tale of woe

Jun 13, 2003
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after spending about 2 hours learning how to make deatails with brushes my hammer crashed and me with no saves. oops, anyway MAX has an autosave feature that saves every three minutes or so. does hammer have a feature like this?
Yeah, just put up a clock on the wall behind your monitor and press CTRL-S every time the big hand passes a number.

Raeven0 said:
Yeah, just put up a clock on the wall behind your monitor and press CTRL-S every time the big hand passes a number.

I think he meens no. :O
A autosave feature would be nice although I don't care to press CTRL+S, I'm the save guy anyway I save after each operations. The feature I really want to see is Increment on save! Like if your map is bob.bsp, then it would save it as bob1.bsp then bob2.bsp and so on... like in Max.
Ti133700N said:
A autosave feature would be nice although I don't care to press CTRL+S, I'm the save guy anyway I save after each operations. The feature I really want to see is Increment on save! Like if your map is bob.bsp, then it would save it as bob1.bsp then bob2.bsp and so on... like in Max.
:thumbs: :cheers: :thumbs:
Would you use it if I make a program that saves your map at each n minutes with an increment on save option? I guess you would have to enter the base name of the file (like bob.bsp) then let the program run in the background and at each n minutes it would save/backup the map). What do you think?
I think you are showing your 1337ness again!!

That would fkn rock. I would imagine anyone who Hammers would apprecieate that.

I'm really good at saving stuff but every now and then I forget and will lose a crap load of changes on a crash. I will use it!

Have I ever told you how much your progs KICKASS. VtexGUI in particular. That program saves me so much time, I LOVE IT. thx again.
yeah thats precisely what i was hoping for. odd that they wouldn't include it in the software since it is a reallly handy feature.