Tailgaiting tips?


May 25, 2003
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Ok so I was driving to school and was tailgated by this jerk driving with 3 of his friends in the car with blasting loud music (it was obvious he was trying to be cool and do 45-50 mph in a 15 mph school zone) so I kept speeding up and slowing down to piss him off. Funny thing is we ended up parking right next to each other. I never even looked at him, because I didn't want to say anything and get in a fistfight. But man I really hate when I'm doing the speed limit maybe 5 mph more and I got idiots tailgaiting me. Anyone have any tips to piss these assholes off?
Go really slow. They obviously want to get somewhere by going fast. Go the minimum speed limit or less. Hell it pisses me off going that slow but its worth it because I can't stop laughing at how much the guy behind me must be getting pissed off.
And this also happened another time at night, where this guy tailgated me and put his brights on, so I slowed down to about 10 mph (speed limit was 30) haha...too many idiots on the road, they need to learn how to drive. And another time the guy behind me was getting pissed and slapping his steering wheel like a baby...I was like dying of laughter
Brake check him if hes riding your ass. If he runs into you, its his own damn fault, following to closely. Make sure to get the cops there if you get hit when doing that. I generally brake check someone thats like sitting on my ass the whole time even when we are in passing zones and they have time to do it, annoying as hell.
What if they put a cap in your ass foo!
You don't actually have to brake, just touch the pedal to flash the lights. Most give up then already. If they don't, start breaking for real and slowing down. Don't let them pass you though.
Keep an Uzi nearby, when they drive past, show thoose foos!
First, hit your breaks ubruptly so they have to break suddenly as well (not so much to cause any wrecks of course... just to wake them up), to see if they get the hint that they're pissing you off and they need to back off.

If they still tailgate you, slow down and keep it that way until they back off... and then go back to your normal speed. If they tailgate you again, then do it again.

If they still tailgate you even while you're going super slow, then roll down your window and flick them off, breaking and speeding up alot to make sure they have to concentrate to tailgate you without hitting you. Eventually they're going to get tired of concentrating so much and either pass you or just deal with it.
I think I would get shot if I did anything like that here in Orlando. We recently got named angriest city in the nation. Plus, like a month before I moved in (about 7 months ago now) someone was killed with an AK47, and there have been a shit ton of murders on the news from here all the time.

I just get in another lane, that way I dont die and they tailgate someone else.
Wait till you are on a long straight section of road, turn on cruise control, open the sun roof, stand up and turn to face them, revealing that you are in fact totally naked.

It works every time.
Wait till you are on a long straight section of road, turn on cruise control, open the sun roof, stand up and turn to face them, revealing that you are in fact totally naked.

It works every time.

Might as well piss on their windshield as well. I mean, you are already naked, standing, and out the sun roof. What better way to prove that you are bat shit insane and not someone to mess with?
I love it when people tailgate me because I relish their anger when I slow down to five under the speed limit (as opposed to maybe 10 over, or whatever) and take my turns slowly and stuff
Touché. Although, Gremlins do not go that fast.

ahah you can't be serious.


Though, you are in Michigan, nothing would surprise me about that state in terms of cars.


Production: 1970½-1978

ahah you can't be serious.


Though, you are in Michigan, nothing would surprise me about that state in terms of cars.


Production: 1970½-1978


I was teasing him about his car (which I doubt is a Gremlin since no one drives that piece of shit anymore; insert humor). I chose the Gremlin because it's an old, ugly and slow car. And what about Michigan, lol? You kinda made yourself look like an ass.

oh. i drive a better car... albeit not much better

this is it, but mines a different color (beige, or something) and a little dented/scratched

I don't generally get tailgated. You'd have to be pretty damn impatient or in a really fast car to be tailgating me. At which point I'd just slow down a bit and let you pass.
I was teasing him about his car (which I doubt is a Gremlin since no one drives that piece of shit anymore; insert humor). I chose the Gremlin because it's an old, ugly and slow car. And what about Michigan, lol? You kinda made yourself look like an ass.


Detroit is the motor city, one of the greatest car places on Earth!

If someone is still driving a Gremlin in the Detroit (or just Michigan in general) area it wouldn't surprise me, due to all of the car fans in the State, surely there's a Gremlin fan. No offense was intended :(

oh. i drive a better car... albeit not much better

this is it, but mines a different color (beige, or something) and a little dented/scratched


Bring back memories of my brother's old 93 Camry, god we beat the crap out of the car. :LOL:
Detroit is the motor city, one of the greatest car places on Earth!

If someone is still driving a Gremlin in the Detroit (or just Michigan in general) area it wouldn't surprise me, due to all of the car fans in the State, surely there's a Gremlin fan. No offense was intended :(


Bring back memories of my brother's old 93 Camry, god we beat the crap out of the car. :LOL:

it beats the crap out of itself, i swear dents appear in it from time to time and i dont hit anything

and they're in weird places so its not like people are hitting me in the parking lot
Ok so I was driving to school and was tailgated by this jerk driving with 3 of his friends in the car with blasting loud music (it was obvious he was trying to be cool and do 45-50 mph in a 15 mph school zone) so I kept speeding up and slowing down to piss him off. Funny thing is we ended up parking right next to each other. I never even looked at him, because I didn't want to say anything and get in a fistfight. But man I really hate when I'm doing the speed limit maybe 5 mph more and I got idiots tailgaiting me. Anyone have any tips to piss these assholes off?

rig a button to trigger your break lights but not the breaks and scare the shit out of him by slamming it on. i wish you could do that!!
I'm gonna rig a super soaker filled with paint stripper to the back of my car, so if I fire it and someones to close, they get a new paint job
it beats the crap out of itself, i swear dents appear in it from time to time and i dont hit anything

and they're in weird places so its not like people are hitting me in the parking lot

emo car???

I don't get tailgated because I don't have a car! :p
I hate to bump an old thread, but the other day this guy tailgated me so I slowed down to piss him off...and he tried to pass me on a one lane street!! My friend was in the car and he was like "holy shit! Look at this guy!" I looked and saw this huge pickup truck trying to get around me on my right (curb) side. It just goes to show you how crazy people are on the roads. oh by the way I slammed on the gas and cut him off.
smart thing to do is just pull over and let him pass...

then tailgate him
smart thing to do is just pull over and let him pass...

then tailgate him

Yeah, It just goes to show you how crazy people are on the roads.

EDIT: Oh, damn you and your ninja edit.
rig a button to trigger your break lights but not the breaks and scare the shit out of him by slamming it on. i wish you could do that!!

haha, my buddy did that. A stupid ass girl was so ****ing close, so he turned the lights on and sped up. That lady looked like she was gonna shit herself.

And if you drive a stick, downshift without touching the brakes. funniest shit ever.
haha, my buddy did that. A stupid ass girl was so ****ing close, so he turned the lights on and sped up. That lady looked like she was gonna shit herself.

And if you drive a stick, downshift without touching the brakes. funniest shit ever.

YES!! And then when they try to pass, you floor it!!!
