Taser Death by RCMP

Everyone knows that there are good cops and bad cops, but the real scandal here is that the RCMP is defending those bastards and saying that "the video does not show enough evidence" and "We can't comment on that specific incident". They also tried to withhold the video for a year so that people would forget about it by the time it would be released. And now they are saying that an investigation will be made into the matter IN 2 YEARS. In Europe this kind of shit would cause protests.

They are even lying about why he was there. He wasn't there because he was some stupid hillbilly who couldn't find the exit route from luggage pickup. He was there because he was being interviewed for immigration and he had been waiting for 10 ****ing hours for his 2nd interview. The whole thing of him trying to leave and putting a chair in the door so it wouldn't close is also because he wanted to find his mother who was supposed to be waiting for him, but if he left the security zone to look for her the doors would close and he wouldn't be able to go back in to finish the interviewing. The whole time he didn't even have a translator to tell him what was going on and everyone assumed he was a ****ing Russian... I mean come on.

This is all besides the fact that when they tasered him he was standing in front of a table talking to them... I guess they thought the table was a weapon, and that his calmness meant that he was about to kill all 4 of them with his semi-automatic fists. The poor bastard even cleaned up for security when they told him to stop, too bad he didn't know that the police who he THOUGHT were there to help him (he called for them when he saw them walk by outside, "POLICIA! POLICIA!") were about to full his ass with 50000 volts of electricity THREE TIMES then sit on him until he died..
Yeah, the guy handed the tape to police and they said they couldn't give it back untill a year or two trying to cover it up, the guy took it to court and got his camera back. THIS is murder.
That's sickening, I hope those cops are severly disciplined. I actually watched a documentary on US policing a while ago. Two coppers said the tests they conduct for police have two fail standards, too low a score and you fail and you also fail if your intelligence is too high !:O

You should be looking into what kindof nut bars run the system.
Lass mich Elektroschockpistole, bruder!

(Can some German correct me please!)
It does not taze you?

Leave me to electrical shock pistol, brother!?
That's sickening, I hope those cops are severly disciplined. I actually watched a documentary on US policing a while ago. Two coppers said the tests they conduct for police have two fail standards, too low a score and you fail and you also fail if your intelligence is too high !:O

You should be looking into what kindof nut bars run the system.

what a load of BS. post a source.
what a load of BS. post a source.

WANTED: a few not-so-bright cops.

That is the official hiring policy in this former whaling village, where Police Department officials refused to grant Robert J. Jordan a job interview because they considered him to be too smart, then waged a three-year court fight to protect their right to favor mediocre applicants.

And won.
In 1996 Mr. Jordan scored 33 out of 50 on the exam, which is used by 40,000 employers across the country, including National Football League teams for potential draft choices. That was 6 points too high to qualify for an interview with the New London police.

Similar stuff happens here. I'm sorry if you happen to not believe or take offense to the idea, but being smart is sometimes a 'do not want' for police recruits because they are more easily moldable, and tend to obey orders better.

The documentary in the US was an investigation into alleged CIA drug trafficing, which at one point leads to questioning cops about their exams, they both confess some don't make it because they are 'too smart'.
Wow. What was he doing that required a taser versus brute force/pepper spray to be placed under arrest?

And what were they hitting him with when he was down? And where were they hitting him?
Am I seeing things or did that one cop poke him in the head with the baton a few times after he was restrained (dead)?
I saw that too! Was rather hard to tell where they were hitting him, but it looked like it.
Am I seeing things or did that one cop poke him in the head with the baton a few times after he was restrained (dead)?

I dont think he was. It does look like it a little, but it seemed he was trying to smash something on the ground (not his head).

I cant even tell what was going on after the guy fell. It looked like one of em started trying to do cpr.
You know there used to be a time when cops didn't have tasers and they weren't afraid of a tussle with a suspect. Nowadays, they're all just lazy mother****s who taze first then ask questions later.
This is just ****ing sick.
There is no excuse for bad cops good cops, those cops commited murder, there is no excuse. Not only did they commit murder, they obviously didn't file correct reports on the scene, tried to uphold a citizen from bringing this out, and downright tried to hide the situation. It's just wrong.

Similar stuff happens here. I'm sorry if you happen to not believe or take offense to the idea, but being smart is sometimes a 'do not want' for police recruits because they are more easily moldable, and tend to obey orders better.

The documentary in the US was an investigation into alleged CIA drug trafficing, which at one point leads to questioning cops about their exams, they both confess some don't make it because they are 'too smart'.

well that sucks :|
They are even lying about why he was there. He wasn't there because he was some stupid hillbilly who couldn't find the exit route from luggage pickup. He was there because he was being interviewed for immigration and he had been waiting for 10 ****ing hours for his 2nd interview. The whole thing of him trying to leave and putting a chair in the door so it wouldn't close is also because he wanted to find his mother who was supposed to be waiting for him, but if he left the security zone to look for her the doors would close and he wouldn't be able to go back in to finish the interviewing. The whole time he didn't even have a translator to tell him what was going on and everyone assumed he was a ****ing Russian... I mean come on.

Add that to the fact the bastards kept tasering him and then watched him die. ****ers.
Vancouver cops are corrupt? I dunno? They've beaten a few people pretty badly before. All I know is they're terrible at enforcing traffic laws.
I'm mighty relieved HL2.net has some sense*, what disturbs me most is the people who actually defend the police in instances like this.

There is a god-awful mentality floating around that says if you don't act like a perfect citizen at all times then you deserve what you get. It's beyond pathetic – what happened to the liberal tradition of civil and human rights?

And then there's the attitude of "Oh, we mustn't let those poor police officers get hurt!" IT'S THEIR JOB DAMNIT! Four strong, trained police officers can't deal with an upset, unarmed 40 year old without shooting 50,000 volts through him? Because he might have tried to hit them? Utterly contemptible.

*I take that back
This taser shit needs to stop. Tasers are meant to be used as an alternative to deadly force. He was standing still! ****ing Christ.

Wiki said:
According to TASER International, tasers are intended “to incapacitate dangerous, combative, or high-risk subjects who pose a risk to law enforcement officers, innocent citizens, or themselves”.

Wiki said:
Between June 2001 and June 2007, there were at least 245 cases of deaths of subjects soon after having been shocked using Tasers.
As a police officer in training, I would say that VERY EXCESSIVE force was used. He was being very cooperative by my standards.
I'm lost... can't hear a thing. Can someone explain what is happening?
Only in Canada.

yup, americans just shock everyone willy nilly while canadians just shock them dead, we're far more effective at dispensing deadly justice on polish travelers

..btw it's kinda in bad taste to use the death of a person as an opportunity to take a swipe at me
..btw it's kinda in bad taste to use the death of a person as an opportunity to take a swipe at me

I don't think he was taking a swipe at yah :) You're all good and grapes (got out of the habit of saying gravey, because ... I don't like liquid lard.)
oh ffs, everyone mind not getting involved? I cant say a goddam word without half a dozen people jumping in with their two cents ..well I really dont care whether you think it's justified or not, I obviously do or else I wouldnt have posted it
What's up with you Stern, you've gotten all fretful the last couple of days.

You thought that someone was "taking a swipe" at you, yet no one had mentioned you before you made that post. Care to explain that?
I dont need to explain anything ..look Monkey I like you, you're a nice guy but I really dont want to get into this