Taser to Officers "Don't Tase People in the Chest"

Jul 17, 2003
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Thanks TASER, - too little too late. Since the LAPD adopted taser usage deaths in custody have risen 600%


The maker of Taser stun guns is advising police officers to avoid shooting suspects in the chest with the 50,000-volt weapon, saying that it could pose an extremely low risk of an "adverse cardiac event."

The advisory, issued in an Oct. 12 training bulletin, is the first time that Taser International has suggested there is any risk of a cardiac arrest related to the discharge of its stun gun.

I highly doubt police departments will re-train all their officers on the use of tasers. So people will continue to be shocked to death. Another one happened here not that long ago.

Then they backtrack AGAIN and say

"Scottsdale-based Taser insisted that the revision admitted no risk of cardiac arrest and served only as risk-management advice for law enforcement."

So it either does or doesn't. It obviously can cause cardiac arrest and they NEED to relabel everyone's death certificate from "Excited Delirium" which is what they ALWAYS put for a taser death to avoid responsibility.


"Excited delirium is a controversial term used to explain deaths of individuals in police custody, in which the person being arrested or restrained shows some combination of agitation, violent or bizarre behavior, insensitivity to pain, elevated body temperature, or increased strength.[1] It has been listed as a cause of death by some medical examiners.[2][3]"

"It only appears as a cause of death where police are involved in restraining agitated individuals."

"The term has no formal medical recognition and is not recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders"
Yes, because officers can take careful aim of where they hit when a drunk is attacking them.
If someone is going to taser an old lady I don't think they're going to care about what a company says.
If someone is going to taser an old lady I don't think they're going to care about what a company says.

My point is that the entire deparments aren't going to care what a company says. The company doesn't even want to say that anyway- the tasers cause far more heart attacks than they are willing to admit. This is just pretty much because the facts have forced them to say it, and even then they are severely playing it down.
Oh yeah bro, that happens all the time.

I can post hundereds but here's a good cross sample. Taser abuse is rampant, and a good friend of mine has been on the receiving end of an uncalled for taser from police as well.





By the way what's up with CNN's love of blonde/greying haired blue eyed dudes? The guy filling in for Anderson Cooper looks like his long lost twin.
Well I'm not really arguing that cops occasionally abuse tasers, I'm just saying that characterizing all police officers as power-crazed, trigger-happy, ass holes is a little... stupid.
Well I'm not really arguing that cops occasionally abuse tasers, I'm just saying that characterizing all police officers as power-crazed, trigger-happy, ass holes is a little... stupid.

I'd say one out of every two. And no I'm not being an ass. It's that "I'M IN CHARGE" attitude that drives a lot of dumbasses to become cops.

I've met some pretty cool cops but I've met just as many assholes who love telling people what to do.

One time during a traffic stop where I was a passenger I tried to ask the officer something and was told "SHUT UP" (yelling) and waved his stick at me. I just prepared for a beating because he was in the stance and ready to go, I just assumed it was coming. Luckily it didn't, but overboard shit like that where they threaten you is very common here.

Same cop then ticketed me (passenger) because driver had a suspended license. When I asked him about the fine (usually with speeding tickets it has a chart with prices, but this one did not) and he just said "ITS GONNA BE A LOT" slammed my passenger door in my face (i was inside the car) and walked off.

It's that general attitude.

Like I said I'd peg it at 50% of them. Maybe 1 out of every 3, but that's pushing it honestly.
Well there's like 49 other states you might want to check out.
Well there's like 49 other states you might want to check out.

Anywhere I've been and had to deal with cops it's the same way.

Even in RURAL places.

I was on the reservation in Nevada for a pow wow there and late at night we went to chill party in a little mountain ridge way off from the town (the "town" has about a hundred people and the nearest grocery store is an hour away)

Well two cop cars come rolling up, - county sheriff rather than the tribal cops. The deputies- COMPLETE DICKS and ASSHOLES to us when interrogating for no reason and blinding us with flashlights in our face. Then out come the tribal police, who know us personally, they take the other deputies (who look younger anyway) aside and they're talking for a bit, then tribal cops we know say "Well have a good night and be safe" and they all leave.

I hate that attitude they give, it's disrespectful and unbecoming of a public servant. It's gotten so much more rampant and worse in the past years.
Look, what you have to understand about cops is that while, yes, a lot of them are dicks to begin with, most of them who aren't get spotlight syndrome. They see nothing but people breaking the law and doing bad things for 10 hours a day, but they're supposed to be cheery and nice to everyone they meet? I'm not justifying them being assholes because quite frankly it's not right. But it's important to understand where they're coming from, too.
Oh, also, that last post of mine wasn't meant to justify their tazer abuse, just their bad attitudes in general.
Look, what you have to understand about cops is that while, yes, a lot of them are dicks to begin with, most of them who aren't get spotlight syndrome. They see nothing but people breaking the law and doing bad things for 10 hours a day, but they're supposed to be cheery and nice to everyone they meet? I'm not justifying them being assholes because quite frankly it's not right. But it's important to understand where they're coming from, too.

