Taking Down Antlion Queen


Mar 6, 2005
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I am at the point in the "prison" where I have to jump down into this wide open room and the Antlion Queen comes through a door. I have to kill her (making friends doesnt appear to be an option). I know some posts say to side step her and let her bash herself against the walls a lot. I have 3 rockets and the launcher and have been shooting her with those (she does seem stunned by them for a moment. Then I resort to whatever weapon I can get out fast (shotgun etc), while running like hell. I would like to know has anyone taken her down with weapons and how? She is one tough beotch! ;) Any help is appreciated.

sign me...Ant Lion Queen Fodder
Thats the Antlion Guard D: you just gotta toss crap at it :D

Of if you're a REAL man, you jump ontop of it and crowbar it to death. PWNAGE.

I don't think I killed it ... I think I escaped through a hole in the wall that it couldnt fit through.
Nothing graet happens if you beat it so yo ucan run away, but I just fired all the shit I had at it.
You can run faster than the Guard so just keep moving. Get far away from it and shoot it as it runs toward you. When it gets too close, just run away again, real far, and shoot it as it comes towards you again. Rinse and repeat until it dies. It's pretty easy actually.
They've been one hit killed by a harpoon by a few people. I haven't done it because I'm just too lazy to carry it around.

All I did was throw a few barrels and nades. Didn't even touch me.
On easy? I'm playing on medium right now. I'm tempted to put it to easy difficulty. And what or where is the harpoon? :) The Antlion seems to catch up to me when I run....the turbo mode for run or whatever only lasts a little while. Oh well..try try again I guess... ;-)
German for man , mench , uber mench ( super man ) , soldat ( soldier ). Heh. Its ok just kill the darned antlion. Have some fun why run from a bunch of pixels ?
My fave way to kill it is to make it rin into the pillars then while its dazed smak it with crowbar and its actually quite a fast way to kill it i think it takes like 34 hits on medium...
Shens said:
They've been one hit killed by a harpoon by a few people. I haven't done it because I'm just too lazy to carry it around.

All I did was throw a few barrels and nades. Didn't even touch me.
harpoon?interesting,but havin to carry it all the way,you use the grav gun right to carry it?or is this some secret weapon i havent seen?

a good way is to shoot a rpg at the junk infront of the door that leads to the way out then just leg it and open the door,be careful not to get hit by a barrel as she likes to butt them at you :dozey: ,she actually got through the door once which scared the shit outta me,their weird head and sounds just unsettle me
Can you take down the Queen with your Antlions? You know, throw a pod, send down your Ants and finally drop down. Than, when the Queen comes, send your Ants to defeat her!
Nope. After you get the pods, Antlions don't appear anywhere when there's an Antlion Guard.
Recipe for Antlion Queen stew:

Take your antlion queen, and add the following ingredients, in this order.

Contact grenade
Contact grenade
Contact grenade

Serves 23, enjoy.
I thought it would explode if it ran into explosive barrels, it just flicked them into me obliterating me. :-\
on hard, i just launched rockets and chucked grenades.

after that, it only took a couple rounds of shotgun to kill it. You just have to sidestep when it charges.
I remember it was funny. It was standing near an exlosive barrel and I shot it to light it on fire and the danm thing hit it at me and blew the crap out of me!
that hole u talk of is in the far left corner, imediatly when you drop out of that hole in the window take a hard left and it hsould be in that corner. i didn't fight that basterd i ran
I first tossed everything in the room at it, if you are quick you can always evade its attacks. When I got sick of that, killing it with RPG and shotgun went pretty easy. Still I suggest you take some time and just kill it with MP7. You'll find enough ammo of that one, plus it has grenades, with which you can slay it pretty easy.
I didn't use any rockets on it and ended up using them on the snipers.
I used the pulse rifle. I'll admit rocket launcher works good and if you can afford to waste some rockets tohurt it a bit and then switch to pulse rifle, just keep firing both the bullets and the grenade orbs and it'll go down before you know it. You could also try to run away and get through the doors but there is a lot of stuff to move with the gravity gun and you better be real fast.
Is it the part where you hop down from a catwalk and you fight it in some locker/shower/bathroom? If so right before you hop down just head back and you'll see the guard just crouching there, because it spawns when you get close to the ledge! I simply shotgunned it to death.

If you're talking about the part where some overwatch troops bust open a door opening fire on it, just toss stuff at it, especially the barrels and get your shotgun ready. Use those overwatch bastards as decoy.
i jumped down not expecting much then saw a flying combine iwas like; WOW and he was like; UGGHHH and then the rest of them and me were like; DIE YOU S.O.B and then many shotgun rounds l8r it was like; URGGGh and then there was a bang as it hit the floor, then i was like; YAY IT'S DEAD then i went outside killed the zombie, with my triumphant glow i missed the door to go through the the walls started closing in and i was like; NOOO! and then i took my pills.
I played on hard second time around and found antlion guards quite difficult, mostly because they scare the shizzle outta me. In the prison ya gotta fight 2 of em, in the shower block, run through the holes and shit till ya get to a bigger room with a smaller U-shape shower thingy, if you can get it in there its easier to outrun it and shoot it. Second antlion guard is a bit easier, dont shoot the combine soldiers, let em damage da **** a bit then just use pillars as cover, i enjoy the second battle so much i quicksave before it and go back a few times... :D
Its pretty easy to beat even with hard level. Learn how to bunny in it(not neccessary with queenkill tho). I usually just stand still and shoot it, then when she charges in your case sprint left or right and continue shooting.
My way is to first use gravitygun and take those explosive barrels, shoot em to her. Then toss grenade in the ground, pick it with gravitygun and shoot it towards the queen and then just use what weapon I find useful, I go near the queen and shoot with 2ndary attack few times and voilá
I finally managed to kill it this way: I hopped down, it burst through the door, I hit it with a rocket, ran rocketed it.....ran and rocketed...then after some shooting and running I got up on the pile of debris blocking that double door and it couldnt get at me...so I just finished it off with shotgun shells. The one with the combine I did a similar thing..though the debris was in a corner I think. :D