending that $350 on a DX9 card instead if possible. A new processor might make only a small difference, and RAM probably won't matter that much at all.

If Gabe didn't reply in 1-2 days then he's probably not going to reply. Thats what I found out :(
And dont bother him over and over or else he'll never ever reply.. :(
lonederager you are so wrong.

A 8500le is fast enough in todays game to be bottlenecked by a processor of less than 1.5ghz. His processor is not good enough for physic intense sequences and his (lack of ) ram will create stutter from hard driver reading ( virtual memory ) The problem is not the videocard, its the processor and the ram and he must than change for a new motherboard wich kinda suck for him. A new videocard wont do anything good with a 850mhz processor, maybe 1-2 more fps and thats it
My specs are in my sig. As a matter of fact I just ordered the mobo/cpu/ram off the other day, it should all be here by friday or monday. I'm not too concerned about running HL2 2 with decent resolution/details now. :cheese:
Mine is not so high:
Intel Pentium 4-648 MAX-512mb DDR 333 1.8 Ghz
GF 4 TI 4200-DDR RAM 128
But jbscotchman has a lucky...
Bloody oath, i must have the worst system on the planet.
Duron 1000, GEforce 2 MX 100, 750 megs of SDRAM.
BLoody rich bastards....hmph
Fuzzy thats about the same as mine, 1Ghz Duron, Geforce 4 Ti 4200, 1Gb SDRAM and thats the best my student loan can buy untill the start of the new school year in september
My hardware:
P4 1.8ghz
geforce 3 Ti200
128 mb ram

i am very worried if hl2 will work or not :bonce:
Originally posted by Fuzzy
Bloody oath, i must have the worst system on the planet.
Duron 1000, GEforce 2 MX 100, 750 megs of SDRAM.
BLoody rich bastards....hmph

LOL! Actually man I'm not rich at all. I'm a single guy that works full time and lives on his own. It just so happens I got a DWI about a month ago so I got a loan from my bank to pay for it all. I borrowed a little more cash than I needed so I could upgrade.
heres my specs will hl2 run fine with maxed out details and effects with 1024 by 768 res.

p4 2.4 ghz fan cooled
512sd ram (kinda crapy)
radeon 9700 pro

somethings run kinda slow but its mostly just software stuff
plus reformatting can help that (gets rid of unnecisary processes and stuf)

but will it run okay...without reformat cause everythings running fine as it is just certain aps like ut2k3 sometimes get slowdown

WILL I BE FINE?? :dork:
You should be fine man. You've got plenty of cpu power, a great video card and plenty of ram.
A lot of you seem to be missing the point of halflife 2's level of detail system.

The point is as long as you have the recommended spec then it will run fine. The engine will automatically adjust the level of graphical detail while you play to maintain an optimum rate of frames per second. I think Gabe stated that it would be 60Hz. I assume you can override that setting but basically the detail on the textures and some of the advanced graphics might lose quality as you play and a lot happens on screen but you shouldn't get slowdown.

It's been a long time coming, games have always had a set detail and graphical level and the speed at which it is displayed is sacrificed as the machine struggles. It makes more sense to me for the graphics to lower in quality to maintain a constant framerate. Gearbox talked about a similar system on their version of CS:CZ before they were taken off the project.

I assume you have to pick a resolution and a prefered graphical level initially because no system will be able to alter resolution rapidly during gameplay. Valve seem to know what they are doing so hopefully the game will pick a decent set up for your hardware when you install it.

A built in benchmark tool which performs a similar function to 3dmark and then sets up your game settings dependant on the results would be good if people were willing to run it.
yeah, i know:p Not everyone with juicy system is rich. But,lets be honest here, im in highschool, and parents arent to keen on dolling out cash so i can make HL2 look sexy. So im in a bad situation.

The thing is getting a new processor and graphics card will involve getting a new MOBO as well. And wouldnt that mean that my SDRAM would no longer work with new boards? I hope im wrong abuot that:p


EDIT: Yeah i understand that Mojo, but its just im worried that because of the amazing looks of the game that my comp might be dragged down further than if it was a game with average looks. If you know what i mean. I can play BF with lowest graphics alright, and it runs ok, but im worried HL2 that it will take me down to some seriously crap graphics......i spose it shouldnt...:p
if one more person complains while having that kind of graphics card and 512 MB of ddr ram im going to f'ing flip out, i swear it pisses me off.. oh my computers so slow! and then they list some top of the line shizzle.. next person who says that i'm gonna bring my damn computer to their house while their gone, switch them both, and see how the **** they like running a low end system
Originally posted by jbscotchman
LOL! Actually man I'm not rich at all. I'm a single guy that works full time and lives on his own. It just so happens I got a DWI about a month ago so I got a loan from my bank to pay for it all. I borrowed a little more cash than I needed so I could upgrade.
A DWI? Where I'm from, that means "driving while intoxicated"! What does it mean to you?
My PC is P3 600 Mhz, 128 MB RAM and 16 MB tnt2 graphic card. Does it work HL2?
everyone have great computers .. well anyway i have p3 1 ghz 256 ram, gf2 mx 400 lol at least i hope 30 fps constantly

ender buy a geforce fx 5900 ultra it pwnz radeon for sure..
ok, i got a:
P3 1ghz
256 MB RAM
GeForce4 MX440-SE

Would it make a HUGE difference i a upgraded it to:

384 MB RAM
GeForce FX5200

(^^^^ best specs i can possibly get on my POS mobo)

or should i save up for a friggen year and get a:
AMD 2500+ Barton
512 RAM
RADEON 9500 Pro
hmmm with a 2.2ghz 512 ddr ram, geforce fx5600 anyone gonna guess wut my fps is gonna be??? im guessin with everything on high it will be about 60 :\
Dudes, is an XP2800+ enough for the recommended specs?
Originally posted by chris_3
hmmm with a 2.2ghz 512 ddr ram, geforce fx5600 anyone gonna guess wut my fps is gonna be??? im guessin with everything on high it will be about 60 :\
Why bother posting when your specs are so clearly going to be absolutely fine?
"Oh look at my great computer... Erm, but will I be able to run it with all settings maxed, at 1152x864 with 60fps? I'm really worried..."
Yeah, sure you are.
Sorry - too angry sounding.

AthlonXP 1600+, 256Mb DDR RAM, GF3 64Mb...
My mobo's running its max CPU speed at the moment so if I were to just upgrade the memory and gfx card would it be able to dealt with some beefier stuff or would it make more sense to simply buy a new PC?
Don't expect it to run it at higest details but I'm sure you'll be able to run it nice!