TA Spring!


Aug 14, 2003
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This is kind of an expansion to the "While we wait, anyone up for TA?" thread. There is a free (!) game called TA Spring out on the web. It is an open source program that is essentially Total Annihilation 3D. It's really good, the graphics rock, and it's the same old TA. I really think we should all get this and organize a game. The latest version is 0.51b and the full download is 50.2 MB. Currently there is no singleplayer. They plan to add it on in later versions, but they are trying to perfect the multiplayer now. You need Microsoft .NET 1.1 to play, so get that if you don't have it. Oh, and you can have up to 1000 units in this game. :naughty:
Here is the link to download:
Everyone get this game. NOW!!! it owns too much...
prob is, they are running out of players!!!! old TA gamers come now!
Runs like ass for me :(
Love the terrain deformation though.
Oh yesh. Gotta go download this.
it kicks ass. runs fine on my crappy pc. i want ppl to play with :(
i want HL2.net-ers!!!
its not the final release but its very good, theyre currently working on AI so people can have singleplayer games.
neptuneuk said:
its not the final release but its very good, theyre currently working on AI so people can have singleplayer games.
I'll download it and play you sometime if you want. Do you have to have the old Ta to play? ('im guessing no)