TAG: 2087 (Tactical Accuracy Game) needs a Concept Artist


Jan 19, 2005
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TAG: 2087 - HL2 Mod in need of a Concept Artist


Hi, TAG: 2087 Tactical Accuracy Game is a mod for HL2 that has just started development. For more info on our mod you can check out our website at www.tag2087.moddb.com or you can contact me at [email protected] or here is the brief overview of our project.

TAG: 2087 Overview

Story: Youre sitting in your locker room, your gear has just been strapped on and your weapon is fully recharged. The lights are dim and everything is quite except the muffled chants from the crowd above in the arena. Thoughts are racing through your head of the upcoming match. The pressure to perform knowing that people all around the world play in their own matches dreaming to be like you, a professional TAG player. You try to refocus on the match. The team strategy races through your head. The adrenaline is pumping, the sweat is staring already, you have played in hundreds of matches, but yet you still anticipate every second of every match. The roar or tens of thousands of people creeps back into your ears. You snap back into the locker room. You see your teammates strapping on their gear. One last thought races through your head, we must win. You get your teammates together to march out into the arena. As you walk down the corridor on the way to the arena the crowd grows louder with every step. Your teammates are hitting each other to get everyone pumped up. You reach the end of the tunnel and the crowd is deafening. The bright lights temporarily blind you as you walk into the arena with a heroes welcome. One task left before you…

About: A popular spectator sport, TAG always tries to make its arenas extra special. No one but the players are allowed into an official arena, due to the huge cost of public services at this time in history. So a lot of them occur on the top of tall buildings and in often stunning locations. Filmed by automated robots, the precarious but beautiful arenas come to life on huge screens in people’s homes. TAG has captivated audiences all around the world with its non-violent, yet highly strategic gameplay. TAG brings teamplay together with personal skill to create a whole new breed of game.

Description: Imagine you are being shot from a distance, imagine then being allowed to teleport yourself to either a random or desired location to escape the gunfire. It is wonderful to be allowed this. You may think its unfair on the other player, but that player must have Tagged you an allotted amount of times to allow you to warp! This means it is the same as if you have ‘died’ in a common FPS. So in fact, you have simply spawned again in another location as if you had died, but without a spawn timer. The twist on this of course is that you have a choice to Warp or not. You can stay in the position and allow your enemy to hit you many more times, which tests your judgment skills and your ability to escape gunfire. Do you run behind that barrel and fire back? Or do you warp to a safe place and recompose yourself? Maybe one of your team mates will Port the enemy who shot you, meaning there is no reason to Warp, and allowing you to continue playing there and then. Whatever you choose to do, your Tag points and your enemies Tag points will depend heavily on your choices. This means that the game is very tactical.

We are a serious team that is not going to go away. We are planning on seeing this project through to the end and continue to improve it once its released.

What we are looking for in a concept artist is for them to draw various things that we need. These range from weapons, to players, to level ideas, to referees and other images associated with gaming for TAG:2087. We are looking for the concept artist to be dedicated to getting content done in a timely manner. Please be mature and have some experience. When submitting for the position please supply some previous work.

Again this is a none paying job, the whole TAG team is doing this for fun, so if you are interested please contact me at [email protected] or through our forums at www.tag2087.moddb.com

Thanks again,
I like the concept, good luck!
concept seems cool kinda sounds like unreal tournament without all the blood-shed :p
I really like the concept, actually. Although, I'd say that you should handle getting hit like they do in "laser tag", with your gun deactivating for a moment, and becoming unhittable for a moment.

-Angry Lawyer
I kind of agree with AL. Unless, of course, you can explain how you propose who wins the game and who loses?

Love the concept though, and will definately be playing it when it comes out.
i so sorta like that idea, have to write it down in there so we can test it out see if it is something that works better.
you easily make a beta wit this idea just change some line of code * i think *
but its easier said than done.
the other idea with that is we have tossed around an idea of get enough tag points and you can buy upgrades. one upgrade could be your weapon causes the opponents to shut off for x seconds when hit. something along those lines. A lot of the things like that will have to be left to testing though.

On another note we are still looking for team members of any kind.