Tactical Stigma


Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Okay remember when I told you about my mod Idea which revolved around quote "tactical mech combat"

Well that invoked a general stigma.

I'd just like to wonder why this was so taboo to you, and any commentary that could help improve my Idea(s), even if they're just speculations at this moment.

First though I'd like to redfine what I was going for in that description.

When I look at "true" tactical based shooters ( CS, rainbow six, etc.) I don't see the fact that they're trying to acheive realism, I look at how succesful gameplay requires more than just blunt shooting,but actual strategy.

So no I don't want to make mechs that are carring 40 foot long mp5's, I'd want to make mechs that can have different strengths and weakness per player. Therefore, optimally a team effort would be required to have obtain vitory. Also note that this style of design would allow for greater replay value since there would be multiple ways to play. It's not a very new concept.

Anyway any crits/discussions would be nice.
My guess would be that it's just that 'giant mech fights' take quite a high ranking in the "Mods wot r bein dun" listings...
1/ Terrorists vs. Counter Terrorists
2/ World War 2
3/ Mechs

It probably wasn't your idea as much as the fact that it contained 'mechs'. :)
Well see that's the thing. I couldn't find any mech based mods being made, and the only ones that have either good proof of concept or have been released (Orbit Wars:NeoCairo, Gundam Universe...) are basically giant armor "shoot fests".

I'm not going for that feel. I.E. Ground shaking, unstable, and hazardous to the health of any pedestrians that find themselves in one of its future footprints.

And yes I realize I'm being ambitions.
Sorry about that, I decided to change the answer, but if there are any mech based mods out there, could you please link to them or name them or something. I'd like to check them out.
Well, "mods wot r bein dun" don't really need webpages... or code... or models... or any work at all done for them. That's why I spelt it the way I did. :)
"Mods wot r bein dun" are the ones in the many posts that appear on this very forum... Someone sees a film, a game, a TV show or even another mod and thinks "I want to make that into a HL2 mod". 90% of these mods will probably never have any work at all done on them, but the sheer number of them jades people against the ideas.

There may be only 1 or 2 'mech' based mods out there that people are working on, but there've probably been upwards of 20 of them 'announced'.
BTW Pendragon, I finally learned how to smooth models, and did a quick once over on the mech I made. Not great, but it looks a lot better:
I missed a few spots, but they will only take a minute or two to do.
(sorry, not trying to hijack your thread neozero)
HL2.net is generally a rough, if not, rather relentless crowd. Staff are particularly persistent given their immunity. Nevertheless, one can only learn from criticisms.
Your idea was a good idea (from what I read so far), so if ur lovin' it, keep pluggin' it.
Staff don't have immunity :)

It's just that several of us have considerable experience in mod making, and if we can help someone avoid the major pitfalls, then we will.
PiMuRho said:
Staff don't have immunity :)

It's just that several of us have considerable experience in mod making, and if we can help someone avoid the major pitfalls, then we will.

You're right, bad word, though many carry about a certain air with them. Others have already gained notoriety henceforth.