Good point and also thanks for making a logical point rather than jumping on the "Cops r heroz!" bandwagon.

Yes that's true as well. I've seen more than a few cops who looked scared as hell. And no that's not a good thing and it doesn't make me feel empowered, that makes me scared that I might get shot or something.

That's an issue the department should handle with rotation shifts and proper management/training though. Most departments (at least in large cities) couldn't give two shits how people perceive the attitudes of their officers. They're not elected officials.
Maybe you should check out some other places. Seattle's cops are great. I've been speeding down the I-5 a few times, and I just inform them I'm from up the border and they let me off with a warning, because I'm not used to Miles or something...
It all depends on the time and place, but yes, a lot of areas are practically overrun with bad cops.
The police here are no longer allowed to carry fire arms instead they carry Tasers. Only the Armed Offender Squad (sort of like the SWAT) are allowed to. But there hasn't been much Taser related deaths.
Maybe you should check out some other places. Seattle's cops are great. I've been speeding down the I-5 a few times, and I just inform them I'm from up the border and they let me off with a warning, because I'm not used to Miles or something...
I'm not going to move just because of corrupt cops.

As for tickets it's because they know it's a waste of time to ticket you. Same goes for here for drivers with plates from Sonora etc. It's not worth ticketing because there's no threat if it goes unpaid.
I'm not going to move just because of corrupt cops.

As for tickets it's because they know it's a waste of time to ticket you. Same goes for here for drivers with plates from Sonora etc. It's not worth ticketing because there's no threat if it goes unpaid.

Well, if the legal system there is like the one here, you don't pay a ticket and a bench warrant gets issued. Get pulled over again next time you visit, you under arrest, sucka.
Well, if the legal system there is like the one here, you don't pay a ticket and a bench warrant gets issued. Get pulled over again next time you visit, you under arrest, sucka.

Yeah but he's out of state (and country). I have a traffic bench warrant in california but I never go there. I've been pulled over here numerous times and they don't arrest for the Cali warrant because it's just a stupid failure to signal lane change ticket.
All police department should discontinue their use of the taser after this announcement, because it opens them up to huge lawsuits. Sign of the times, I guess.
Well, is the abdomen ok? Because I can see people getting tased in their groins after an officer tries to aim for the legs but misses.
Look, what you have to understand about cops is that while, yes, a lot of them are dicks to begin with, most of them who aren't get spotlight syndrome. They see nothing but people breaking the law and doing bad things for 10 hours a day, but they're supposed to be cheery and nice to everyone they meet? I'm not justifying them being assholes because quite frankly it's not right. But it's important to understand where they're coming from, too.

How often do you have to deal with the police? Routine traffic stops don't count. Cops aren't just "assholes" in the personality sense. I could totally understand a cop being a total dick just because his job is hardcore. But being a total dick is different from using your power to **** with people who've done nothing wrong.

On a side note, since moving to SF, i've noticed that cops are ****ing awesome. They don't kick you out of spots for riding BMX, they don't give a **** if you smoke de ganja, they basically don't give a **** unless somebody is actually getting mistreated. A friend of mine told me a story where some tool got ticketed for smoking a cigarette in a BART station, and his buddy, who was smoking a joint right next to him, was just told to put it out.
How often do you have to deal with the police? Routine traffic stops don't count. Cops aren't just "assholes" in the personality sense. I could totally understand a cop being a total dick just because his job is hardcore. But being a total dick is different from using your power to **** with people who've done nothing wrong.
That's fine, but my post was in response to a post which was simply talking about cops being "DICKS and ASSHOLES."

Also, I believe you're insinuating that I don't deal with the cops outside of routine traffic stops. I live in a neighborhood where hearing gunshots is a bi-weekly occurence, so I deal with them my fair share, but it's very rarely on the recieving end of an accusation.
You know why? I don't break the ****ing law. Don't go around breaking the law and then accuse cops of being assholes for enforcing it.
That's fine, but my post was in response to a post which was simply talking about cops being "DICKS and ASSHOLES."

Also, I believe you're insinuating that I don't deal with the cops outside of routine traffic stops. I live in a neighborhood where hearing gunshots is a bi-weekly occurence, so I deal with them my fair share, but it's very rarely on the recieving end of an accusation.
You know why? I don't break the ****ing law. Don't go around breaking the law and then accuse cops of being assholes for enforcing it.

I'll admit, I only read the first few lines of your post and originally replied with "how often do you deal with cops?"

Then I read the rest and realized it wasn't just blind support for the police force, and edited my post accordingly. Didn't bother taking out the first line because I didn't think it was all that inflamatory, and I have no shame.
That's fine, but my post was in response to a post which was simply talking about cops being "DICKS and ASSHOLES."

I wouldn't at all say that's all I was saying. That "attitude" translates into action (and I dont just mean brutality)

Cops hold grudges and will use their power to give you a hard time, and just because people are cops doesn't mean they're in any way noble or respectable people. I'm barely 21 and I'm already seeing some very shady, prick, and manipulating douchebags that I went to school with become officers or go into criminal justice.