take a look at world military budgets


some quotes on war

Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace. ~Charles Sumner

The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. ~Albert Einstein

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell

It'll be a great day when education gets all the money it wants and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy bombers. ~Author unknown, quoted in You Said a Mouthful edited by Ronald D. Fuchs

Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. ~John F. Kennedy, 1961

The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. ~David Friedman

The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. ~Omar Bradley

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech, American Society of Newspaper Editors, 16 April 1953

Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both. ~Abraham Flexner
Mechas are expensive... thats why Japan has a big military budget.

Interesting that Sweden has the largest budget in Scandianvia, I thought we didnt have an army :) (Or well... thats what the news tell you).
Absolutley disgusting to think that much money is spent on war (i.e. paranoia that someone else is going to attack you, invade you, take over you).

If all that money was spent elsewhere (3rd world), just imagine how much better off the world would be.

*pretends to be Michael Moore* "shame on you Mister Bush, shame on you!"
Majestic XII said:
Mechas are expensive... thats why Japan has a big military budget.

Interesting that Sweden has the largest budget in Scandianvia, I thought we didnt have an army :) (Or well... thats what the news tell you).
We don't :) Greenland could own our ass any day!
All that money spent on fighting guys with towels on their heads in caves.


seriously, The US government are all gun toating trigger happy guys. Isnt bush a memeber of a few gun clubs himself? :P.

*shakes fist at capitalists*,, lol. Im sure he doesnt mind spending that much money on a war, when he knows, or is atleast trying to make the rest of the world dependant on America in the future,. although thats how things seem to be going.

No offence to any of you guys, but Bush is looking like he wants the world to go where he is going, silly Blair's been promised things :dozey: . and it seems very much like world domination , enforcement strategies. :O based on some kind of twisted democracey. which really isnt a democracey anymore.
As said by gh0st alot of that budget is spent on the UN.

And America is one of the biggest countrys so they are going to spend more.
still the largest military budget to date, :P, or was Bush Senior still the holder of that record???
clarky003 said:
No offence to any of you guys, but Bush is looking like he wants the world to go where he is going, silly Blair's been promised things :dozey: . and it seems very much like world domination , enforcement strategies. :O based on some kind of twisted democracey. which really isnt a democracey anymore.
Well as I always say, I'd rather have Bush/U.S.A. ruling the entire planet than, let's be original, the Taliban regime.
Raziaar said:
Good, we don't want USA haters in our country, get the hell out. And stay out.
Yeah how dare someone question the actions of their own government :hmph:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Just because I disagree with how much emphasis is put on millitary in our country, dosent mean I dislike it. The beuty of the U.S. is I am entitled to my opinion and can fight for and campaign for people who might spend less on millitaristic thigns. Sad thing is most people disagree with how I feel. But in places like canada I believe there are more people willing to argue all different sides. again OPINION so dude please stop flaming everyone at every turn :X thank you dadelus I agree with you, he needs to stop.

You vomit about my country and basically say how much it sucks, and you live here... expecting me to be nice? I realize I was over the top, but its my opinion. I don't like peolpe who take shelter in the united states and say how much it sucks. Freedom of speech or not, those peolpe aren't americans in my eyes... and the title is only given to them by birthright.

As for the homer simpson "Try and Stop Us" T-shirt... I own one of those.
Dedalus said:

why do you always persist in starting flames? don't try to deny it. you do it in religious threads, and you do it in political/war related threads. just stop it. it's pathetic. and he's entitled to his opinion.

I don't make a habit out of starting flames. I express my view about the flames already in progress most of the time. The only thing I do it in political/war related thread is express my own opinion. I don't bash peoples religions in the religion thread... I bash the people bashing other's religions.
Alec_85 said:
Well as I always say, I'd rather have Bush/U.S.A. ruling the entire planet than, let's be original, the Taliban regime.

hehe, I can really see the Taliban ruling the world, :P. even though 9/11 was horrific, it was still an isolated incident in the US. Not to mention they wouldnt be tolerated by any other countries. So its a little unrealistic..

maybe it'll be alright. but world domination is a tad disturbing. especially when you go about it in a sneaky kind of way. using peoples beliefs and patriotism to strengthen the position that hes put the whole world in. really.

