TAG:2087 needs a Texture Artist


Jan 19, 2005
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TAG: 2087 - HL2 Mod in need of a Texture Artist


Hi, TAG: 2087 Tactical Accuracy Game is a mod for HL2 that has been in development for a few months now and has been building a very professional team. For more info on our mod you can check out our website at www.tag2087.moddb.com or you can contact me at [email protected] or here is the brief overview of our project.

TAG: 2087 Overview

Backstory: TAG is an old military exercise, once top secret. An ex-marine remembers taking part in this top secret training, he longs to compete in such a richly competitive game once again. In 2050 - when the world outlawed military force, and combined the remaining countries into a complex of ultra-cities in the safest areas possible - he got permission to develop a non lethal version of this exercise. It soon took off as the sport of choice for all ages in society.

It is now 2087, cities are reaching towards space on a totally sustainable planet. Living conditions are wonderful, but the population is concentrated in metropolises. boredom is rife and education is needless. Worlds of data can be implanted into anyones brain faster than a game of TAG! And so people of all ages look for ways to enjoy the open freedom of the old cites, left to decay and crumble.

The game is played by normal citizens in the old streets of these forgotten cities. Gangs of TAG players compete in non lehal games to settle disputes ( mostly about quantum theories). It is commonly accepted that a good TAG player possesses intelligence, speed, and incredible stamina. These factors are all present in PRO TAG players. Pro players have the job of entertaining the worlds population. Massive audiences watch their big screens as TAG players fight it out in amazingly simple, yet beautiful and precarious arenas. Some of them floating above waterfalls, some above forests and some on top of buildings miles in the sky! Players wear ultra strong padding which protects them from every aspect of TAG. This means that anyone who can afford the pads and guns is free to enjoy the game, whether Pro or not.

About PRO TAG: A popular spectator sport, TAG always tries to make its arenas extra special. No one but the players are allowed into an official arena, due to the huge cost of public services at this time in history. So a lot of them occur on the top of tall buildings and in often stunning locations. Filmed by automated robots, the precarious but beautiful arenas come to life on huge screens in people’s homes. TAG has captivated audiences all around the world with its non-violent, yet highly strategic gameplay. TAG brings teamplay together with personal skill to create a whole new breed of game.

Description: Imagine you are being shot from a distance, imagine then being allowed to teleport yourself to either a random or desired location to escape the gunfire. It is great to be allowed this. You may think its unfair on the other player, but that player must have Tagged you an allotted amount of times to allow you to warp! This means it is the same as if you have ‘died’ in a common FPS. So in fact, you have simply spawned again in another location as if you had died, but without a spawn timer. The twist on this of course is that you have a choice to Warp or not. You can stay in the position and allow your enemy to hit you many more times, which tests your judgment skills and your ability to escape gunfire. Do you run behind that barrel and fire back? Or do you warp to a safe place and recompose yourself? Maybe one of your team mates will Port the enemy who shot you, meaning there is no reason to Warp, and allowing you to continue playing there and then. Whatever you choose to do, your Tag points and your enemies Tag points will depend heavily on your choices. This means that the game is very tactical.

We are a serious team that is not going to go away. We are planning on seeing this project through to the end and continue to improve it once its released.

What we are looking for in a texture artist is for them to make the textures for the mappers in use for making the levels. These range from shiny metals, to tropical, to grassy fields, to stone, and whatever other locations the levels will be placed in. We are looking for the texture artist to be dedicated to getting content done in a timely manner. Please be mature and have some experience with making textures, HL2 texture making prefered. When submitting for the position please supply some previous work. If you would like to see some beginning brush work our mappers have done please just ask.

Again this is a none paying job, the whole TAG team is doing this for fun and experience, so if you are interested please contact me at [email protected] or through our forums at www.tag2087.moddb.com

Thanks again,