

Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
(Specifically, computer tablets)

Are they worth it?
Hells yeah.

I used mine for great works like V10 and HL:FLC.
It all comes down to how much you are going to use it... And even then, it's your opinion whether 200 dollars or probably more is worth that.

I use mine sparsely but I'm glad I have it when I do need it.

Plus it was a birthday present so I didn't need to spend anything :p
Just to point out, they're not ABSOLUTELY necessary.

Mechagodzilla sketched this in pencil on paper and then colored it in GIMP with a mouse (for a shelved mod project we were collaborating on):

Its not necessary, but once you start using it you will wonder how you ever did anything without it. It makes everything so much easier.
the gnomes have learned a new way to say hooray

Really? D:

On tablets: I was thinking of getting one, when I was small I used to draw a lot and wanted to pick it up again. What's the absolute minimum in terms of size to get for a tablet? Any recommendations?
I have a 6x8 graphire, it pwns. I may be getting a intuos 3 soon though... depending on how good I do in a certain contest.

*crosses fingers*
...always think these 'tablet' topics are about slate computers.
I'll probably use it more for colouring, but after seeing the quality of something I just scanned I have a feeling I'm going to be drawing direct into it as well.

Gotta do some research... is there, like, an lcd screen underneath the touch-screen/tablet like a DS? That would be cool. Like digital paper...

Eh, monies.
is there, like, an lcd screen underneath the touch-screen/tablet like a DS? That would be cool. Like digital paper....
Completely unnecessary. Looking at the screen while you draw feels completely natural. What your asking for is both useless and would cost way too ****ing much money, if it even exists.
if you're getting hired at massive black, investing in that might be useful, other than that, forget it
I bought a tablet for xmas, though it was an A6 one, I had some fun with it, but now I'm selling it, there's really no point for me yet, I find it easier to just sketch things by hand, scan and then colour via mouse.:)
Completely unnecessary. Looking at the screen while you draw feels completely natural. What your asking for is both useless and would cost way too ****ing much money, if it even exists.

Ok, ok, i get the point!
Have you ever used one Vegeta? Its much easier when you are drawing on the screen. And Yes, they do exist. In fact you can get laptops where the screen can be turned around and laid flat so you can draw directly on the image. Also, Wacom makes one.

Granted, the Cintiq is a professional tool... but if you deny the usefulness of it, then you have never used it.
i use a tiny 4x6 wacom for everything

works for me

between working on bigger wacoms in class and my tiny wacom at home. I prefer the tiny one. You don't have to move nearly as much to make the same gestures.
Have you ever used one Vegeta?
Yes I have (funnily enough, they had one on display at an electronics store I went to when on senior release, I immediately thought of this thread), and I find it annoying in the same manner that I do drawing on paper, a portion of the screen is obscured by my hand. If it feels just as good looking at the screen with NO obscuration, why would I shell out over two thousand dollars for something like that.
Its much easier when you are drawing on the screen. And Yes, they do exist. In fact you can get laptops where the screen can be turned around and laid flat so you can draw directly on the image. Also, Wacom makes one.

Granted, the Cintiq is a professional tool... but if you deny the usefulness of it, then you have never used it.
Great, $2,500. Completely unnecessary for him, which is what he asked. It has a few good points, in that you can work a bit "faster" I suppose, but with the drawback of not being able to see a large portion of the screen while your bloody wrist and hand is right in they way, I say spending that much more money is like paying 50 bucks for a candy bar that comes with a free toothbrush.
Well of course its overkill for a hobbyist, im just arguing against your statement that its useless. I find it much more intuitive to draw directly on the screen. You dont really need to see whats under your hand anyways, because thats not where your pen is going.


Skip to about 1:30
That was pretty cool.

But it's true, i won't need/can't afford a tablet like that. Anyway, go back to sharing your experiences with tablets and debating as to whether they're worth it or not.
You dont really need to see whats under your hand anyways, because thats not where your pen is going.
Ok, I'm right handed. I place my pencil on the paper, and I want to draw a line down to the bottom right connection to another point... My hand and wrist are in the way. I have to lift up to see where I'm heading.

Neat vid. I don't find it any different to draw while looking at the screen than drawing while looking at what I'm drawing on. I've already stated the drawback of that.

Guess it's different for other people.
Ok, I'm right handed. I place my pencil on the paper, and I want to draw a line down to the bottom right connection to another point... My hand and wrist are in the way. I have to lift up to see where I'm heading.

Yeah, it is different, I don't need to move my hand and wrists... I just draw.
I just got a second hand Graphire 4x5 for free... so the price was definately right! :E It was a total fluke find, and quite welcome as I'd been thinking about giving it a try.

It doesn't take long to get used to it, though I found I had to adjust my drawing technique, which was annoying. When I draw on paper, I often rotate the paper to make straight lines with my downstroke. Since there's a cord, I can't do that with the tablet, but I rotate the image as a cop-out. I don't like putting my elbow way up doing it that way.

The biggest hurdle is probably the lack of tactile sensation. I find it much harder to draw nice freehand parallel lines, as my hand seems to wander off on an angle and the pen glides without any effort.

I'd definately like a larger tablet in the future, as any small instability in your hand translates into noticable variation in your lines. If I could afford it, I'd definately want a Cintiq... drawing that way is much more natural. Or maybe I'll just go back to scanning paper.
Ok, I'm right handed. I place my pencil on the paper, and I want to draw a line down to the bottom right connection to another point... My hand and wrist are in the way. I have to lift up to see where I'm heading.

Neat vid. I don't find it any different to draw while looking at the screen than drawing while looking at what I'm drawing on. I've already stated the drawback of that.

Guess it's different for other people.

Pfft, who EVER draws to the right?!

Yeah, i suppose its more of a preference thing than anything else. I find it more natural to draw on top of the image. Maybe its because I have drawn on paper for most of my life, you could say I grew up on it, and then moved to digital. Have you done more digital work or pencil and paper? It might explain why we differ.