I just got a Hunch, that hes a dangerous man, in a different way. My main quarrel is hes runing the planet with his accelerating oil refinery schemes :hmph: :x
Raziaar said:
You vomit about my country and basically say how much it sucks, and you live here... expecting me to be nice? I realize I was over the top, but its my opinion. I don't like peolpe who take shelter in the united states and say how much it sucks. Freedom of speech or not, those peolpe aren't americans in my eyes... and the title is only given to them by birthright.
As for the homer simpson "Try and Stop Us" T-shirt... I own one of those.
I absolutely hate the "un-American" witch-hunt. If someone has issues with the government's decisions then it is one's right (some would say one's duty) to at least consider it rather than follow it blindly. It is perfectly possible and reasonable to love one's country but not the decisions made by those who run it. If you don't see that, and you comply, then that's how they can get away with passing repressive laws "in the interests of national security"
As for the homer simpson "Try and Stop Us" T-shirt... I own one of those.

typical, :P

I agree, but i wouldnt call it a witch hunt , more like another point of view, that gets dismissed to easily ? , a less biased view? ... well its just when patriotism gets in the way of rational decision , then its time to start rethinking about whats truely wright and wrong
el Chi said:
I absolutely hate the "un-American" witch-hunt. If someone has issues with the government's decisions then it is one's right (some would say one's duty) to at least consider it rather than follow it blindly. It is perfectly possible and reasonable to love one's country but not the decisions made by those who run it. If you don't see that, and you comply, then that's how they can get away with passing repressive laws "in the interests of national security"

When did I say anything about 'following it blindly'? I am one to believe that people can have doubtful views about the things their government is doing, but when you go so far as to say your country sucks, and you hate it so much you would like to move(which alot of people in the country say... but they never move), where is the pride there? That's not loving ones country, and being dissaproving of certain aspects of it... that's hating ones country <shrug>

Other countries would toss you in jail or kill you for slandering the government. America Doesn't.
Raziaar said:
Other countries would toss you in jail or kill you for slandering the government. America Doesn't.
Yes and incidentally those are the regimes this so-called War on Terror is targetting.
Raziaar your country doesnt suck.. :), America is still cool,, its just the image Bush is portraying to the rest of the world, that makes people interpret it like that.. Chill ;)

they wont toss you in jail, cause that might look a little suspicious dude (tossing hundreds of thousands of people in jail) , plus there isnt the capacity :P, :smoking: and they know that.
el Chi said:
Yes and incidentally those are the regimes this so-called War on Terror is targetting.

Where's the wrong in that? I think its wrong for a government to murder and assassinate and slaughter innocent civilians who don't like what the government is doing. Saddam's Regime did that in mass scale... tossed people into wood chippers feet first, and all kinds of other horrible, vile things.
thats idealistic talk, the regime was brutal, but uncomparable, manipulation on a mass scale can be just as devastating,,and enforcing democracey on another country, is medaling with affairs, but when you want world power, thats the way to do it.

because if they think they are making the world a safer place. they are living in a dream world, infact it seems to be making people more angry.
Raziaar said:
Where's the wrong in that? I think its wrong for a government to murder and assassinate and slaughter innocent civilians who don't like what the government is doing.
Very true. Although I'd contend that, simply because at least they're not being killed, imprisoning people for their beliefs is permissable.
Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia... Ring any bells?

EDIT Incidentally: Military spending as a % of GDP
US - 3.9
Germany - 1.5
UK - 2.4
France - 2.6
Italy - 1.9
Iraq - N/A
Israel - 8.7

Source: CIA world Factbook
el Chi said:
Very true. Although I'd contend that, simply because at least they're not being killed, imprisoning people for their beliefs is permissable.
Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia... Ring any bells?

EDIT Incidentally: Military spending as a % of GDP
US - 3.9
Germany - 1.5
UK - 2.4
France - 2.6
Italy - 1.9
Iraq - N/A
Israel - 8.7

Source: CIA world Factbook

Wow what a waste of money! If you spend more money on other aspects, things improve , you get more money a better way of life etc... i.e improve economy then next time round you have more money to spend on everything... to an extent.
war is a waste of money, apart from the world war which brought the US out of the depression but it doesnt work like that anymore.
Alec_85 said:
I'd worry more about Germany's budget than Japan's. They aren't allowed to have much of a military either. For obvious reasons. Anyone could do a lot of damage with 24.9 billion dollars. And Germany is known to be rather creative when it comes to warfare...
Woo woo! Here comes the news train! Seems like you missed the last half century!
There is no way whatsoever that Germany could be accused of still being an unstable, war-mongering nation and it's offensive to do so. They have become one of the richest economies in the world, one of the most active nations within the European Union and this is all due to their hard work, their cleverness and in the face of complete desolation. There is no way they can be forgiven for Nazi Germany, but that is so far in the past and people still have this stigma that the Third Reich will rise again; it is completely unfair and quite unjustified. At the end of WW2 they were, to be blunt, absolutely f*cked. They had crippling reparation debts, a country in ruins and a past to be ashamed of. But they managed to pull themselves out of that rut and relatively quickly at that. Yet still people ignore this grand achievement. Germany are an active world player and despite their importance as a nation on the world stage, the archaic system of the UN leaves them with little power (although perhaps that's a different issue). Perhaps you're right that there are still restrictions on Germany's military size, but if that's true then the world community will ignore them. And why? Because they are no longer appropriate.
Let's focus on the current "creative warfare" nations shall we?
Yugoslavia is going cheap, if anyone wants it...
Well said el Chi, well said!
/me cuddles Schroeder.

And, on topic: Spending that much money on weapons is SICK. Disgusting. Revolting.
We don't need more weapons. We need love! And fluffy rabbits! And italian pizzabakers in every city!
Seriously, it is sad to see that so much good money goes into something as useless as weapons :(
Raziaar said:
that's hating ones country

Wake up Super Patriot Of Righteousness!

The supposed ideals that you support dont exist in our goverment(they are at the least very rare).

The current administration doesnt give a shit about the Iraqi people.

Knights in shining armor Dont exist anymore.

Right and wrong....Black and white.They only exist in your head.

Welcome to the world.
Varg|Hund said:
Well said el Chi, well said!
* Varg|Hund cuddles Schroeder.

And, on topic: Spending that much money on weapons is SICK. Disgusting. Revolting.
We don't need more weapons. We need love! And fluffy rabbits! And italian pizzabakers in every city!
Seriously, it is sad to see that so much good money goes into something as useless as weapons :(

i agree with you to no end. :), :( but unfortunately there are alot of rich people in the weapons buisness. You stop them from making their deals , and they get very unhappy, very quick. Its all big buisness again, these are the kind of people that throw basic morals out the window for more money. Its a rut that our society has created.
Varg|Hund said:
Well said el Chi, well said!
* Varg|Hund cuddles Schroeder.

And, on topic: Spending that much money on weapons is SICK. Disgusting. Revolting.
We don't need more weapons. We need love! And fluffy rabbits! And italian pizzabakers in every city!
Seriously, it is sad to see that so much good money goes into something as useless as weapons :(

Very true. Think of what would happen if they sent all that money to build schools and stuff in Africa and stuff?

Part of the reason Japans budget is so high is due to the wages it pays its self defense forces. They are amongst the highest in the world (higher than an equivalent US soldier not in a combat zone) and Japan also has a very large navy. They also try to manufacture most of the equipment themselves, even if it just a copy of US equipment (they have just finished developing an aircraft that has the same capabilities as a late model F-16, even looks the same except slightly larger but is 4 times more expensive)
CrazyHarij said:
Very true. Think of what would happen if they sent all that money to build schools and stuff in Africa and stuff?
Schools? What? Are they like SCUDs? Cause if they are, I wanna get me one of those!
InsaneCow said:
Part of the reason Japans budget is so high is due to the wages it pays its self defense forces. They are amongst the highest in the world (higher than an equivalent US soldier not in a combat zone) and Japan also has a very large navy. They also try to manufacture most of the equipment themselves, even if it just a copy of US equipment (they have just finished developing an aircraft that has the same capabilities as a late model F-16, even looks the same except slightly larger but is 4 times more expensive)

Japanese navy.. seaman ship for love.. rofl
Varg|Hund said:
Well said el Chi, well said!
* Varg|Hund cuddles Schroeder.

And, on topic: Spending that much money on weapons is SICK. Disgusting. Revolting.
We don't need more weapons. We need love! And fluffy rabbits! And italian pizzabakers in every city!
Seriously, it is sad to see that so much good money goes into something as useless as weapons :(
What is sick is that you think peace will come all on its own.
Foxtrot said:
What is sick is that you think peace will come all on its own.

Thing is, it sure won't come after sending a shitload of fireworks into one single country.
Its funny because this is probably the first time in history where a significant portion of the population of the most advanced nations in the world is completely opposed to their military recieving so much money. I don't think there were many people in the Roman empire, Roman Republic, Athens, British Empire, Germany, France, and all of these other historically powerful nations that were against more money spent on military.

This doesn't have a point, its just an interesting observation.
crabcakes66 said:
Wake up Super Patriot Of Righteousness!

The supposed ideals that you support dont exist in our goverment(they are at the least very rare).

The current administration doesnt give a shit about the Iraqi people.

Knights in shining armor Dont exist anymore.

Right and wrong....Black and white.They only exist in your head.

Welcome to the world.
Of course, all that is in your opinion.
CrazyHarij said:
Thing is, it sure won't come after sending a shitload of fireworks into one single country.
Sure it will, no more army no more war.
Knights in shining armor Dont exist anymore.

Yeah they do! I saw one the other day! He had long flowing blonde hair... and... oh wait, that was a "I can't believe its not butter" Commercial. UGH!
According to a newspaper i read some weeks ago the iraq war will cost every family in USA about $4000. That's pretty amazing. Hooray for USA!